Super Orchard

Chapter 116

Chapter 116
"Black Tiger is also known as Bufuna, Pineapple Grape, etc. Its original meaning is the fruit of beauty and longevity. The fruit is large and unique. It looks like pomelo but not pomelo, like melon but not melon. The fruit is aggregated and looks like a football. The diameter is ten centimeters to twelve centimeters About one centimeter, the weight of a single fruit is between one and two catties, the surface pattern is like a polo, and the hanging is like a lantern..."

"Rich in nutrition, excellent in flavor, the flesh is like grapes, the pulp is sweet, the fruit color is like lychee, milky white, delicate, sweet and fragrant, the fruity aroma is like apple, rich and pleasant, pleasing to the eye, and mouthwatering to smell it, It is a rare fruit with excellent color and fragrance..."

"Eating has the effects of dispelling wind and activating collaterals, regulating qi and relieving pain, clearing liver and improving eyesight, nourishing kidney and strengthening essence, nourishing blood and beautifying skin, etc. skin, nourishing and beautifying, refreshing and improving intelligence, strengthening the body and prolonging life..."

After a series of introductions, I wrote at the back of the post: "I was lucky enough to eat this fruit in the south many years ago, and I immediately remembered its delicious taste, which made people linger and want to taste it again, but unfortunately it is hard to find it in the market. ..."

"Recently, I got a top-secret news. This kind of fruit has come to our Northeast. It is in the Golden Spring Orchard. It is now fully ripe. I just ate it. Let alone its effect, the taste alone has already made me feel like a fruit. completely conquered..."

There are still a few pictures at the back, and soon, as soon as the post is sent out, a group of people who eat melons will follow the post.

"Black Tiger? Bufona? What is this?"

"Yeah, I've never heard of it either."

"The one upstairs is ignorant. Bufona is only found in very few places in the south. I have eaten it before. It really makes people have endless aftertaste."

"Is it really that delicious? Why do I look at the photos of fruits so strangely, are these small red mines?"

"So I want to try it, no, tomorrow I will go to Jinquan Orchard to buy something to eat!"

"Hey, did you find out that many of Xiaowei's recent posts are about Jinquan Orchard. Could it be that she has been bought by Jinquan Orchard now?"

"Fuck you! Is Xiaowei like that? She's my goddess."

"I also think that Xiaowei is not that kind of person. This only shows that the fruit of Jinquan Orchard is really delicious. Only a certain degree of deliciousness can attract Xiaowei to introduce it to everyone. Have you forgotten the strawberries from last year? "

"Xiaowei, I love you!"

It didn't take long, and in the prestige group and Moments group, a few diving fishes jumped out of the crazy Aite Shen Yangguang. They all knew that Eddie Shen Yangguang, the "Golden Spring Orchard", was from the Golden Spring Orchard.

"Is it true what the forum says about Bufona?"

"Boss, I want to buy Bufona and try it, how much is it per catty?"

"Isn't this the person who claims to be the general manager of Jinquan Orchard? Hurry up!"


Shen Yangguang had been waiting for a long time, and directly sent the promotional pictures prepared in advance to each city group, with the bright red Bufona fruit as the background, and besides some basic introductions, he also showed the price, two hundred yuan per catty!
As soon as the price was announced, many people were shocked, and they all shouted that it was too expensive.

"What kind of fruit is this? I'm afraid it will go to heaven for two hundred yuan a catty!"

"That's right. Seeing that Bufona is so big, one of them weighs more than a catty, and it costs about three hundred yuan to buy one. I really can't afford it. I'd better continue moving bricks."

"That's right, I've also heard of Bufuna. The price in the south is only 30 yuan to 50 yuan. How can it be so expensive? Jinquan Orchard must think that we have never seen the world and want to slaughter it. guest!"

"You know an egg, don't you eat strawberries for 150 yuan a catty? Can the fruits sold in the market compare with Jinquan Orchard?"

Seeing the intense chatter in the group, Shen Yangguang didn't reply. He posted the promotional pictures one by one in all the same city groups, and finally closed the group and logged on to the local forum, planning to post another post on it to promote Bufuna.

Before posting, I saw Xiaowei's previous post followed by a post, in which there was a picture she posted in the group, and I don't know who is so fast, even ahead of Shen Yangguang!
Now it's easy, Shen Yangguang smiled and replied, "Welcome everyone to Jinquan Orchard!"

In the early morning of the next day, many wealthy owners drove to Jinquan Orchard and went straight to Bufona Garden. Most of these people heard of Bufona fruit for the first time, and wanted to Come and try something new.

There are also a small number of people who have eaten or heard of this fruit and cannot refuse Bufona's delicious taste, so they are also rushing here.

Seeing these tourists, Shen Yangguang was very happy. Dozens of people came here in the morning. After a few days, after Bufuna's word of mouth fermented, more people would definitely come.

One of the tourists may have been here many times. Looking at a new building in the orchard, he was a little strange, so he asked Shen Yangguang who was standing next to him: "What is this small building with the Golden Spring Hotel sign on it? Already at the hotel?"

Shen Yangguang nodded and said with a smile: "It's the hotel. It provides accommodation for the convenience of long-distance tourists. It also provides three meals a day, so that tourists will not be hungry to pick fruits."

The man was amazed when he heard this, he had never seen a hotel in an orchard!
In the evening, Bufona's sales data was also counted. A total of nearly a hundred tourists came during the day, and Bufona sold more than 200 catties, directly earning 5 yuan!
This is not important, what is important is that Bufona's word of mouth spread on the Internet like a chain reaction that night, and with the testimonials of dozens of hundreds of tourists, Bufona's reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

Shen Yangguang decided to strike while the iron was hot, and took out the promotional pictures of "Golden Spring Hotel" that he had prepared a long time ago, and started promoting them in various groups and online. The clean and stylishly decorated rooms only cost 490 yuan per room!
Golden Spring Hotel has a variety of room types, and the area of ​​each room is not small, so the price is not high, but it is not low, mainly because Shen Yangguang does not intend to rely on the hotel to make money, as long as it maintains a small profit. Because the positioning of the hotel is to serve the fruit picking business of the orchard.

There are pictures of braised native chicken, native chicken soup and other dishes under the hotel promotion, which made people salivate after eating the native chicken produced in Jinquan Orchard last year. They all know the deliciousness of this kind of native chicken. Want to try it again.

After a night of publicity, Shen Yangguang was surprised to find that the effect of the local chicken promotion was even more popular than the theme of the promotion of Golden Spring Hotel!
But think about it, these people are basically locals, few people will come to this small village to stay in a hotel, but they want to taste that kind of delicious food.

As for the roasted rabbit, braised earth crucian carp and spicy earth lobster, Shen Yangguang did not promote it, mainly because the production volume was too small. If the publicity was too much, it would be embarrassing for customers to come here but not be able to buy it.

Let’s wait for these dishes to be served later when there are tourists staying.

In order to strengthen the publicity effect of Jinquan Hotel and attract more foreign tourists, Shen Yangguang spent a whole day distributing the promotional pictures in all the northern city forums. Although the effect is not yet known, at least it can Let the tourists who intend to come here understand the hotel business of Jinquan Orchard.

After finishing everything, the next step is to wait. In a few days, the New Year's Day officially came. The miraculous Bufona picking business that had been spread on the Internet finally ushered in an explosion during this holiday, and countless tourists and vehicles flocked As a result, they all want to taste the deliciousness of Bufona.

(End of this chapter)

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