Chapter 688 Red Eggs

It is impossible for Lu Ermei to offer more lucrative things to bribe Yan Shi.

They both belong to the same people.Things that go into your own pocket can only go in but not out.Taking out a little bit is more uncomfortable than dying.

If Second Sister Lu wanted to go back to her natal family, she couldn't come empty-handed.Come back empty-handed, the sisters-in-law will not say anything.Yan Shi can ask her face to make her look bad.

Therefore, if Second Sister Lu wanted to avoid embarrassment, she could only choose not to return to her natal home.

It was He Xiaoxi's wish that Second Sister Lu would not return to her mother's house.To save her from looking for trouble and picking bones in the egg.

Without the instigation of Lu Ermei, Yan Shi would be able to make less trouble.So the days at home are relatively peaceful these days.

But counting the days, it's time for Second Sister Lu to give birth soon.

He Xiaoxi will not be less courteous.Just like sending Zhumi, He Xiaoxi will not lose a cent of the money that should be given.But it's impossible to ask her to pay extra.

"You can come to my place and try it first. If it doesn't suit you, you can go back to the big car shop at any time." He Xiaoxi said. "Come to my place, including room and board for a month, and I can give you ten yuan."

In addition to giving generous rewards, He Xiaoxi also gave her plenty of options.In this case, if Li Linjin was still unwilling, it would be too ignorant of flattery.

So Li Linjin nodded and agreed without much hesitation: "Since you believe in me, I'll give it a try."

He Xiaoxi appreciates such a decisive character.

"Okay, you go and pack it up. I'll have someone bring your luggage back to you. The west room of my main room is still empty. There is a ready-made bed in it. You can live here." He Xiaoxi made arrangements.

The conditions here are much better than the Datong shop in the big car shop.Li Linjin had no objection.

I don't know if it was because He Xiaoxi mentioned Lu Ermei when talking to Li Linjin the day before, and the Zhou family came to announce the good news the next day.In particular, the second sister Lu, who couldn't stand the nagging, was born.

Jialin came to call He Xiaoxi: "Third Aunt, my little uncle is here, Madam asked me to call you."

"Your little uncle came alone or...?" He Xiaoxi was afraid that Second Sister Lu's old illness would relapse again, so the Zhou family came to reason with them.

If that's the case, He Xiaoxi is going to find an excuse to hide as far as he can.Absolutely not like in the previous life, soliciting this matter with vicious words.

"My uncle came here alone, and my sister-in-law gave birth to the red eggs." Jialin replied.

In this way, He Xiaoxi can rest assured.

There are guests at home, no matter how good or bad they are, they have to make a meal to entertain them.He Xiaoxi was afraid that the family would not be prepared.I searched the pot house in the backyard, picked up a few dishes and brought them there.

There just happened to be freshly picked tomatoes, red and juicy, very fresh.He Xiaoxi took a few.And he washed one and handed it to Jialin.

Jialin "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"With a mournful face and a puckered mouth.Make everyone laugh.He Xiaoxi hurriedly took a towel to help him wipe it clean.

Sending Zhou Chengsi away, He Xiaoxi and other sister-in-laws hadn’t spoken much yet, and Mrs. Yan started nagging there: “My children are debts, and I have to spend money. I haven’t eaten since she got married. To her two catties of fruit,

Whichever one of you likes to go, I won't go anyway, if I have money to buy things for her, I might as well spend it for myself. What Yan said made everyone dumbfounded.

The three sisters-in-law of He Xiaoxi looked at each other, not knowing what to say.Can only keep silent.

This can be said by Mrs. Yan, but not by sister-in-laws.This is the first matter for the Zhou family, no matter what the true thoughts in their hearts are, they have to take care of face.

Even if they get along badly in the future, relatives will say goodbye.They have to be unkind first before Second Sister Lu can be unrighteous.The Lu family must tell the Zhou family something, if the Zhou family does not come, the Lu family will not go next time.

This time they gave the Zhou family a gift of five yuan.If the Zhou family returns a gift of two yuan to the Lu family next time, they can return gifts similar to the gifts sent by the Zhou family in the future.

However, even if the Zhou family only gave a gift of one yuan, the two families could not decide.You have to live in such a neither salty nor light way.

The auntie coughed, and Yan stopped her nonsensical remarks.

"When Jiayun goes to the market, ask him to bring something back. I'll ask who has eggs nearby and buy some eggs to go with it. The three of us will go to Zhou's house together," said Aunt Lu.

The three families mentioned by Mrs. Lu refer to the three houses of the Lu family.Not just the three brothers.In this case, all close relatives usually have to go.

"What kind of child did you have?" Second Auntie asked.Buy things according to the gender of the child.For example, when buying cloth, boys and girls buy different colors.

The question asked by the second aunt stunned everyone.No one thought of asking Zhou Chengsi what kind of child he had.Because I didn't care, I didn't realize I should ask.

Mrs. Lu hurriedly took out the red eggs that Zhou Chengsi had brought, and counted the number.

According to local customs, the number of red eggs will be given according to the gender of the child.Boys will send even numbers and girls will send odd numbers.

For the sake of caution, Mrs. Lu counted twice and got an even number.

When He Xiaoxi looked up, she found that Yan's expression was a little nervous.There is a touch of red at the corner of the mouth.He Xiaoxi was worried whether Yan ate the eggs secretly when no one was around.

If she ate it secretly, the number of eggs must be wrong.He Xiaoxi asked her: "Mom, what's going on with your mouth?"

Yan avoids He Xiaoxi's hand, and rubs his hand vigorously: "This one, when I just brought it over, it may have stained a little bit." He denied that he had eaten eggs.

He Xiaoxi thought about it, and felt that Yan's tense expression might be the reason why her aunt was here.

If she really ate it secretly, everyone is counting the eggs here to decide how to give gifts. She shouldn't dare to hide such a big matter.

It wasn't until He Xiaoxi came home that he came back to his senses.Just now she only asked what happened to Yan's mouth, and didn't tell her that there was color.Yan Shi herself couldn't see what she said, how could she know what she was asking?
Yan's answer like that clearly means that there is a ghost in his heart, and there is no silver 300 taels here.

This kind of wonderful mother-in-law is also drunk.

He Xiaoxi had no choice but to go back and talk about it with Aunt Lu in private. "Don't ask her any more, let your elder brother ask her later, he dare not lie when he asks her."

And Lu Aiguo is her own son.There is no overnight feud between mother and child, so it doesn't matter what you ask.If the daughter-in-law asks, she will become angry with embarrassment if she can't keep it.

At night, when Lu Aiguo asked, it was true.Yan Shi secretly ate a red egg today.

"Since I got married, I haven't seen her give me anything. What's the matter if I eat an egg from her?" Yan Shi continued to quibble.

It's okay to eat an egg, you should say something after eating it.I don't even ask, I'm still confident now.

According to the custom, when you give birth to a child to announce the good news, you have to send eggs to relatives and friends.After the eggs are boiled, they will be dyed into red shells with red paint and given to everyone.

If it wasn't discovered in time today, it wouldn't be right to know that Yan ate an amount.If the gender of the child is really wrong, the color of Zhumi sent is wrong.It is necessary to leave an excuse for the Zhou family.

 Hei Yu remembered seeing people give away rice, and a large group of relatives came.

(End of this chapter)

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