Super Orchard

Chapter 123 Sky-high price fruit

Chapter 123 Sky-high price fruit
The size of the yellow dragon fruit is much smaller than that of ordinary pitayas. It weighs about half a catty. After peeling off the peel, it weighs less than half a catty. So after several people finished eating, they started to barbecue again to fill up the yellow dragon fruit. whet the appetite.

In the evening, Xia Yunxuan came back from a meeting at the central school in the town, and brought some fresh garlic sprouts bought on the street. Because she bought too much at one go, only a few teachers ate in the school cafeteria. By the way, let Shen Yangguang relax a bit.

It happened that eating barbecue at noon was too greasy, so Shen Yangguang decided to get some scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts for dinner.

The garlic seedlings are grown by the locals and sold in the town. The eggs are authentic native eggs from the orchard. Shen Yangguang is also looking forward to the taste of this dish.

First wash the garlic sprouts and cut them into knuckle-length pieces, put them on a plate for later use, beat a few eggs into a bowl and beat well.

Then turn on the fire to heat the oil, pour in the egg liquid and stir fry, and put it in a bowl when the eggs are about to mature and set.

Then add a little oil to the pot, pour in the garlic sprouts and stir-fry. After a while, add eggs and stir-fry together. This dish of scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts is ready.

Immediately, the kitchen smelled fragrant, and Shen Yangguang drooled as he served the dishes. He took a sip before eating. It was sweet and delicious.

The two followers have been wandering around in the kitchen, Dumb is scurrying around, eager to eat scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts, although Agua is still aloof, but he is still secretly looking at the plate when no one is paying attention A few glances.

Shen Yangguang picked up some scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts and put them in Ah-Dai's rice bowl, but Agua didn't have any, so he must have no interest in this vegetarian dish.

Duan stretched out his big tongue and ate the scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts into his mouth in one gulp. His face suddenly changed. After a moment of silence, he spit out the vegetables in his mouth again, pushed the garlic sprouts and eggs away, licked the golden eggs and ate them. As for those big garlic sprouts, they didn't even look at them.

Shen Yangguang was so angry and funny, these freshly grown garlic sprouts refused to eat them even if they didn't want to eat them. Sure enough, Duan was just a life of eating dog food.

After cutting the beef for Agua and filling Adu's rice bowl with dog food, Shen Yangguang began to eat the vegetables happily. He originally planned to eat two meals, but because it was so delicious, he finished it in one meal. Clutching her swollen stomach, she belched contentedly.

A few days later, the Huanglong fruit in the orchard was fully ripe. Since this was the first time the Huanglong fruit produced after planting, there were not too many fruits, and there were only a few fruits hanging on each fruit tree in twos and threes.

In the past few days, Zhou Jianguo called almost every day to inquire about the ripeness of the Huanglong fruit. After receiving a definite answer from Shen Yangguang, he drove straight to the orchard.

In the Huanglong Orchard, Wang Chunmei is picking an electric tricycle with a group of employees. When the Huanglong fruit just bears fruit, there are many spikes on the outer skin. As the fruit matures, the spikes have softened and fallen off. So now you can start picking directly.

Zhou Jianguo seemed to be his father waiting outside the delivery room, remembering to walk back and forth. He had heard of the famous Huanglong fruit, and he would soon be handling this noble fruit, so how could he not be excited.

Shen Yangguang was about to be dizzy by Zhou Jianguo in front of him, and said quickly: "Boss Zhou, come here, let's try one first."

Of course, Zhou Jianguo would not be polite about this kind of delicacy. He sat by the fruit tree and began to eat it. Just like Shen Yangguang's first time eating Huanglong fruit, he ate one after three times, five times and two, and his eyes danced with joy.

After eating, Zhou Jianguo started talking about business: "Brother Shen, how do you plan to sell this yellow dragon fruit?"

"The price is a bit high."

Zhou Jianguo also knew that the market price of ordinary yellow dragon fruit can reach one or two hundred yuan per catty, and the price of the fruit in Jinquan Orchard will definitely be higher, so he said: "It will not be five to ten times more expensive than the market price like other fruits. Doubling it? It costs more than 1000 yuan a catty, and I am afraid that few people can afford it."

Shen Yangguang shook his head and said, "It's not that expensive. My price is about three times the market price, five hundred yuan a catty."

Hearing the triple price, Zhou Jianguo was obviously relieved, but he couldn't help but gasped, and said, "Brother, I've been in the fruit business for so many years, but this is the first time I've heard the price of [-] yuan per catty. fruit!"

Shen Yangguang laughed and said: "Judging from the taste of these Huanglong fruits, even if they are sold at ten times the market price like apples, strawberries and wild grapes, people will definitely buy them. Now they are only sold at three times the market price. , it’s still cheap.”

Although the year-on-year increase in the price of Huanglong fruit in the market is far lower than that of other fruits in Jinquan Orchard, considering the original price base of this fruit is very high, it means that each catty of Huanglong fruit is more expensive than ordinary Huanglong fruit. More than 300 yuan, this figure is much larger than the promotion value of other fruits.

Zhou Jianguo was not worried at all that the Huanglong fruit sold at such a high price would cause unsalable sales, and said enviously: "Brother, I will just follow you to earn a transportation fee. If you can earn so much money by planting trees like you, that would be great." OK!"

Shen Yangguang smiled and said: "Boss Zhou, don't be modest. In our county, there is no one who doesn't know your name. I mean, what can I do if I guard this half-acre land? How can I be like Boss Zhou?" Across the world, he can be regarded as the leader of the fruit industry in our county."

"Oh, it's all about earning some hard money. It's not as good as you here. If you plant trees, water them, and weed them, a lot of money will flow into your pocket. It's not as good as it is!"

Shen Yangguang half-jokingly said: "In that case, how about the boss and me doing together that week?"

Zhou Jianguo was taken aback for a moment, but then he understood. He laughed non-stop, but he didn't continue talking.

Soon, all the huanglong fruits were picked. There were 1 huanglong fruits in a total of 4000 acres. Due to the first fruit on each fruit tree, the average number of fruits was between three and five, weighing about two catties. The output reached more than [-] catties.

These yields seem to be a lot, but the average yield per mu is only [-] jin, which is far from the normal level. However, this is the first time that Huanglong fruit bears fruit, and it is already very good to be able to harvest so much.

According to the agreed price, apart from keeping some for himself to eat, Shen Yangguang sold all the Huanglong fruits to Zhou Jianguo at a price of 1000 yuan per catty, and directly credited 700 to [-] million yuan. Change, it became [-] million yuan!
Of course, there are still more than 3000 million arrears that have not been counted.

With so much money, Shen Yangguang began to prepare to continue building greenhouses to expand the orchard.

Today, the greenhouses in the orchard are distributed on both sides of the road. There are four greenhouses on the south side, all 50 meters wide, two 200 meters long and two 400 meters long. The overall length is [-] kilometers.

There is currently only one greenhouse on the north side of the road, which is the durian orchard. Like the apple orchard next door, it is 200 meters wide and 400 meters long, and the overall length is 800 meters.

Therefore, Shen Yangguang thought about building another greenhouse on the open space on the east and west sides of the durian garden, that is, opposite to the Huanglong Orchard.

(End of this chapter)

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