Chapter 985
When Da Niu He married Qiao Yu, the status of the two of them was very different. It may be exaggerated to say that she is a princess and married into a commoner's family, but it is similar.

As the situation becomes more and more stable, the gap between the two will become smaller and smaller.

After the chaos is rectified and the Qiao family's social status is restored, the gap between the two will be reversed.

He Xiaoxi saw a lot of divorced couples in this situation in her previous life.

Of course, one party alone may not be to blame.

One party's resentment after the recovery of status may account for the majority of the reasons, while the other party's mentality of getting and losing the changes in the spouse is out of balance, and pushing the other party further and further away is also an important reason.

He Xiaoxi noticed just now that there must have been a conflict between Qiao Yu and Da Niu.

But looking at Qiao Yu's careful apology, it didn't seem like he was going to have two hearts.

Let the two of you solve the matter between the two of you. Others just need to watch from a distance, and don't let the big girl suffer. It is most taboo to have too many people involved in this kind of thing.

The so-called concern leads to chaos, especially He Dachun should not be allowed to intervene in this matter.

He Dachun is eager to love his daughter, so he will definitely accuse and suppress Qiao Yu indiscriminately.

Once or twice is enough, too many times may hurt his self-esteem and arouse Qiao Yu's rebellious psychology, which will only make things worse and worse.

He Xiaoxi stopped He Dachun, and He Dachun was obedient, so he stopped staring at this matter, and took a grass prawn to the big girl: "Eat it! Why don't you eat it? Are you uncomfortable?"

The eldest girl was afraid that her father would be worried, so she quickly lowered her head and ate all the grass shrimp in the bowl.

After the meal was finished smoothly, the couple took the child back.

He Dachun stood at the door, watching his son-in-law hugging his little granddaughter and walking away with his wife and children before returning to the yard.

He Xiaoxi said to him: "It's inevitable that two people will bump into each other in their daily lives. Are the teeth and tongues close? Those teeth sometimes bite the tongue!"
A couple of three is not as close as a couple, so you don't have to control everything, it will be annoying if you control too much. "

He Dachun grinned, and argued: "I didn't take care of it all the time, the girl is bored, I'm afraid she will get angry..."

Seeing He Xiaoxi looking at him, He Dachun lowered his head, his voice became lower and lower.

He Xiaoxi knew that he regretted the son-in-law he chose for Da Niu.

After Qiao Yu emerged, she became more and more eye-catching, and her ability in the Port and Harbor Bureau was outstanding.

As the old saying goes, gold always shines!

Qi Dafei made He Dachun feel more and more worried now because he was afraid that his son-in-law would change his mind and become Chen Shimei.

He Xiaoxi couldn't stop this marriage like that at the beginning, and now he doesn't know how to say something to He Xiaoxi.

Sitting in front of He Xiaoxi and holding his head silently.

He Xiaoxi put down the clothes he was rubbing in his hand, and said to him: "I will find a chance to ask the big girl behind her back what's going on, you are a father, don't meddle in some things, and you will spoil everything. .”

He Dachun just knew that it was inconvenient for a man like him to ask his daughter some things, and his girl was like a boring gourd, some things were hidden in her heart and she was unwilling to tell him.

He was very cautious about throwing the mouse, and he was afraid that if he made a mistake, his daughter would be splinted.

I just want to ask He Xiaoxi to talk to Da Niu.

All in all, his wife had to go early, otherwise the child's mother would have taken care of it in this situation, so why should he be so anxious to get angry?

If Qiao Yu really puts his mind to it and dares to bully his daughter, let's see if he doesn't skin her.

He Xiaoxi took pity on his fatherly heart and took this matter over.

If she had been as angry as she was when she tried to persuade He Dachun not to listen, He Xiaoxi really wanted to leave him alone.

The next day, instead of looking for He Daniu, He Xiaoxi asked someone to call Xiao Ju over.

She was going to make a detour and ask Xiaoju sideways first.

Xiao Ju is Qiao Yu's brother-in-law, maybe he will hear something about something.

Xiao Ju came here on a bicycle, under the sun, sweating all over his forehead.

Gudu Gudu took a sip of the herbal tea on the table.

"Is your wife okay?" He Xiaoxi asked him.

He grinned at the question, and his wife was pregnant again, thinking that this was what Xiaoxi was asking.

"Very good." Said quite modestly.

He Xiaoxi knew that he didn't know the inside story either.

Since he doesn't know, there's no need to ask him again, so as not to cause complications.He Xiaoxi told him some details about preparing to build a paper mill, and let him go back.

The original limit was five years before the paper mill could be built. Although the deadline has not yet expired, preparations can be made.

The preparation work in the early stage is also quite cumbersome, just like the chemical plant, it has been a long time, and it has not yet been put into production.

Knowing that his aunt acquiesces in building a paper mill, Xiao Ju is as happy as a bird being released, riding his bicycle fast.

Let go of the handlebars with both hands, making a flying shape.

However, his aunt asked him to prepare sewage treatment equipment, which made him a little embarrassed, so he had to inquire about it.

The paper mill he went to learn from seemed to have no sewage treatment, and he couldn't find a way to inquire about it!

The little horse was riding so fast that he didn't notice that a woman was coming from the direction of their sauce and vinegar factory across the road, and walked past him.

Back in the factory, he saw his wife coming out of the office with two cups, and was about to wash the cups.

Xiao Ju hurriedly leaned the bicycle against the wall, took the cup and washed it.

There is no running water in Shuidong Village, but it does not rely on well water as in the past. Now each household has built a pressurized well at home and pumps water manually for use.

Xiao Ju crunched the handle of the water well and asked Big Joe, "Who's here?"

Da Qiao poured the tea in the cup into the ditch beside him, and replied, "My former classmate."

Afterwards, he squatted silently by the side and scooped up the water pressed by Xiao Ma to clean the cup.

Xiao Ju thought she was talking about the students who came to Shuidong Village School, and didn't pay attention, and asked, "Why didn't you leave them for dinner?"

"She said she had something to do and left."

Da Qiao probably didn't want to talk about this topic, so he asked him, "What did my aunt call you?"

This topic is scratching Xiaoju's itch, and he is about to share the good news with his wife, so he immediately ignores the topic of who will come, and Balabala talks to Da Qiao about the soon-to-be-established paper mill.

"I may have to go out to investigate recently, why don't you move to live with your parents for a while!"

Big Joe nodded: "Yeah."

She thought of her classmate Ding Guangli who just came, of the meeting that broke up, of the maliciousness in Ding Guangli's words persuading her, and of her questioning of her elder brother in her words, and thought it would be good to go back to her mother's house for a while.

I can look at some big brothers and see what big brothers think, don't really half-hearted, the family will be broken up by then.

Xiaoju didn't find anything, so He Xiaoxi took some wool and went to Qiao's house.

Seeing He Xiaoxi coming to the door, Qiao Yuniang hurriedly got up to greet her: "His aunt, why are you here when you have time?"

Ask their little girl to make tea for He Xiaoxi.

(End of this chapter)

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