Super Orchard

Chapter 270 Cherry

Chapter 270 Cherry
The orchard in the east of Jinquan Village covers an area of ​​[-] mu, of which the southeast plot is about [-] mu. At this time, ordinary greenhouses have been built side by side on this vast field.

These greenhouses have been handed over to Weilong Technology Co., Ltd. for construction since early summer, and the construction has just been completed. These builders have moved to the west at this time, and continue to build greenhouses in the western orchard, which is even more empty here.

After Shen Guangguang planned the two greenhouses under construction in the western orchard, he began to plant fruit trees, because it happened to be the end of September, and the weather was neither too hot nor too cold, so it was a good time to plant fruit trees.

The [-]-acre greenhouse in the southeast plot was equally divided into two parts, each with [-] mu of land. Near the orange greenhouse, Shen Yangguang was going to plant cherries.

Like the fruit trees planted on a large scale before, cherries are also Rosaceae plants and belong to deciduous shrubs.

Deciduous plants show that cherry trees will shed their leaves before autumn, and will not grow branches and leaves until the next spring. This is also a common feature of plants in temperate or cold temperate zones. When winter comes, the leaves in the plant are reduced by falling leaves. Evaporation and nutrient consumption, safely through the cold winter.

Shrub plants indicate that this kind of plant is relatively short. This is true of cherries. The general height is more than two meters. Although there are also varieties of 30 to 30 meters, the tallest common fruit trees will not exceed six meters. The two [-]-meter-high fruit trees are in stark contrast.

Cherries are highly adaptable and can grow well at an average temperature of about ten degrees. When the lowest temperature drops to minus twenty degrees, the cherry trees will not freeze to death.

When the fruit bears fruit, the cherries are hung on the tree in bunches, depending on the variety, there are big and small, and the colors are also different, some are yellow, some are red.

The taste of cherries is sweet, slightly sour, and the fruit is slightly warm. It can benefit the spleen and stomach, nourish the liver and kidney, and has the effect of stopping diarrhea.

In addition, cherries can also adjust the middle and replenish qi and eliminate rheumatism, which is good for indigestion and rheumatic pain. Regular consumption of cherries can beautify the skin, make the skin rosy, tender and white, and remove wrinkles and spots.

There are many folk remedies for cherries in the folk to treat some intractable diseases, or to strengthen the body. These therapeutic methods include raw food, decocting, soaking in wine, or honey pickling, covering almost all kinds of methods. It can be seen that cherries Powerful therapeutic effect.

Cherries are rich in nutrients. In addition to a large amount of fructose, there are also citric acid, tartaric acid, carotene, vitamins, etc., as well as mineral elements such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus.

Among them, cherries are very rich in vitamins, and are recognized as the "king of natural vitamin C" and "fruit of life" in the world.

The iron content of cherries is also very rich. The iron content per 59 grams of cherries is as high as [-] mg, ranking first among all fruits! Because iron is an essential trace element for human hematopoiesis and a raw material for the synthesis of hemoglobin, so Cherries can relieve anemia, and it is more beneficial for women to eat more cherries.

It's just that no matter how delicious things are, you can't overdo it. Cherries are rich in iron, and the pulp and seeds contain a small amount of cyanide. If you eat too much, it may cause iron poisoning or cyanide poisoning, especially wild cherries. Contains more cyanide, so it is not advisable to eat more.

Cherries are native to the tropical regions of the Americas, and are suitable for growing in the tropics and subtropics, where there is plenty of sunshine and temperature. Cherry is a kind of fruit tree that is widely planted in the world. In addition to my country, it is also planted in large areas in North America, South America, Australia and Europe.

In China, cherries are mainly distributed in the central and northern regions. For example, in Northeast China, cherries are grown in the open air. This kind of fruit tree is a relatively cold-resistant plant.

For this kind of relatively cold-resistant fruit tree, Shen Yangguang had to plant it in a greenhouse, which seemed like a waste, but Shen Yangguang didn't think so, mainly because of the variety of cherries.

Each type of cherry tree has its own characteristics. For example, the cherries grown near the Northeast Province are very cold-resistant, and the fruit tastes good, but the fruit is almost not large, and can only be regarded as a small cherry.

The variety that Shen Yangguang wants to plant is big cherry. This kind of cherry fruit tree was cultivated in Zhao Chunqiu's research institute in recent years. The fruit is as big as a pigeon's egg, and the juice is rich and sweet. Compared with the expensive cherries, Whether it's appearance, size or taste, it's the same.

In fact, cherries are also a kind of cherries. Before that, Shen Yangguang thought they were two different species. It was not until he chatted with Zhao Chunqiu about this kind of big cherries that Shen Yangguang learned that cherries were one of them. cherry.

According to the classification of cherries, there are two types: big cherries and small cherries. At present, small cherries are commonly planted in China, but the fruit tree Shen Yangguang intends to plant is large cherries, which are basically not much different from cherries.

This kind of big cherry is big and delicious. The only disadvantage is that it is not cold-resistant. Although it does not have almost harsh requirements on the environment like tropical fruit trees, it also needs higher temperature and humidity.

Therefore, this kind of cherry tree has not formed a scale in the market since it was cultivated. The main reason is that almost all of the cherries in China are planted in the central and northern parts of the country, and it is difficult to meet the growth needs of this large cherry.

As for Shen Yangguang, there is no need to worry here. With this kind of glass-steel structure greenhouse, coupled with the automatic sprinkler irrigation system, and the strengthening of the diluted golden airflow, planting this kind of big cherry is a breeze.

As early as more than a month ago, when the greenhouse was still under construction, Shen Yangguang ordered this kind of big cherry fruit sapling from Zhao Chunqiu. It happened that this kind of big cherry fruit sapling that was not very cold-resistant was bred in the fruit tree research institute in the provincial capital. There is no market, and they have been staying in the experimental field of the research institute all the time. Seeing these fruit saplings growing taller day by day and still occupying the research institute's field, Zhao Chunqiu wished to sell them at a low price, but unfortunately no one came to take them over.

When Shen Yangguang planned to buy these fruit saplings, Zhao Chunqiu was overjoyed, and directly discounted [-]% of the original price, and sold all these fruit saplings to Shen Yangguang.

It is precisely because these fruit tree seedlings have not been purchased by others that Shen Yangguang's need to plant a thousand acres can be met. Under normal circumstances, the Fruit Tree Research Institute does not plant a large area of ​​fruit trees. The number of seedlings certainly cannot meet Shen Yangguang's needs.

At this time, the greenhouse has been built, and hundreds of employees are already in place. Large trucks carrying tens of thousands of large cherry fruit saplings drive into the orchard, and the vigorous work of planting fruit trees begins again.

During this process, unloading, transporting, digging, planting and other processes did not require Shen Yang to intervene. He stood aside and waited for the drip irrigation system to be installed, and then pretended to wash his hands near the water inlet to flow the golden air into the water. , and then the diluted golden airflow is delivered to each fruit tree by the drip irrigation system.

(End of this chapter)

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