Chapter 243
Xu Dong didn't expect this Han Zhihua to be so weird.

Han Zhihua came from the big hospital in the capital city, but when he came to the hospital in Wangchuan County, a small county town on the [-]th line, it's normal to be a little arrogant, and it's understandable to be arrogant.

After all, he is an expert in a large hospital in the capital, and it is natural to feel a little superior when he comes to this kind of place.

But just now, he witnessed the whole process of awakening Liu Wei with acupuncture, and he even opened his eyes and told a lie, saying that he was a blind cat who met a dead mouse.

This is not just arrogant and rude, but bad character.

To put it bluntly, it is no different from a rogue.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the ward, and the nurse who had been terrified by the side hurriedly opened the door, and someone hurriedly asked, "Has Professor Han not left yet?"

Seeing the people outside, Xie Jun asked, "Head Nurse Liu, what happened?"

The person who came was the head nurse of the neurosurgery department of the county hospital. She said, "The patient who had the brain tumor removed this morning suddenly deteriorated. The situation is urgent."

"Impossible!" Han Zhihua immediately walked to the door and said, "The operation was very successful. Did you take the medicine prescribed by me?"

Seeing Han Zhihua in the ward, the visitor immediately showed joy, and immediately said: "Professor Han, fortunately you haven't left yet, all the medicines we gave the patient were strictly in accordance with your prescription, but just now, the patient's The situation has suddenly deteriorated, please go and have a look again.”

Without saying a word, Han Zhihua immediately walked out of the ward, and followed the head nurse to the intensive care unit.

"Let's go, let's have a look."

Xie Jun took the lead to follow, and all the doctors in the ward, including Xu Dong, followed outside the intensive care unit.

Along the way, Xie Jun had already introduced Han Zhihua's background to Xu Dong, and when he came outside the ICU, he said in a low voice: "This patient has a tumor in his head, our hospital has limited conditions and cannot perform this kind of operation. If it is normal, it should be transferred to Haicheng or the provincial capital for treatment. Considering that the patient is relatively old, there may be accidents on the way, so our hospital recommends that the family members of the patient invite a doctor from Haicheng or the provincial capital. The capital invited Dr. Han, and it is said that the remuneration is very good, and the money he got is estimated to be this amount."

Xie Jun raised his index finger, meaning 10 yuan.

Xu Dong was secretly stunned. He knew that doctors in many big hospitals often went out to do private work, such as going to cities and counties with poor medical conditions to receive some difficult operations, etc., commonly known as flying knives.This kind of thing is commonplace in the industry. In addition to the requests of the patient's family members, sometimes small hospitals in cities and counties will take the initiative to invite some well-known doctors in the industry to come over. It's a win-win situation, even Professor Liu Qingyang and the others would occasionally go out and throw knives.

But according to Xu Dong's knowledge, Professor Liu Qingyang's income from throwing knives is only in the early [-]s, which is already considered very high, generally speaking, it is only a few thousand dollars.

Han Zhihua actually took [-], which is really an astronomical figure.

Xie Jun looked at Han Zhihua who was nervously checking the patient's condition in the ICU ward, and said in a low voice: "The biggest trouble in brain tumor resection is to avoid damage to the rich blood vessels and nerves in the patient's brain. The patient has intracranial hemorrhage, and the situation will be very serious. Han Zhihua's 10 yuan this time is very hot, if something goes wrong, the patient will definitely find him trouble."

Xu Dong took a look at Xie Jun and always felt that Xie Jun seemed to be gloating.

Well, although what Xie Jun said was not very good for the patient, but who made Han Zhihua so annoying, it is indeed a great thing to see this guy's unlucky luck.

But Xie Jun soon showed a sad look on his face, and said worriedly: "But this guy patted his butt and left. In the end, our hospital was the unlucky one. If the patient's family members make trouble, our hospital will wipe his butt for him."

Han Zhihua stayed in the ICU for a full hour before he came out. He ordered: "Issue a critical illness notice to the patient's family. The patient's condition deteriorates and he will die at any time."

The head nurse was stunned for a moment, "Then how do we explain it to the patient's family? We have already told them that the operation was a success!"

Without saying a word, Han Zhihua looked at his watch and said, "I'm about to board the plane in an hour and a half, and I have to get to Haicheng Airport right away. Then you can deal with it yourself."

Seeing that this guy was about to slip away, the head nurse hurriedly grabbed him and said angrily: "Professor Han, you can't go, you did the patient's surgery, and now that something has happened, you pat your ass and leave, then we what to do?"

"Let me go!" Han Zhihua pushed the head nurse away, turned around and left.

However, he underestimated the energy of a head nurse, and this head nurse Liu rushed over and grabbed Han Zhihua again, shouting: "Stop him, if he leaves, we will all suffer!"

With an order, not only several nurses present surrounded Han Zhisong, but even several young doctors blocked his way.

Even Xie Jun and others quietly surrounded Han Zhisong.

Han Zhisong was furious, "What are you doing? I am only in charge of performing surgery on patients. Now that the surgery is done, all my tasks have been completed. If you keep stopping me, I will call the police!"

"If you want to leave, you can go and explain to the patient's family by yourself, otherwise you must not leave!" Head nurse Liu was indeed very tough, holding Han Zhisong tightly and refusing to let go.

At this time, Xie Jun said: "Doctor Han, you'd better not leave in a hurry. The most important thing now is to do everything possible to save the patient's life. You are an expert from the capital. If you can't do it, we people can't do it." If the patient's family members make a fuss at that time, we will not be able to bear the responsibility."

The white coat on Han Jinsong's body had already been dragged out of shape by the head nurse and several nurses, and his complexion became very ugly.

After being silent for a long time, he said dejectedly: "I have nothing to do. The patient has a brain stem hemorrhage, the amount of bleeding is very large, and he may die at any time. Only a second operation immediately can save him. But the patient In the current situation, if another craniotomy is performed, he will definitely die on the operating table."

"So, the operation failed?" Xie Jun then asked.

Han Jinsong remained silent with a livid face, which was a tacit agreement.

Xie Jun said to the head nurse: "Tell the truth to the patient's family!"

Han Jinsong hurriedly shouted: "No!"

He bowed his hands to Xie Jun and the others, "Everyone, I don't want to be like this. As long as you help me with this favor, I owe you a favor. If there is something that needs my help later, I will definitely not refuse." !"

In fact, the risk of this kind of operation is inherently high, and the failure of the operation should be regarded as normal.

The problem is, after Han Zhihua finished the operation, he had already confidently informed the patient's family that the operation was very successful.

In the blink of an eye, it was said that the operation had failed, how could the patient's family accept it!
The patient's family members have to tear Han Zhihua apart!

Han Zhihua begged around, but no one answered him at all.

There is no way, who made him offend so many people just now, at this time unless the patient shows a miracle, otherwise he can only eat the bitter fruit.

However, at this moment, Xu Dong asked Xie Jun: "Director Xie, can I go in and see the patient?"

(End of this chapter)

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