Chapter 997 Enable
The railway workers of this era, just like the migrant workers of later generations, are laborers.

The locomotive driver, from maintenance, to switching, to patrolling the line... are all coolies.

Dirty and greasy, like his mother's beggar.

He can bear all these, but the accident last year was really aggrieved.

Lao Wu's drinking was already a little high, and these days, he got angry waiting for the result, and his eyes were bloodshot.

He slapped his chest loudly: "I'm afraid! I'm afraid that one day this situation will happen again and I won't find out in time. What will the result be like?..."

Lao Wu gestured a pistol with his left hand, and pointed his index finger at his own temple, "Pfft!"

"If you die, you will have a bad reputation!"

Then he laughed bitterly, laughing until tears formed two lines of water marks on his face, and couldn't stop laughing no matter what.

Just last winter, after a sleet, the old worker who was on the opposite shift with him returned to the original position by himself because the rails that had been pulled were slippery.

The two trains whizzing by, the trains that should have passed by each other, were heading towards each other and collided head-on.

No one can tell the cause of a serious and serious safety accident.

No one can guarantee whether the switch workers neglected their duties and forgot to switch the track, or whether, as the old workers argued, the railway design defect and the rain and snow were slippery, and the track that was pulled returned to its original position.

Someone has to be responsible for this major accident and pay for this loss.

The old worker was sentenced to death.

Only Lao Wu, who was in the same class as him, knew the truth. He had personally witnessed the whole process of the railway sliding back to its original position.

After a secret investigation, it was found that the return of the rails in extreme weather is something that all switchmen have experienced.

It's just that some people are lucky enough to find it in time, and some people don't find it and cause an accident.

He found a leader, tried to rehabilitate the old worker, and fought for a due compensation for his widow and family members.

But in this fucking world, he, a person who can't tell his past clearly, can't do anything.

Don't the leaders know the truth?
No!Everyone knows it, but they pretend not to know!Someone has to pay the price for everyone!This is the truth!

He has to control his own destiny before he can change the destiny of others and protect the destiny of relatives and friends!

There is only one way for him, and he rushes forward with his head covered, there is no way back!
Lao Li looked at the gray-haired ex-leader who was drunk and crying aggrievedly, and acquiesced to his request.

Being entrusted with loyalty, Lao Li was thinking about how to tell the director about it on his way to work the next morning.

After putting the bicycle into the carport on the right side of the building, Lao Li stepped into the building.

This building was completed last year, and the main achievements of the former deputy bureau of Mu now seem to be a joke.Not only did I stink of my eldest sister, but the mess left behind also stinks.

Just after cleaning the desk, Officer Liu knocked on the door and came in: "Li Ke, Bureau Song is looking for you!"

As one of the few professionals in the Municipal Bureau, under the background of most of the veterans, they are very relied on these days, so it is not the first time that they are summoned by the leaders as soon as they go to work.

Lao Li didn't think too much, and just walked into the director's office.

The director of the bureau entered the public security system after the movement started, a typical layman guiding experts.

However, after so many years of exposure, I also know to rely on professionals.

"Old Li, come, come, sit down and talk."

It is to find the problem of Mu Yanheng.

This matter has been finalized by the provincial department, and the former deputy director is required to be found to give an explanation to public opinion and the public.

This is the top priority, even more urgent than catching the real culprit of the miner robbery.

The bureau chief kindly let Lao Li onto the sofa, " are an old man in our bureau, and we have to rely on you for this case!"

One sentence scared Lao Li into sweat.

Is this going to drive the ducks to the shelves and let him take over this matter?

Lao Li is still clear about how much he is. He is not from a criminal investigation background, but he has been in the police for a long time and has more experience than these later people.

He couldn't bear such a heavy burden.

Quickly stood up, and declined: "Director Song, I really can't handle this matter, I can't do anything about it!"

Song Jiazhuang's smile began to become forced.

"I'm sure I can't. Even if I insist on it, it will embarrass you if it goes wrong, right? But there is someone who can do it! That's an old criminal investigator, and he has handled many major cases."

Lao Li was very glad that Lao Wu came to him yesterday, otherwise he would have sat in today.

"You mean...?" Song Ju asked.

There was a tacit understanding between the questioner and the person being asked, Lao Li nodded.

The stakes are high, can this person enable it?Will there be adverse consequences after enabling it?Do the pros outweigh the cons or the cons outweigh the pros?These have to be considered clearly.

"You go back first. The transfer of personnel is a matter of great importance. You need to study it."

But Lao Li knew that the matter was almost done.

Back then, there were so many people in the Municipal Bureau, who were devolved, transferred, and sent to the cadre school... only he stood like a tumbler because he was well versed in the way of officialdom.

It's not like Yuan Yi's stunned young man, who helped Lao Wu get ahead when he couldn't protect himself, but was sent back to his hometown to repair the earth.

This time Lao Wu came back, I don't know if the group of people under him can come back.

As soon as Lao Li left, Director Song immediately closed the door of the office, and before closing it, he checked to see if there was anyone outside.

Then he went back to the table, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

He couldn't make up his mind to use Lao Wu, so he had to seek help from an expert.

On the other end of the phone, someone gave him tips: "This person was transferred to the railway section in the year when the movement was the most severe. It is estimated that he was instructed by an expert later and went to avoid the limelight.
Such people are smart people. This is called retreating, understand?Now probably because the situation has changed, I want to come back! "

"What should I do? Let him come back?" Song Ju asked.

He wanted to use Lao Wu, but he was afraid that such a capable person would come back and make him empty.

The person on the opposite side was silent for a while, not sure if they were thinking about whether Lao Wu could use it or how to speak.

"Is this person not young?" said the person at the other end.

Song Ju immediately knew what to do, and replied with a smile: "I'm over 50 years old."

After talking to the person at the other end about the new situation in the bureau, Bureau Song hung up the phone.

Lao Wu is more than 50 years old, and he will not be able to thump for a few more years. He got it back to be a pawn for himself. At his age, he has no way to go further.

If you do a good job, you are a good leader. If you don't do a good job, you are ready to blame.

Soon, a transfer order was sent to the railway works section.

Even the steps of organizing inspections and talking before the transfer were omitted.

Everyone was very surprised that the head of the engineering section personally sent the transfer order to Lao Wu.

This person has some connections with Shuidong Village, and has been in close contact with Shuidong Village over the years.

The meeting was a bit embarrassing, there was no personal grievance, only some differences because of the switchman's mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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