Super Orchard

Chapter 151 Patrol Car

Chapter 151 Patrol Car
Except for the strawberry orchard, the other greenhouses are all green. Only the apple orchard has begun to lose its leaves, and the shrubs and weeds on the ground have also begun to turn yellow.

In the Buffona Garden, branches that are thicker than wild grapes are clinging to the pillars. This year’s new branches have climbed to the roof of the shed erected above. Standing under the shed is like being in a green tunnel among.

The buffona fruits that are starting to turn red are hanging on the trellis, like red mines hanging in the air. It won't take long for these fruits to start to ripen.

On the ground, employees in twos and threes are busy. They are still weeding manually, and sparrows are flying in groups above their heads, and they are still removing insects from birds.

As time went by, the weather was getting colder day by day, and the air in the autumn morning was exceptionally refreshing. Wearing sportswear, Shen Yangguang went out of the house and started running in the morning, followed by Dumb wagging his big tail.

Before he ran into the gate of the orchard, Agua had already flew back and forth in the air, and turned back from the primeval forest in the west. This speed made Agua jealous.

I continued my morning run along the road in the orchard, and it didn't take long before I met Zhang Xueyou, who was on patrol. He was on night shift in the orchard last night.

Now that the new office building in the orchard has been put into use, there are several new dormitories that are vacant. Zhang Zhahui, the director of the catering department who has been idle at home because of seasonal reasons, was called by Shen Yangguang to move in. I bought a new dormitory, and at the same time started to take care of the staff meals in the orchard.

Like Xiaowei and Jiang Xiaoxi who lived in the dormitory before, Zhang Zhahui's catering department will provide three meals a day, and the staff on duty in the security department will still provide working meals.

In addition, whenever the orchard is busy, employees do not have time to go home for lunch at noon, and even when they get off work late at night, the catering department will still provide corresponding working meals.

At this time, Zhang Xueyou had finished his patrol and was about to go to the staff restaurant for breakfast.

After having a working meal in the orchard, Shen Yangguang didn't bother to go home to make breakfast by himself, so he went to the staff restaurant with Zhang Xueyou and chatted along the way.

Thinking of the daily work of the security department, Shen Yangguang asked: "Now that the surrounding walls have been built, and there are enough surveillance cameras on them, it shouldn't be necessary to rely on manpower to patrol around the walls every day, right?"

"That's not okay. After all, those mechanical equipment are only auxiliary. Although there have been no problems so far, if I don't go around every day to see it with my own eyes, I won't feel relieved."

Shen Yangguang nodded, and said: "This circle of walls is nearly [-] kilometers long. It will take a lot of time to walk around every day, right?"

"Fifteen kilometers is not much, and it can be covered in two hours."

Shen Yangguang thought for a while, and then said: "Two hours of walking every day is really hard. Do you have any recommendations for suitable transportation vehicles? I plan to provide some for your department."

"It's hard work, but it would be better if some bicycles can be equipped. This is not to say that it can save energy, but it can save a lot of time. It takes less than an hour to go around the orchard. We have more time to do other things."

Shen Yangguang shook his head and said: "It's still a little inconvenient to use a bicycle. Now only the main road in the middle of the orchard is relatively flat, and there are solar panels erected on it as a roof. Don't worry about rain and snow, but other places Not to mention that the snow is too deep in winter, and the rugged mountain roads are not suitable for cycling.”

"We can build a few more concrete roads in the orchard and along the fence, so it's easier to walk?"

Shen Yangguang had long planned to build a few small roads, so he said: "I really want to build a few side roads, the specifications are similar to the cement roads in the mango orchard, but wider. There is no need to go to the engineering team, just because I am not busy now, I let the engineering department start construction."

Before they knew it, the two had already walked to the staff restaurant, and Zhang Zhahui was cooking at the window.

Shen Yangguang ordered a big bowl of porridge, and took two steaming big meat buns just out of the cage, plus a boiled egg and a small dish of pickles, and continued chatting with Zhang Xueyou while eating.

Zhang Xueyou also had the same breakfast, took a bite of a big meat bun and said, "In this case, the daily physical training of our security department can stop again, and we will fully support the work of the engineering department!"

Shen Guangguang took a big mouthful of porridge and said: "But the car I just mentioned still needs to be bought. After all, after the repair of these small roads, there is no roof in the sky. In winter, the roads are covered with thick snow, and the bicycles are still there." How to ride?"

Zhang Xueyou thought about it, and said, "What kind of car does the boss want?"

"You have worked as a security guard before. Have you ever seen a smaller and more convenient car with a roof? It is similar to the electric car that patrols the scenic spot or the police patrol the street?"

Zhang Xueyou patted his thigh and said: "Yes! When I was just discharged from the army, I used to work as a security guard in the provincial capital before I returned to the county. At that time, I used this kind of patrol car, which also had four wheels and was smaller than a car. , two people can sit down."

Shen Yangguang looked at Zhang Xueyou's way of gesticulating while talking, and saw that this kind of patrol car was exactly what he wanted, so he asked, "Do you know where this kind of car is sold?"

"It's not easy? I just make a phone call and ask my colleagues at the time."

Shen Yangguang nodded, and then asked: "Our security department now has ten people, and it will continue to increase in the future. Can you estimate how many patrol cars it is appropriate to buy now?"

"Right now, two or three cars are enough. In our department, there are only five or six employees except those who are on duty. Two or three cars are enough."

"Well, you can ask later where you bought this kind of car and what the price is, then fill out a purchase application and give it to me, the quantity is three, and after I sign it, I will hand it over to the finance department to allocate funds for the purchase."

Zhang Xueyou nodded excitedly after hearing this. Although it is not very hard to rely on manpower to patrol now, it is true as I said just now. In winter, not only is it extremely cold outside, but also the road is slippery after the snow. A dozen kilometers is really torture.

With this kind of patrol car, it will be completely different. At that time, patrol tasks can be completed more quickly and safely, and sitting in the car must be very comfortable.

After talking about the patrol car, Shen Yangguang remembered that the scale of the orchard is getting bigger and bigger now, and it takes more and more time for employees to walk from the gate of the orchard to the innermost shed. There is a distance of [-] kilometers.

It takes a lot of time for employees to walk back and forth several times a day, not to mention that as more and more greenhouses are covered in the future, it will take more and more time to walk on the road.

Thinking of this, Shen Yangguang began to think about equipping other employees with some transportation vehicles.

(End of this chapter)

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