Chapter 290 Harvest
The military and civilian fish and water conditions, the troops stationed in Shuidong Village also spared manpower to help harvest.

Of course, Yuan Yi's group was also among the soldiers who helped, and they focused on monitoring He Erxi's group.

The He family still forms a mutual aid group with the Lu family.

Flooded this year, the crops in the lowlands were washed away or drowned.Most of the vegetables grown in the lake are replanted later.The cabbage has not yet reached the harvesting season, and it will be harvested in winter, depending on the weather conditions after the light snow solar term.

There are plenty of hands, but not many crops to harvest.In addition, the He family has added a big white horse this year.Their mutual aid group worked very well.

"What are you going to do with the old He's land?" Lu Houli, the uncle of the Lu family, asked them.

He Xiaoxi did not forget the fields and the crops in the fields.She was afraid that the members of the old He family would come back suddenly, and she would make wedding dresses for them for nothing.

Now it is still time to cast a long line and catch big fish, and it is not time to draw in the net yet.Even if the old He family came back, they would not be alarmed.So if they want to take away the grain they have received, no one can stop them.

In case they are bent over and pouting their backs, they are half dead from exhaustion, and they have just packed the food.The old He family didn't have to do anything when they came back, they could get a ready-made one directly.

She went to someone to complain about her grievances, so she couldn't suffocate herself to death.

If you can't accept it, you can only postpone it.Because the further the future, the less likely the old He family will come back.That is to say, the less likely they are to do white work.

For the old He family's land, He Xiaoxi is going to wait until the land of several families in the mutual aid group has been cleared up, and what needs to be cut will be brought home, and what needs to be planted will be planted.Harvest later.

It's just that before they could collect it, someone came up with the idea of ​​those grains.Gearing up all day long, staring at the land covetously.

The land of He Lao's four families did not save much food this time.Their home is not far from other families in a mutual aid group with his family.They are a mutual aid group with Lao He's family, and of course they are very close.

The crops in their mutual aid group are harvested.Then sow peas or winter wheat in the gaps in the vegetable field.The last planting was the sloping field that their family had mowed near Lao He's house.

Because of He Xiaoxi's hands and feet when planting the seeds, many sorrels in the field after the division of the old He family survived the flood.

Especially at this time, the surrounding crops are all harvested.Surrounded by arbor fruit outcroppings.There is only a large piece of fiery red in the middle, and the heavy fruit is bent over.The eyes of those who saw it were dyed red by the fiery red.

Among them, the fourth daughter-in-law of He Lao is the one with the most red eyes.Usually he is a jealous person, and he can't wait to dig three in the mouse hole.

The second is the scarred eye family.Scar Eye's family spent a lot of money on Scar Eye's daughter-in-law's illness.Of course, it is also because Scar Eye wants to make up for the loss of the big white horse and take the opportunity to fill his own pockets.

This large piece of unowned food has attracted many greedy eyes.

Although it is He Xiaoxi's credit that so much food can be preserved.However, He Xiaoxi didn't want to get involved with the old He family any more.If someone is willing to solicit this matter, He Xiaoxi would like to let it go.

So when He Lao's family went to cut it, He Xiaoxi was happy to see it succeed.

Most things in this world cannot escape the established laws.One monk carried water to eat, two monks carried water to eat, and three monks had no water to eat.

"Mother, can it work? If the uncle's family comes back, won't we work for their family in vain?" He Laosi's eldest son asked his mother while cutting the sorghum.

"If I tell you to work, you just work. How can there be so many words? When did your mother and I suffer?" He's fourth daughter-in-law taught his son a lesson while cutting the sorghum.

He Laosi raised his head and cut the sorghum without saying a word.He has spent most of his life with his old lady, and knows what she said is true.Once these grains enter their homes, they will not spit them out again.

Even if the members of the old He family came back, there would not be much food to take back.

As long as you don't want to take it out, you can use an excuse to grab a lot.Charge [-] catties and report [-] catties, and then deduct the hard work fee.Hehe, it was his daughter-in-law's generosity to give them thirty or fifty catties.

The whole family was working, and Scar Eye's family also came over.Start cutting from the other side.The two families have a tacit understanding of the division, and whoever cuts it off will get it.

It was Lu Yousheng's family who broke their alliance.After receiving the letter, Lu Yousheng hurried over with his wife and son: "What are you doing? Who allowed you to cut it? The village will take care of this land. You don't need to worry about it. Go back."

He had heard the letter a long time ago, saying that the old He family was afraid to come back because of the gang of human traffickers.And looking at the brothers and sisters of the He family, they didn't want to touch their hands either.He has been thinking about this land for a long time, how could he let others get it.

It's not just that he won't let go of the harvest on the ground now.All proceeds from this land will belong to him in the future.

Scarred eyes depended on him being the captain.He didn't dare to stand up to him, so he had to stand aside and watch.

He Laosi's family is not afraid of him, so how can they buy him.

"Who are you? Your hand is stretched too far, and it has reached our side of Xihe, so you should worry about your Donglu affairs, and our Xihe affairs will not bother you. , mind your own business."

In the end, the three families were deadlocked.Even Lu Youqiang was forced by his mother to fight for his brother shirtless.

Lu Youfu looked at Lu Youqiang, who was arguing endlessly with He Lao's family in the middle of the ground, and felt deeply sad for him.

A man at such an advanced age is not a nurse, but is held hostage by an old woman every day to do such shameful things.

It would be fine if there were only people from the east and west villages in the village.Now there are so many foreign soldiers and policemen stationed in the village.It's a shame to throw it in front of outsiders.

If it is said that he still had some compassion before.I don't want Lu Youqiang to be too downcast, and I don't want to be too heartless.After all, he was recommended by Lu Youqiang, so he cannot be ungrateful.

Seeing how helpless he is now, if he is allowed to stay in the position of village chief, Dong Lu's reputation will be ruined.

Lu Youfu has never been an indecisive, benevolent woman.It's just that he has a refined face.Once a decision is made, it will be executed vigorously.

Now it is necessary to press the trouble in front of him first.

No matter how discordant He's brothers and sisters are with the old He family, they are also He Zhonghuai's biological children.Whoever comes to fight at this time is not worth their justification.

Lu Youfu wanted to press this matter down, so he could only turn to He Xiaoxi and the others for help.

Actually don't ask him to say it, He Xiaoxi also wants to fight.Let the family take the food, and she can push people to the old He's house when he comes back.And use this as an excuse to ignore the old He family.

There are too many people involved, and it will be time to push each other.The people from the old He family had to stick to them like a dog skin plaster in the end.

The real master does not argue that Scar Eye and Lu Yousheng can still compete by relying on their status as village cadres.As soon as the Lord came, they died down.

Only the fourth daughter-in-law of He Lao was unwilling to work for half a day for nothing.Make up your mind, no matter what, you have to stick to Mao Lai Si Liang to take advantage of it and go back.

 High temperature warning, the weather is very hot.I felt like a cream man, and I was about to melt after being exposed to the sun. (﹏)
  Thank you for the reward of Mujinkai Children's Shoes under the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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