Chapter 694
For Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law, who is used to being arrogant, what she said was obviously hurting others and not benefiting herself.The onlookers who listened were gnashing their teeth in anger.

He Xiaoxi put on a helpless look, and said, "I don't want to stop, but you all have seen it, because of the work-study program, it's too ugly."

Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law took their family members and left proudly.

He Xiaoxi also walked away with a deeply shocked expression.Regardless of the eager eyes of everyone behind him.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Seeing Liu Dequan being besieged by those people at first, they all looked at it with the mood of watching the excitement.

Knowing that Liu Dequan was troubled by maintaining the normal order in the village, no one came out to speak justice for him.

Well now, the work-study program is yellow.It was too late for them to talk now.

Chu Dadun finished today's manual work, and still stood beside Da Pao's wife's table, unwilling to leave.Ask Da Pao's wife: "Sister-in-law, is it true that there will be no more work in the future?"

The other children around looked at Da Pao's wife and listened to her answer.

Cannon's daughter-in-law didn't believe that He Xiaoxi would do such a thing because of choking, and knew that He Xiaoxi must have some kind of conspiracy in doing so.

She can't tear down He Xiaoxi's platform.But I can't bear to hurt the children.He could only perfunctorily say: "You guys finish the work you have brought back first, and you will have to discuss this matter later."

It's easy to say that I fooled the students away.

As the saying goes, children from poor families head home early.The other children didn't find anything wrong, but Chu Dadun did.

According to the past practice, when there are almost no unpasted cartons left, a new batch will be pulled.But this time the inventory is decreasing a little bit, and I haven't seen any new replenishment.

The child guessed that the work-study program was about to stop.

When the news spread, the whole village was staring at Lu Jiayun's donkey cart.

The villagers who still had illusions, thinking that He Xiaoxi was just talking in a fit of anger, saw Lu Jiayun's donkey cart come back empty twice, and their illusions were completely shattered.

Everyone who saw He Xiaoxi asked her about it.He Xiaoxi always sighed deeply, and replied: "In the past, there was no work-study program, and students could still study hard.

After having a work-study program, how many troubles have been caused, some people simply don't go to school, and work at home, because of this incident, Brother Quan'er has suffered such a big grievance,
Therefore, it is better to stop this work-study program. "

He Xiaoxi was anxious: You guys are bothering Lu Maizi and Ba Yayan's family, what's the use of chasing after me?Not too much, as long as you go to the two of them for trouble, I will immediately ask Jiayun to bring the cardboard box.

Not long after, He Xiaoxi got his wish.

The fields in Shuidong Village are all radishes and cabbages.The weather is getting colder, and the cabbage is also beginning to hold its heart. It needs to be tied with straw rope and covered with grass at the top.

The whole village went to work.

Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law has not been in the field for several years since her daughter-in-law came in, and she had five yuan as a filial piety from Sister Jin.

When the whole village was fighting drought before, their family did not have enough labor, or did not work hard.At that time, everyone was embarrassed to talk about her out of face.

This time, their family wanted to do the same thing, honing foreign skills while working.

There are hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at them in a village, so there is no room for them to be lazy.

Chu Dadun's mother has been a widow for many years and has a tough personality.Those who watched their house specially saw that the straw rope tied by Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law was loose, and it fell apart when touched by her feet.

When he went up, he gave Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law a slap in the face.Cursing and cursing: "You bear woman, why are you tying it so loosely to fool the ghost? What's the use of tying it like this? The cabbage can't grow into a fruit..."

Someone took the lead, and everyone else surrounded them.Pushing Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law, cursing and chewing.

He also re-checked the work done by other people in their family.If you find something bad, just stare at them and rework.It's like treating a prisoner.

When I got home at night, Lu Maizi's daughter-in-law was so tired that she collapsed on the bed.Cursing at Chu Dadun's mother: "How did I offend Widow Chu? Deliberately targeting me."

Together, the family guessed that the work-study program had stopped, and they were angered by the villagers.

"You said, did Lu Yongjun's daughter-in-law do it on purpose?" Lu Shou and his wife said.Not to mention, the only woman in their family has some brains.

"No way?" Lu Maizi said.If you deliberately target them, they will have a hard time in the future.So he didn't want to believe what the fourth daughter-in-law said.

He Xiaoxi held back for another two days, and asked Lu Jiayun to bring back a batch before the cartons were completely sold out.

This matter also came to an end.However, the tradition of villagers monitoring the work of Lu Maizi's family has been maintained.

"Auntie, the old handsome daughter-in-law has given birth." Da Pao came to announce the good news early in the morning.

When Mrs. Ma heard it, she came over and asked, "What kind of baby is there? Why didn't I hear you say it, so we can go with you to help?"

Cannon grinned from ear to ear: "Grandma, I gave birth to a fat girl who weighs seven pounds and two taels. The old handsome mother-in-law came early in the morning. With her here, I will not trouble you to grow old."

Most people say fat boy, but the idea of ​​fat girl is new.

He Xiaoxi hurriedly packed a bag full of eggs at home and asked Da Pao to take them back for use.

Da Pao touched his head and took it without any excuse.

Generally speaking, without the help of parents-in-law and outsiders to dislike them, parents generally do not dislike their daughters.

Aunt Dong couldn't see Da Pao's grinning mouth, afraid that he would be disappointed because the old handsome wife gave birth to a daughter, so she persuaded: "If you can give birth, you don't have to worry about it, there will always be a change."

Mrs. Ma hurriedly pushed her: "Hi, my daughter. My daughter is the little padded jacket of my parents. Da Pao and the others are so happy. They are satisfied, aren't they?"

Da Pao: "Satisfaction, satisfaction, our niece is called satisfaction."

Everyone was amused by what he said.

There is another important reason why rural people do not name female dolls.If you pay too much attention to girls, all the girls will like to run to their house, for fear that all children will be girls in the future.

Like Da Pao, it is really rare to give a baby girl a good name at birth.

Aunt Dong nodded: "Satisfaction is good, satisfaction is good."

Da Pao: "It's good to have a group of girls, our family doesn't dislike it." Thinking back when the girl in his family was gone, Da Pao and his wife went crazy.

After waiting for so many years and looking forward to it for so many years, they are happy with whatever happens to their sister-in-law and daughter-in-law.

He Xiaoxi and the others were also happy for Da Pao and his family. "I'll turn around and tell Lu Youhu, let him go to the city to take care of Lao Jun for a while, and let Lao Jun hug his fat girl more at home."

He Xiaoxi granted Maternity Leave to Old Junte.

The weather turned cold in a blink of an eye, and the radishes and cabbages in the field began to be harvested.

He Xiaoxi took people into the city to sell vegetables everywhere.

Several sales online stores built before have also been put into use.From the elderly in Shuidong Village to the children in Weizongjiao, everyone is busy.

(End of this chapter)

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