Chapter 606 Quirks
When He Bin's older brothers saw that He Bin had no serious sequelae, they wanted to overturn the original separation agreement.

According to the original separation agreement, the brothers He Bin and He Ya only took a small advantage in supporting their parents.But he suffered a disadvantage in the distribution of property.It is also considered to be flat for two times.

Moreover, the parents of the He Bin brothers are in good health now, and they don't need to support them.If it is time to wait for support, it is estimated that it will be more than ten years later.

It's just that according to He Bin's parents' dislike for He Bin, the family property allocated to him in this way exceeded the original expectation.He Bin's brothers were unwilling, and they all felt that they had suffered a disadvantage.

"Why doesn't he need to provide for the elderly?" He Bin's second brother asked.

"The big head has lost the family property, or if the family property is given to him, he can also take care of the old age like us." He Ya said.

"That can't be done. Why does he not share the same family property as me? If it weren't for him, it would be so difficult for our family to marry a wife?" Second Brother He Bin said in the same tone and expression as his mother usually does.

He Binniang felt that her second son was right.Nodding and echoing, "That's right, if it weren't for this evil seed, would our family be so poor?"

"He shouldn't take some of the family property, and then his father and mother will have to be raised by him. Anyway, I won't raise it." He Bin's second brother got the approval of his mother, and he uttered his heart.

Father He Bin: ==(●●|||)
He Binniang: ('')
Whoever loves the most is the least filial.Take parental contributions for granted.Favoring children who are not filial is almost becoming a quirk of the Chinese people.

Both He Bin's parents fell silent, and they were no longer as arrogant as they were at the beginning.Anyone who is disliked by their sons like this and says that they don't want to support them will feel bad.

"Then have you married a wife? You have married a wife, what right do you have to say that?" Uncle He Bin asked him.

Although Uncle He Bin is not used to the eccentric behavior of He Bin's parents, he thinks they are doing it to themselves.But we can't let such black sheep appear in the family and teach the children below.

"If he hadn't been a drag, would I have found such a bad wife? I can't find a good one?" After He Bin's second brother finished speaking, his second sister-in-law's face turned green.

He Bin's second brother is a fool.Bi He Ya has no brains and is still in a daze.It belongs to the person who has a hot head and dares to say anything.

It's not like other people's cannon three views are upright, which belongs to justice.He doesn't have the right three views, and he only cares about his proper messing around.

The family separation agreement was written in black and white on the paper, and no one could change it just by touching the upper and lower lips.

Besides, the distribution is not unfair, it is still reasonable.So, He Bin's second brother entangled for a while, but still failed to reverse the agreement.

Not only failed to reverse the agreement, but also offended parents and women in the family.It can be regarded as stealing a chicken without losing money.

In He Bin's parents' house, the atmosphere was a little gloomy.The two were relatively speechless and sighed.Now that they can still move and work to support themselves, they start to be disliked.

It is conceivable that when they are old and weak and lose the ability to work, and then cough and tuberculosis, it will be even more disgusting.I'm afraid that when the time comes, it will be difficult to feed my mouth.

On the river channel, the project is coming to an end.It has been several months without a single drop of water.Although it is beneficial to the progress of the project on the river, the crops in the field cannot stand it.

All villages and townships are carrying out campaigns to fight drought and protect seedlings.He Xiaoxi and the others were also notified to transfer some people back to participate in drought relief work.

On the construction site, each village is no longer in charge of a river section.Instead, gather people together to do the finishing work.

He Xiaoxi remembered that in her previous life, Second Sister Su was assigned to them at this time.

A thin little girl, but her strength is astonishing.

No one is born a strong man.It's all from working too much on weekdays and exercising.It's like He Xiaoxi himself, who has gained all his strength from sailing a boat on weekdays.

On the third day of reassignment, He Xiaoxi met Second Sister Su as she wished.

"Oh, I have lice all over my body. I live with you, so I can't pass them on to you." He Xiaoxi heard Second Sister Su's hearty voice from afar.

"It's good to have lice, we can catch lice at night to relieve boredom." Liu Sisao said witty words.

Although He Xiaoxi knew that Liu Sisao was sent by Lu Yongjun to do Infernal Affairs in front of her in her previous life.However, she is too talkative to be hated.

Lu Youhu also heard the chatter and laughter in the room, and laughed along with him.He Xiaoxi told him: "Quickly get someone to boil a big pot of water for these sisters."

Although the weather is warmer today, it is not yet possible to take a bath with cold water.Some of these people probably didn't take a bath all winter.

Now these daughters live on the construction site.If there are too many people, He Xiaoxi can't afford it.The firewood and coal brought over from Shuidong Village are basically used up because the project is coming to an end.

In the previous life, He Xiaoxi and Second Sister Su were inseparable because they were both victims of that dead bastard.He Xiaoxi was peeped in the bathroom.

Second Sister Su is more complicated than her experience.

Second Sister Su met a beggar on the river, who was only wearing a pair of thin trousers on a snowy day.There are still holes in the trousers, and there are threads of thread.It looks cold.

Second Sister Su kindly took off a pair of her trousers and gave them to the man.

In the same river section as Second Sister Su, another girl in their village was followed and ruined by the bastard.That girl is timid, but her heart is not small, she is very bad.

The bastard threatened her, saying that she seduced him and had a relationship with him.Because she knew that Second Sister Su had given her a pair of beggars, she had to insist that Second Sister Su was also spoiled by a bastard.

The evidence is that Second Sister Su is missing a pair of trousers.

This girl has a bad heart.It doesn't count if you die yourself, but you have to pull a backer.

Fortunately, when Second Sister Su gave the beggar pants, there were railway workers patrolling the railway in the distance.Two railway inspectors saw her standing with a beggar, a girl, and were afraid that she would suffer.

The two of them walked over from a distance, only to realize that the girl was kind enough to give the beggar a pair of trousers to wear.

With the testimony of the railway workers, Second Sister Su's reputation was restored.The girl who dragged Second Sister Su to hell with her was forced to marry a bastard in the end.

Although pitiful, it is well deserved.

He Xiaoxi went into the house, "I boiled some hot water for you guys, I'll bring it here in a while, and wash it well." He Xiaoxi said.

When the little girls heard about it, they jumped up happily.

He Xiaoxi looked over, and there was no such wicked girl among these people.It's okay, don't make yourself sick.

Before the rejoicing was over, a timid voice came from behind: "This is the dormitory in Shuidong Village, right?"

 I prefer children who are not filial, and I think of filial ones in my later years.

(End of this chapter)

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