Chapter 685

It is inevitable that brothers and sisters will turn against each other because of property disputes.So Aunt Song and his wife were even more careful, for fear that something bad would cause their brothers to disagree.

In reality, most of the brothers are at odds because the parents' bowl of water is not level.But it is very difficult to make a bowl of water level.It is said that the palms and backs of the hands are all fleshy, and there is another hand with thin fleshy backs and thick palms.

Now that the eldest daughter-in-law has the bearing of a sister-in-law, the Song couple can't help but secretly heave a sigh of relief.

"Brothers are of the same heart, their profits cut through gold, Auntie, you have nothing to worry about when you get old, just wait and enjoy the blessings." He Xiaoxi said.

No one doesn't like to be listened to.He Xiaoxi's words made the Song family happy.

There are fixed procedures for the weddings and funerals of Chinese people.Just follow the routine.He Xiaoxi didn't need to worry about it.

As a matchmaker, the main role is to coordinate the relationship between the two parties.Act as a mouthpiece before the two parties, bargaining for each other.But the woman's population is simple.Qin Wenjin is not a difficult master either.

In addition, the dowry gift from the Song family was not shabby either.There is really nothing between the two parties that requires He Xiaoxi to mediate.

So He Xiaoxi became an idler.Sitting in the lobby of the big car shop, knocking sunflower seeds and drinking tea.

He Damao came over and sat down on the stool next to He Xiaoxi.After running outside all morning, my throat is like smoke.He poured a cup of tea and drank it in big gulps.

"Sister, you said that looking for a house is a bit troublesome. Now many houses have been divided. I ran all morning and looked at several places, but nothing worked." He Damao calmed down and said to He Xiaoxi.

Now is the stage of redistribution of social resources.Some houses were allocated to the poorest at the bottom.So there are basically no vacant houses.

Even if there are, the property rights of these houses are still in the hands of the government.It belongs to the housing management office and cannot be bought or sold.And their village does not belong to the subject that can allocate and use these houses.

"How about, let's talk about Lao Wu again?" He Damao asked her.

The big car shop they occupied was due to the old Wu who left, and after confusing the property rights of this place, they fished in troubled waters and occupied it.

One can't be two, this kind of thing can't be done all the time.Otherwise, if it gets involved, the big car shop won't be able to keep it.

So He Xiaoxi shook his finger and rejected He Damao's proposal. "No, don't do this kind of thing in the future."

According to He Xiaoxi's experience in his previous life, he could only do the same thing once for any borderline and minor violations of the law.Get some cash and go.One cannot be greedy.

If you are greedy, you will fall into it sooner or later.Not only will you lose what you are earning, but you will also have to spit out what you have gained before.

Those who rose at the same time as her in the previous life, some fell because of tax evasion, and some fell because of extorting state assets...Those who used to laugh at her for being timid and afraid of getting into trouble didn't reach her height in the end.

He Xiaoxi thought of the house deeds and land deeds he found in the back room of the Lu family's old house.I just feel like my heart is bleeding.So many industries can be seen but cannot be taken.

She held those deed papers in vain, not to mention going to get them back, and she dared not say anything about it.

The ancestor suddenly had an accident, and many things were not explained, and all these properties were ignorant.These industries are now either nationalized or privately owned by some people.

Li Linjin brought the boiled water to help them refill.He Xiaoxi stopped the previous topic and talked about other safe topics.

"It doesn't have to be a detached house. It can also be like Yang Wenyuan's house. We help them build the house, and then leave us a house and sign a term of use for how many years." He Xiaoxi said.

"There are relatives or acquaintances in our village, next to the vegetable market, or people in places where residents are more concentrated, and everyone benefits from each other."

Li Linjin heard He Xiaoxi's words and looked at her the same way.Question: "Are you going to increase the sales point of dried mustard mustard?"

"No, it is going to be a vegetable sales point in our village." He Xiaoxi replied.

He Xiaoxi now has a good impression of Li Linjin.It wasn't a secret, and it didn't hurt to tell her.

He Xiaoxi's purpose is to be a sales point for vegetables.Of course, in order not to waste resources, you can also sell pickled mustard and dried tofu by the way.

The method used by the Li family to obtain the secret recipe of preserved fruit was disgraceful.When Li Linjin appeared here, He Xiaoxi also had doubts.But this person behaved normally and did not go to the processing area.

Apart from telling Lu Yanming to manage the processing area well, He Xiaoxi did not guard her against her.

He Xiaoxi felt that taking precautions from the source was much better than being suspicious.

Perhaps it was He Xiaoxi's attitude that encouraged her.Hearing the conversation between He Xiaoxi and He Damao, Li Linjin interrupted and asked He Xiaoxi.He Xiaoxi answered,
Li Linjin said: "I do know a few houses that can be your sales locations, and they are basically close to the vegetable market, and there are concentrated residents nearby."

"Actually, if you sell vegetables, you can also directly contact the canteens of each unit. They also want to store vegetables like that kind of high-end products." Li Linjin suggested.

What Li Linjin was thinking about was exactly what He Xiaoxi was thinking about.He Xiaoxi is also preparing to let people run around the canteens.

He Xiaoxi felt that Li Linjin had great ideas in sales.It's more in line with her ideas.Pointing to the stool next to him: "Sit down, sit down and talk." He took a cup and poured her a glass of water.

Perhaps Li Linjin herself wanted to sell herself.Slightly nervous, he sat down on the stool and took a few sips of water from his cup.Organized her thoughts and told He Xiaoxi again.

Not only did she elaborate on her thoughts on sales, but she also introduced to He Xiaoxi what she knew about the houses.Those houses are not residential houses, but similar to sheds.It used to be a place where goods were piled up.

Because there are no walls on all sides, only a few columns and a roof.So these houses have not been occupied yet.

These are not problems for Shuidong Village.They have a ready-made engineering team, and they can build the wall by pulling it over.A shed can be transformed into a house in no time.

There is nothing for He Xiaoxi to worry about here.Lu Yanming's wife and Zhao Di Niang are both here.They can handle matters related to marriage.

So He Xiaoxi immediately followed Li Linjin to see those houses.This has to be settled quickly.To prevent someone from having the same idea as them, they also built a shed on the four walls and changed it into a house.

Another point is to take advantage of the current situation where the property rights of houses are not clear, to act first, and to buy them for a little money.If it is saved, the country will tighten this area in the future, and it will be too late for them to buy it again.

This kind of house with unclear property rights is now owned by whoever occupies it.It's not the same as the big car shop. They spent money, and they are justified wherever they go.

 Thick palms.Therefore, those who hold in the palm of their hands are all sweethearts. (*^ω^*)
(End of this chapter)

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