Chapter 728

He Xiaoxi originally planned to cut through the mess quickly, but immediately closed the warehouse as soon as the incident happened, and once the people were handed over to the countryside, they would have nothing to do with them.

But this strong wind disrupted He Xiaoxi's original plan.

The current plan is to instigate Lu Maizi and He Laosi to bite dogs, making this matter more and more complicated.

Boss He's words hit He Xiaoxi's heart.

The village headquarters is now the interim headquarters of the river course.Basically occupied.So there is no place to hold prisoners.

In order to prevent the three from colluding, He Xiaoxi did not lock them in the same room.Lu Shou and the three of them are currently locked up at Lu Yousheng's home.The guards are all He Xiaoxi's staff.

It was as easy as pie for He Xiaoxi to say something.

She is the daughter of the surname He.The surname He asked her to come here, and she took care of it.She is also the daughter-in-law of Lu.She also takes care of things surnamed Lu.

He Xiaoxi stirred up a pool of muddy water in Shuidong Village.

When the wind stopped three days later, the three were sent to the countryside.

During these three days, both sides thought they had a good chance of winning.Can push all the blame on the other party.

Especially Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law, watching his sons being escorted away in a cart.Angrily said: "That bitch Jin Huifen is waiting to see our family's jokes, but I won't let her see them,

Without her intercession, my son would be fine. I want to see what will happen to that woman if she leaves our house. "

Lu Shou and his daughter-in-law stood by and echoed: "Yes, mother, she will not end well. I heard that the surname Chu doesn't want her anymore.

She's the kind of woman who shows her face outside all day, is crazy, no normal man would want him. "

Lu Shou and his wife's words were particularly pleasant to her mother-in-law's ears.Because the wound on the buttocks has been hurting, the original resentment towards the daughter-in-law in my heart has subsided a lot after hearing this.

Lu Shou and his wife supported her mother-in-law and walked back slowly.Every step I take, the wound is painful.

The wound on Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law's butt not only showed no sign of healing, but became more and more serious.All inflamed and swollen.

The main reason is that the way the wound was treated that day was unprofessional.

Glass shards are transparent and colorless, and it is difficult to clean up after being stained with blood.The wound was deep, which made it more difficult to deal with.So many are left in the wounds and not cleaned.

Back home, Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law was lying, sitting, and standing, and she felt uncomfortable no matter what.I thought about asking Chu Fengchu to re-bandage in the infirmary, but I couldn't bear it.

You must know that when Chu Fengchu was going to treat her wound that day, she said a lot of big things.

At night, Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law started to have a high fever.

The family didn't take it seriously, and went to the infirmary to bring her anti-fever medicine for her to take.

The high fever caused by wound inflammation is only effective when taking antipyretics.After the effect, the body temperature rises again.When people are so burned that they start talking nonsense, the family starts to worry.

Carry the patient to the infirmary.

Chu Fengchu checked and found that the wound was inflamed.Had to re-clean the wound.

Now the infirmary, warehouse, village department, and work-study office in the village are all in one place.On the other side of the warehouse, people from the village are weighing the grain in the warehouse, counting how much has been stolen.

The matter is of great importance, and the main leaders of the village have come here.

Lu Aiguo accompanied them.Doing self-examination: "It's all our fault for lax supervision and negligence in management, which almost caused the loss of public property."

Because this incident was discovered by Shuidong Village itself, and it was not revealed when the food was received later.Therefore, although the upper and lower levels of Shuidong Village are also responsible, it is not too late to make up for it after all.

If the losses can be recovered, the responsibility of the village cadres can basically be ignored.

So Lu Aiguo's confession was just a matter of attitude, not a matter of principle.

Everyone re-scaled the bags of grain.

With more and more less food, everyone's expression and mood became heavier and heavier.What a big rat.

Judging from this, the amount of grain stored in the warehouse will be reduced by one-fifth.Those who guard and steal have a lot of appetite.

Lu Aiguo remembered the conversation he had with He Xiaoxi that day.It seems that it is the benevolence of my wife.

After being treated by Chu Fengchu in the infirmary here, the wound was re-cleaned, acupuncture was given, and antipyretics were given.Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law's high fever subsided under the joint treatment of several parties.

People gradually wake up and regain clarity.

Knowing that the wound on her buttocks was cleaned and bandaged by Chu Fengchu's hands, it was like being insulted.

Standing outside the door of the infirmary, weeping and shouting: "You shameless, can you treat the wounds on women casually? I don't want to live anymore, I can't live anymore, I have no face to live, I'm innocent because of you!" ...."

The people in the warehouse and the river command office all ran out to watch when they heard her speak.Everyone thought it was a hooligan thing.

After asking, I realized that it was the doctor who was treating the patient.Everyone can't laugh or cry.People from the village also came to watch.

Mrs. Ma was at odds with Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law.In addition, the person she scolded was Chu Fengchu, Ma Shi had to make the decision for Chu Fengchu.

She stood in front of Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law and said, "Just you, the youngest old bastard, not a young daughter or daughter-in-law, who gave money to our Fengchu, and our Fengchu didn't even want to see you."
I still feel that you are at a disadvantage, and our Fengchu still thinks that he is at a disadvantage. "As soon as this remark came out, it was a hornet's nest.

Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law patted her thighs regardless of the pain in her buttocks, and jumped three feet high: "The surname Chu is a hooligan who seduced our daughter-in-law and asked our daughter-in-law to divorce my son.

Don't think I don't know, the two of them live so close to each other, flirting with each other every day. "Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law is planning to kill two birds with one stone.

Not only did he avenge the rejection of Jin Huifen's door asking for help that day, but he also took the opportunity to pour a basin of dirty water on Chu Fengchu.It is true that Chu Fengchu is playing hooligans.

"It is said that he can cure infertility in women, but who knows how the infertility is achieved." Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law is like a mad dog, who catches and bites whomever she catches.

He Xiaoxi stood beside her, frowning tightly.Unexpectedly, the fire would reach Chu Fengchu.

The scene was chaotic, and she didn't notice that there was someone in the crowd who shouldn't be here.

Shen Long squeezed out of the crowd and asked the people next to him, "Is it him?"

The man had a pair of triangular eyes.He nodded and bowed his head and replied: "Brother Long, that's him." This person was the same one who brought a prostitute to see infertility last time.

"Brother Long, we all found out that it was him. When his father brought him back, he was quite old. No one in the village had ever seen his mother. He studied medicine with Dr. Feng from Dizang Nunnery.... "

Shen Long nodded in satisfaction. According to the clues provided by his elder sister, this Chu Fengchu was very suitable for the person he was looking for.

They should have found the right person.

"Let's go, go back first." Shen Long said.

"Let's go back now?" Triangle Eyes asked, "Aren't you going to do it this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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