Chapter 627
The Rain Prayer Ceremony is different from all other ceremonies in which widows, widows, and solitary persons are generally excluded from participation.The rain praying ceremony must require the widows to participate and be presided over by them.

The local rain praying ceremony requires twelve widows.It is up to them to carry the broom to finish the ceremony.

First, put various offerings in the Dragon King Temple.The most important thing is a big pig head.If the drought is severe, whole pigs are also used as sacrifices.

An officiant will read the sacrificial words.

When it was finally completed, there were twelve widows lined up in a row.Singing traditional lyrics in their mouths, they swept the ground together with a broom.

"...Twelve widows came to sweep the pit, sweeping and hugging, and the pit was full for three days and three nights."

On the night when the sacrifice was completed, there was a burst of thunder, accompanied by lightning, and rain fell on the ancient village.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, or perhaps the ritual of praying for rain had an effect, and the rain fell.Some multi-day drought eased.People are running around telling each other with joy: "It's raining, it's raining."

Under the drizzle, He Xiaoxi followed Lu Zhenbang to the train station in a donkey cart.

Lu Jiayun drove them in a donkey cart.On the platform, Lu Jiayun handed the burden to He Xiaoxi: "Aunt Thirteen, pay attention to safety on the road, go early and return early."

Everything else is just nonsense.Only the last sentence "Go early and come back early" is what Lu Jiayun said in his heart.He Xiaoxi is now the backbone of these people.

This mess is all counting on He Xiaoxi to make up his mind.Lu Jiayun was really afraid that He Xiaoxi would follow Uncle Shisan out and never come back.In that case, they would really become motherless babies.

Because it was raining, we didn't notify everyone to come and see us off.However, there were also people who rushed over after receiving the news, such as Lu Yanming.

Because I knew the news was late, I rushed here without any rain gear, and my clothes were all wet. "Brothers and sisters, how long are you going to go out? Tell us a little bit, so we have a good idea.
In case something happens during this period, who do we discuss with? "Lu Yanming and He Xiaoxi complained half-truthfully.

In fact, when He Xiaoxi was at home, he didn't take care of many things.If she took care of everything, she would have been exhausted long ago.He Xiaoxi only grasped the general direction, and left the rest of the work to the people below.

As long as she is here, even if she doesn't do anything or say anything, everyone has the backbone in their hearts.When He Xiaoxi left, everyone panicked.

He Xiaoxi couldn't let go of home either.The feeling of hunger in the heart, like all kinds of tastes in the heart.But thinking about it, it's a good thing to go out this time.

At least give this group of people a chance to grow.Everyone should try to solve the problem alone.She had to try to let go and let everyone grow.

These people now will be the backbone of her staff in the future.If they want to grow, everyone has to be alone.You can't hide behind her all the time, and let her support it alone.

Some people lack ability, some people just lack confidence.

"If there is anything, you can report it to my elder brother, or you can discuss it with each other. If there is really no way to solve it, just put it aside and wait for me to come back to solve it." He Xiaoxi said.

In fact, most problems can be solved by Lu Aiguo.It's just that he's a bit upright.When dealing with some matters, He Xiaoxi can't take it seriously.

The train arrived at the station very quickly. Maybe it was raining today, but it was not late.The car was still a mess.Today's trains are like future generations' buses.Crowded and noisy.

Today's road network traffic is very backward.Those who don't have to go out all their lives are truly blessed.

He Xiaoxi sat on the hard-seat train, suffering from a sore back due to the bumps.

There is no direct train, and you have to change trains halfway.

After wandering around for several days, the two arrived at Lu Yongjun's station.

Lu Zhenbang took out the envelope in his hand and compared it with the name at the door.

"Comrade, who are you looking for?" the guard at the door asked them.

They explained their identities to the guard on duty at the gate, and told the person they were looking for.The guard shook a phone and reported their identities inside.

After verifying their identities, they met Lu Yongjun.Faced with relatives who fell from the sky, Lu Yongjun was very pleasantly surprised.I was so surprised that I looked at them in a daze, and didn't even know how to go up to say hello.

" did you come here?" Lu Yongjun asked, "Is the road going well?" The road will definitely not be smooth.Given the current traffic situation, He Xiaoxi was exhausted all the way, looking haggard.

But no matter how difficult the road is, He Xiaoxi will not complain to Lu Yongjun at this time.Because He Xiaoxi saw that Lu Yongjun also looked haggard.

Something must have happened.Otherwise, with Lu Yongjun's temperament, if nothing happens, he won't just be in a daze when he sees them.

settle down.Lu Yongjun brought them food and water for washing.

Although the two have not yet consummated their marriage, they are husband and wife after all.The accommodation in the resident is tight, and two people can only share one room.

This time the blow to Lu Yongjun was too great.The grievance in his heart was bubbling.If he hadn't been concerned about his big man's face, he would have hugged He Xiaoxi and cried bitterly.

"Why did you...suddenly...come here, and didn't write a letter to let...I pick" Lu Yongjun asked again what he had asked before.

He felt in his heart that he was really ashamed of He Xiaoxi.Feel ashamed to face.

"What's the matter? Brother and I are very worried about you, so we rushed over to take a look." He Xiaoxi was anxious to find out what happened?Lu Yongjun's temperament changed drastically.

One question made Lu Yongjun bow his head like a defeated rooster.Depression.

He Xiaoxi: Sure enough, something happened.

"Have you violated the discipline? Have you been punished?" He Xiaoxi asked, "It's okay, who can avoid making a mistake, if you know the mistake, you can correct it, and it will be fine if you correct it in the future."

He Xiaoxi comforts Lu Yongjun.Even if he is punished, as long as he knows his mistakes and can correct them, his family will forgive him and will not abandon him.

What He Xiaoxi said moved Lu Yongjun very much, but he couldn't laugh or cry.

"It didn't violate... anti-discipline." Lu Yongjun defended himself.

He Xiaoxi saw that he didn't open his eyes wide to speak nonsense.Know that what he said is true.He Xiaoxi was even more worried when he was not punished.

"What happened?" He Xiaoxi asked sharply.It reminds me of the red scarf that was sent back last time with burnt holes.He Xiaoxi worried that he was injured.

Look at his whole body, he is still a whole body.In addition to the exposed skin of the alder fruit, some wounds have a different color after healing.

He Xiaoxi felt relieved.

He Xiaoxi asked again and again, only to find out what happened.

The trouble for a long time was because of being discriminated against.He Xiaoxi laughed unkindly.

He Xiaoxi's attitude reassured Lu Yongjun.As long as his wife doesn't dislike him, he doesn't care if the whole world dislikes him.

 Because he didn't write enough, Heiyu copied and pasted a little bit.Will change it later.

(End of this chapter)

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