Chapter 773 Crying Poor
They are all ordinary people, earning hard money.

There is a saying: Great wealth depends on the sky, while small wealth depends on hard work.There will be no pies in the sky, and the money of ordinary people is earned by sweating beads on the ground.

Chunsheng Niang and the others can't save face to make money, so they should live in poverty.It's completely unreasonable to be jealous of others making money when you don't do it yourself.

What's more, Chunsheng's child had diarrhea that day, Chunsheng personally came to the door and begged his mother to take care of it, but was rejected.

What to say, "You can't rely on your son, let alone your grandson, whoever has a son will take care of himself."

Hearing what the grandson meant, Chunsheng's mother blushed.I have nothing to say.

Sister-in-law is not a fuel-efficient lamp. "Who are you lying to? Everyone else has made money, but you have received more ice than others and have you not made any money?" It seemed that he had asked about the situation of the second sister-in-law and nephews.

Some sensible people who watched the excitement sneered.

"Others know how to do business, we might be a little stupid." Chunsheng's daughter-in-law now understands her son's intentions, and said helplessly and ashamedly.

"Sister-in-law, as soon as you hear it, you can do business. You can also get some ice and sell it. You will definitely make more money than us." Qiaozui began to function normally.

The eldest son of Chunsheng's family was instructed by Xu Yanyuan, and he went to He Xiaoxi for advice, and learned the half of the sentence.Learn now and sell now, and then you will be at a loss for words.

Fortunately, his mother stepped up to prevent him from being questioned by his aunt.

Younger Sister Chunsheng said contemptuously, "I won't do that shameful thing."

I despise the embarrassment of other people's earning money, and ask for the money earned by this embarrassment, but I don't think it is embarrassing.

Chunsheng's father and his eldest brother are men after all, better than the women who are around the pot and have little knowledge.

Knowing that if you continue talking, it will only make people laugh.

Especially Brother Chunsheng, his family knew his family details.Knowing that some things cannot be investigated in detail, it will be ugly for everyone to find out.

Because his parents were instigated by his wife, they separated the second brother out early.When the family was divided, although the two brothers had the same area of ​​land, all the land was allocated to his brother.

It was similar to when He Zhonghuai separated He Xiaodong's family.The flooded land along the river was assigned to He Xiaodong as a part of the area.

It is said that there are as many lands as points.But the level of land is different.There is also much less grain to beat.

The reason given at the time of this division was that they would take care of their parents after they lived with them.

After the separation, his parents didn't even take care of the second brother's children.The second younger brother's wife gave birth to a child, and the confinement child has never served her.

Who knows that people are not as good as heaven.The national policy has changed, and all the land has been raised to the collective.Coupled with the fact that his parents are getting older and there is less and less work to help them, his wife is not happy.

All day long, I found reasons to ask my second brother's house for this and that.

It's not like the village arranged for people to sell ice bowls.Seeing that the younger brother and daughter-in-law earned some money with the children, his daughter-in-law urged his mother and younger sister to ask for money.

Chunsheng gave it twice.Later, when the child fell ill, I thought his mother would help take care of the child for the sake of giving money, so she opened the mouth.Who knows, it was still rejected.

If you want to ask for money again, how can Chunsheng's daughter-in-law suffer?I didn't give it.He also rushed to talk and tore up with his sister-in-law.

Chunsheng's father and his eldest brother looked more and more unlike each other, so they quickly stopped drinking. "Let's not say a few words."

The work arranged by the village, the embarrassing words said here, spread to the ears of those who care, but not to that woman He Xiaoxi.

He didn't reprimand his daughter, but just stopped arguing.The intention of favoritism is obvious.

Still thinking about the filial piety of the second son, he said: "You guys have earned money, you should also remember to be filial to me and your mother, and set a good example for the children below."

One after another in these years, Chunsheng has long been cold-hearted.

Do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.It is right to honor your parents, but even if you are half-filial, you can't look down on your parents, and you are always in a bad mood.

Chunsheng's daughter-in-law saw her man's ugly face and didn't respond, so she hurriedly said, "Father, I really didn't make any money."

If you don't answer at this time, it will be too late when the man can't save his face and promises to give the filial piety money.

And no one followed their mother and son, and she had the final say on whether she made money or not.

If anyone has to believe it, well, whoever has the ability should try to earn it himself.

In this battle, Chunsheng's daughter-in-law won a complete victory.It was easy.There was no exposure, no shame, no loud insults, let alone tearing and beatings.

Compared with before, it can be said to be elated.It's such a joy.

He Xiaoxi didn't want to take care of other people's buns.The reason why he intervened in the matter of Chunsheng's family was because it caused a lot of trouble and affected the normal order of the ice cellar.

The second reason is that the situation of Chunsheng's family is not an exception.Women in this era are influenced by old traditions and are unwilling to show their faces.

But some women are small-minded and jealous when they see other people making money.The sisters-in-law are at odds, and the aunts and sisters-in-law are against each other.

In addition, some elders are not fair with a bowl of water.Take back the money earned by others to engage in egalitarianism.

Many people like Chunsheng's daughter-in-law who worked hard to sell ice bowls ended up with the same money that fell into their pockets.

It's the same whether you do it or not, some people have the intention of shrinking back.If He Xiaoxi doesn't care anymore, it will affect her ice bowl business.

So He Xiaoxi mentioned a few words about Chunsheng's daughter-in-law.

It's a pity that Chunsheng's daughter-in-law Yu Zhaidou's qualifications are too poor.She didn't understand He Xiaoxi's hint at all.

It was Xu Yanyuan who gave some advice to her family's children from the sidelines, and this matter made the current progress.

However, He Xiaoxi knew that once he made progress and took this first step, the next things should go smoothly.

Early the next morning, when Chunsheng's daughter-in-law was queuing up to get ice from the ice cellar, the people queuing with her asked her about what happened last night.

The incident last night can be summed up as nothing more than—crying for suffering and crying for poverty.

Chunsheng's daughter-in-law imparted successful experiences to those who were in the same situation and who were connected with the same fate.

Everyone suddenly realized: "That's right, how much money we earn, and no one follows us, so it's up to us to report it ourselves."

Boring money is king.Even if others know about making money, they will deny it.

Some people who have been concealing their real income for a long time also showed deep smiles.

Sitting on the cart out of the village, there were no other outsiders, and everyone even talked and exchanged combat experience in defending the fruits of labor.

The so-called one person's wisdom is short, but everyone's wisdom is long.Some honest people also increased their knowledge together.

Go back and use it secretly, fighting wits and courage with mother-in-law, sister-in-law and sister-in-law.

Some even played tricks with their husbands.Hide some private money so that you don't have to look at other people's faces when you spend a penny.

The so-called who has what he has is not as good as what he has, and the couple is still separated.

For a while, the women in Shuidong Village who went out to earn money had money to back them up, and all of them walked with style.

(End of this chapter)

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