Chapter 741
"Well, I also like to make money, let's make money together." Lu Yongjun didn't directly answer He Xiaoxi's question of whether he likes it or not, and avoided it vaguely.

He stared at He Xiaoxi with wide eyes.Finally unable to hold back under He Xiaoxi's probing eyes, he turned his head to the side in embarrassment.

When I left, I was so determined.He did not hesitate to go against his elder brother's wishes.In the letter that He Xiaoxi received from him before, he didn't see the slightest flinching.

why?Withdrew without warning?

He Xiaoxi fixed his head, not letting his eyes dodge. "What happened?" He Xiaoxi asked.

"Nothing happened." Lu Yongjun took He Xiaoxi's hand off and hugged her.Put your chin on her shoulder, so that she won't see the guilty look in your eyes.

"Don't you want me to come back? When I come back, we can be together every day. No matter if it's Lu Ermei or whoever dares to bully you, I'll teach them a lesson for you, and I can help you work. Isn't that good?"

He Xiaoxi was almost bewitched.

Eventually she shook her head, which of course wasn't good.

Even if Lu Yongjun is not a soaring eagle but just a sparrow, he should be flying in the sky.Instead of having their wings broken off, they were kept in chicken coops as domestic chickens.

He Xiaoxi thought of his expression when he saw the blisters on his hands, and his calmness when he saw the wealth, and wondered if he cared about these things.

"I can do it, don't worry, Second Sister Lu can't bully me, and I don't live here alone, there is Li Linjin, and my brother and the others are in the backyard, so I'm not afraid." He Xiaoxi said.

Lu Yongjun took a deep breath.He didn't believe He Xiaoxi's whitewashing of peace.

He has seen and heard with his own eyes in the past few days since he came back.He Xiaoxi can't wait to treat herself as several people.Busy like a spinning top, never a moment of leisure.

He noticed that He Xiaoxi was different from before, and he thought it was because of the strange feeling he had been away from home for too long.It wasn't until He Xiaoxi brought him to this yard just now that he realized what the problem was.

He Xiaoxi asked him if he was afraid.When I first came in, I looked at the desolate yard, and my heart was really hairy.

He is not ashamed.Because anyone who comes here probably feels the same as him.

There have been bloody conflicts and murders here.

Hearing is different from seeing it with your own eyes.An accident with an acquaintance is different from an accident with a stranger.He and his son were murdered here.There was nothing unusual when Xiaoxi came in.

No anomaly is the greatest anomaly.Something must have happened that he didn't know about, that made Xiao Xi not at all timid to walk in this place.

Whether it was He Xiaoxi's obsession with making money, or He Xiaoxi's sudden boldness, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

"It should be my responsibility to make money and deal with emergencies. I am the man in the family. I shouldn't let you face these things, like putting things here.

I should come, not you. Lu Yongjun stroked He Xiaoxi's hair, his voice low.

He Xiaoxi's nose suddenly felt sore.After a lifetime, she is used to facing and carrying all things alone.

So when something happens, she won't rely on others.It's like coming here to find a secret room. If her brother hadn't found out, she would have done it by herself.

She recalled her previous life, in order to save money on renovations, she was reluctant to ask someone to putty and paint the walls.I have been busy for a few days, and I am so tired that my back hurts and I finish the work alone.

When other people hear about it, they will only praise her: she is really capable.No one would feel sorry for her and would scramble to share the burden for her.

This is the difference between someone who loves you and someone who doesn't.

When unrelated people enter the secret room, they see the room full of gold, silver and jewels, and what they see is wealth and money.What the person who loves you sees is the fear of getting here, and the pain of moving these things.

"There's my brother, if it doesn't work, there's your brother and the others." He Xiaoxi knew the crux and tried to persuade Lu Yongjun.

The two sat on the steps leading down to the secret room.Snuggle up tight.

"I like to see you look confident in your clothes. You look good. You don't know. On the day you left, He Fengying was so jealous that my eyes turned red." He Xiaoxi said while helping him straighten his collar.

"Why mention her?" Lu Yongjun held He Xiaoxi's hand and said unhappily.It's so unsightly.Where there are only the two of them, don't mention irrelevant people.

The two of them placed the things they dug out a few days ago in the secret room.Just returned to the ground.

"Are you tired? Is my brother carrying you?" Lu Yongjun said.

He Xiaoxi: "Okay!" He threw himself on Lu Yongjun's back without any notice.

Back in the room, the two of them lie together.In each other's eyes, there is a deep affection that cannot be melted away.

He Xiaoxi sat up suddenly, put on his shoes and got out of bed.Afraid that she would catch a cold, Lu Yongjun took her padded jacket and ran after her to put it on her.

"What's the matter? What are you looking for? Can't you look for it tomorrow?" Seeing her rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things, she asked her.

"Don't look for it, I'll help you tomorrow..." They searched together, but didn't say anything.Seeing the dragon and phoenix candle in He Xiaoxi's hand, the rest of the words stuck in his throat.

He Xiaoxi handed the dragon and phoenix candle to Lu Yongjun: "Go and light it." Both of them had bright red faces.

Fortunately, there was no light in the house, only the moonlight coming in from the window.I can't even see the blush.

"I remember that there is still the Double Happiness letter that I didn't finish posting last time. Where did I put it?" He Xiaoxi rummaged through it again, hiding her shyness.

Lu Yongjun lit the red candle and came over to help her.

The red happy characters, reflecting the red candles that are flourishing, filled the room with tenderness and sweetness.

Lu Yongjun hugged He Xiaoxi and kissed him.Just when He Xiaoxi thought that he would turn into a hungry wolf monkey and rush forward in a hurry. "Wait," Lu Yongjun stopped.

Barefoot ran to the closet where the clothes were kept.

Lu Yongjun tossed out the wedding clothes they wore when they got married.

He hurriedly put on his own, and went to help He Xiaoxi put it on.

"Xiaoxi, you are so pretty." Lu Yongjun sighed.

It can finally be done.

He put on the clothes that didn't last a minute, but he took them off again.Like performing a devout ceremony, unbutton He Xiaoxi one by one.

He Xiaoxi nestled in Lu Yongjun's embrace as a small bird.The two quelled their rapid panting.

"Xiaoxi, do you like boys or girls?" Lu Yongjun, who had recovered first, asked He Xiaoxi.

He put his hand on He Xiaoxi's lower abdomen and stroked it.

"I like them all." He Xiaoxi replied. "What about you?" He looked up.

"I like whatever you like." Lu Yongjun kissed He Xiaoxi's cheek.

Just after taking a rest, I started to move my hands and feet again.

"As long as it was born by you, I like it." Lu Yongjun played tricks while talking sweetly.

"We had many, many children, both boys and girls..."

 It came when it should come.Some Xiaokuo love to take care of the hero and heroine!

  Hei Yu is her own mother, so don't worry!However, they are too boring.

  This wedding night in the bridal chamber is quite clear.There is no way to do it, and now the net is cleared and cracked down.

  In particular, Heiyu had offended too many people, so he was afraid of being reported.

  Fortunately, the artistic conception and feelings are enough.The hero and heroine are "applause", and everyone applauds Heiyu too, don't be too picky. (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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