Chapter 490
Seeing off the guests, He Xiaoxi did not leave.Started to help clear the table and wash the dishes.Because most of the dishes are meat dishes, there is a layer of grease sticking to the dishes.

In this era, there were no products such as dishwashing liquid for cleaning tableware.It is not as convenient as later generations to clean the dishes.However, people still have their own earth-made methods to remove oil stains.

Liu Shi boiled a pot of hot water, and He Xiaoxi put the bowls and chopsticks in it.He scooped up half a scoop of bran, grabbed the bran in his hand, and wiped the dishes with the bran.Then rinse with water.

Generally, if there are pigs in the family, they wash the dishes like this.If there are no pigs, there are also alkaline noodles or plant ash to wash the dishes.

He Xiaoxi cleaned the dishes, scalded them with boiling water and put them into the bowl holes.Pour the swill left over from washing the dishes into the pig food barrel, and mix with some vegetable leaves, bran and fermented sauce residue.

Take her to the pigsty at the back of the house to feed her two pigs.

These two pigs were bought by Lu Yongjun before he joined the army, and they were plotted against by Liu's father-in-law and his mother.It can be regarded as a disaster.

Native pigs grow slowly.Generally speaking, it takes more than a year to raise a pig before it can be slaughtered.

The two half-sized black pigs, probably hungry, kept arching against the wall in the pigsty, grunting loudly.

Seeing someone coming, they gathered around together, shouting louder.The troughs were all pounded hard.He Xiaoxi felt that if the pig troughs were not made of stone, they would have been smashed.

Feeding the pigs is like fighting a battle every time.These two pigs are too cruel to grab food.Blocking the pig trough, there is no room left for people to pour pig food into it.

He Xiaoxi managed to see an empty head fall a little bit, and a black head immediately came over to block it.Pig food poured one of its ears.The other pig saw the pig food dripping on it, and gnawed on that ear.

The two pigs began to bite.Pig food is thrown everywhere.He Xiaoxi had no choice but to hold the ladle for scooping up the pig food, and slapped the pig away a few times.

In the winter, He Xiaoxi poured pig food and sweated all over.It can be predicted that when these two foodies grow bigger, it will be a disaster to eat back.

Practice has proved that it is indeed feasible to raise pigs with fermented sauce residue and bran and vegetable leaves.

When everyone in the village starts to grow vegetables, there will be too many leaves to put.All free pig food.He Xiaoxi plans to catch three more piglets and put them in the pigsty next to him in the next year.

The scale of raising pigs has to be expanded, otherwise the vegetables in the village cannot be consumed.Vegetables have a higher demand for manure.Only pigs can produce a lot of manure.

He Xiaoxi carried the pig food bucket back to the front yard.The snow fell harder.There is already a thick layer on the ground.There is a creaking sound when you step on it.

Thick ice formed in the pond, and suddenly the children braved the snow to skate on it.

He Xiaoxi took a closer look, and it turned out that Xiao Ju was playing with the children.He Xiaoxi didn't stop them either.Due to the cloudy day today, the temperature is low and the ice is very strong.

Because of the latitude here, the ice on the river surface can only hold people for more than ten days in winter.So skating is a very dangerous move.

Once the weather warms up, the ice becomes fragile, and ice holes often devour people.

He Xiaoxi returned home and put the pig food barrel in the corner of the pot house.Get water to wash off the pig food splashed on your face.Change clothes.Thinking in my heart how to solve the problem of difficulty in eating.

In his previous life, He Xiaoxi was a catering business. In the early days when the swill was not specially managed by the state, he was always pulled back by farmers to raise pigs.He Xiaoxi has a good relationship with several big pig farmers.

Should be invited to visit their farms.One of them is large-scale recirculation farming.

He Xiaoxi looked at the pigsty in his house, the mouth of the food dump was like a funnel, and the pig food automatically slid from the mouth of the funnel into the trough.But to make such a funnel, cement is indispensable.

Concrete again, He Xiaoxi's plans are always hindered by the lack of real materials.I want to build a red brick house and open a restaurant for when, but there is no cement.Transform a pigsty, still no cement.

However, it is useless to imagine where to get some cement now.We'll have to wait a year to figure it out.

He Xiaoxi wiped off the snowflakes on his body, and went into the west room of the main room.Pulling back the thick curtain, the room was obviously warmer than the outside after entering.

The house is lit with a kang like the ones burned by people in the north, so it is enough for the children to wear thin cotton clothes.One by one climbed very happily.

Especially An An from He Damao's family, like a woman, is kicking her father's face with her foot.Pedal and giggle.Chuncao stopped her: "An'an, what are you doing?"

He Damao said nonchalantly: "It's okay, and it doesn't hurt. She's just playing with her."Being picked up by Chuncao and spanked twice, the two of them are honest.

He Xiaoxi can foresee that their family will definitely be a loving father and strict mother in the future.Come the other way.

He Xiaoxi sat next to Ma Shi.Grab a small handful of peanuts and eat them. "Will the ferry be sacrificed tomorrow?" He Xiaoxi found a topic to talk to Mrs. Ma.

Three six nine go out.People who go back to their hometown for the festival will have to go back one after another starting tomorrow.So in previous years, the He family offered sacrifices in the third grade of junior high school.It opened after the sacrifice.

But this year the boat at the ferry port has been transferred to Brother He Bin, and the time for offering sacrifices has to be discussed by everyone.Especially in the third day of the junior high school this year, the weather is cooling down, the river is frozen, and the boat cannot be launched.

"Your brother said that we should do sacrifices tomorrow according to the old practice. When the weather is warmer, it will be the same when the boat is launched again." Ma said, "Everything is ready, and Zhutou He Ya has also bought it for our pot house."

He Xiaoxi nodded secretly: Brother He Bin can be regarded as successful.

"This pig's head is already the second one I bought. I bought the one next to the head, and asked his mother to cook it. What the hell." When Ma mentioned the pig's head, he was so angry that he wanted to curse.

He Xiaoxi chuckled.This kind of thing is really something He Binniang can do.Anyway, she ate it, so you can't do anything to her, you can only buy another one.

So the He Bin brothers were so frightened that they left the pig's head at their home, fearing that if it was left at their own home, her mother would lose it.

Most people have all the purchases for the New Year before the year.People who kill pigs all kill pigs before the year, and no one kills pigs after the year because no one buys meat after the year.

If the pig's head I bought later is lost by his mother, it will be lost.There is no place to buy it if you want to buy it, unless you buy a whole pig and kill it yourself.

The problem is that whoever feeds the pigs into big pigs will kill them before the year and sell them, and they will not wait until the next year.Therefore, if you want to buy a whole pig, you can't buy it.

People like He Binniang only think that they are suitable, and they don't understand others at all.You can discuss with your son what you want to eat.Being sneaky like this is a waste of time.

For local sacrifices, after the sacrifice is over, the pig's head will not be thrown into the river.It is just a symbolic cut point from the top and thrown down.The rest will still be brought back to eat.

It's just something to eat earlier and eat later.What He Binniang did was too embarrassing.

 Thank you Jasmine Piaowu Children's Shoes for the two monthly tickets. (*з)(ε`*)boo~

  Thank you Feng for the two monthly tickets from Xinglin Wai Children's Shoes. (*з)(ε`*)boo~

(End of this chapter)

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