Chapter 271
He Xiaoxi was quite at ease when Lu Youcai was doing business.

He has a simple and honest face.If he intends to trap someone, there are ten to one chances that that person will be fooled by him.

He Xiaoxi took a basin and fetched water for the two to wash their hands.Lu Youcaiqian let Tong Yuechi wash first.

Tong Yuechi didn't doubt that there was him, and he was absent-minded at first, so he obediently washed his hands and went into the house.

Lu Youcai washed his hands, and followed He Xiaoxi to pour dirty water into the gutter at the corner of the wall.The two hid in the corner and muttered a few words.

"He thinks... getting his mother's name... is a bad thing, and he was caught by his... aunt as a handle. What do you think...?" Lu Youcai looked at He Xiaoxi with dirty little eyes.

Such a half-grown young man always fantasizes about such topics.

He Xiaoxi gave him a hygienic eyeball, and by the way lifted his foot and kicked him on the knee.Anyway, there is medicated oil sent by Tong Yuechi, if he is kicked, it will be a big deal for him to apply some.

He Xiaoxi didn't use much force.Lu Youcai hugged his calf with a painful look on his face.It wasn't that he held the wrong position, He Xiaoxi was deceived by his realistic expression.

He Xiaoxi didn't bother to talk to him, and asked, "Then what does he mean?"

"What else can you mean? I'm afraid that his father will suspect that their siblings are not biological if he finds out. Please let us help cover this matter."

He Xiaoxi rolled his eyes, can this matter be covered?This is where the authorities are deluded.

If Tong's mother was really blackmailed by the Wu family because of this incident, then she would accept expensive gifts and money.As long as Tong's father handed over this matter to the organization, this matter will not be covered.

It's better to confess to Tong's father from the beginning, depending on Tong's attitude.It also saves Tong's father from being caught off guard and becoming a joke in Haicheng.

The two discussed a few more words and went back to the house for dinner.There are ten people sitting at a large table, which is a bit cramped but manageable.

He Xiaoxi squeezed in front of her brother and sat down.Lu Youcai squeezed to Tong Yuechi's side and sat between him and Wang Laoquan.

Seeing this, Wang Laoquan simply moved to Lu Yougui.

Seeing Tong's father and Tong's younger uncle exchanging glances, He Xiaoxi thought to himself: It's not good for this man to see too much. It's okay to sit down if no one pays attention. This tossing is done on purpose.

The food cooked by He Xiaoxi tasted good, and everyone discussed the taste of the food, and finally this matter was brought to light.Under the eyes of the two elders of the Tong family, Lu Youcai bit Tong Yuechi's ears during a meal.

Everyone felt awkward at first.He Xiaoxi resisted the urge to cover his face, feeling that this person is really dark-skinned.

In the end, Tong's father and the others felt that what they were whispering so openly should be whispers among young people.

I feel like I'm thinking too much.Instead, stop paying attention to them.

Sending off the members of the Tong family, Lu Youcai raised his eyebrows at He Xiaoxi as if asking for credit.This is to convince Tong Yuechi.

He Xiaoxi and the others simply cleaned up and went to rest.They have to get up in the middle of the night to queue up for goods.

In the middle of the night, He Xiaoxi woke up when he heard the movement, and saw that the horse in the yard was gone.

At the gate of the courtyard, He Dachun was closing the gate.

Big Sister Lu also woke up, hugged He Xiaoxi's arm and asked her, "Sister Xiaoxi, have my brothers left?" She asked if they left, not my brother.

He Dachun helped her answer: "Your brother and the others said that a few of them are enough, and you don't need to follow them, so they didn't ask to wake you up."

Big Sister Lu rubbed her sleepy eyes, said "Oh" to show she understood, and then went back to sleep.It can be seen that this kind of treatment has always been there.

This is another reason why He Xiaodong chose the Lu family for his younger sister in his previous life.In addition to the fact that the Lu family did not favor men over women, the men did not have chauvinism.

Speaking of machismo, one has to talk about the famous hands-off shopkeeper in L.

Hands-off shopkeeper, the source of this word comes from the junction of several provinces such as Y and L.

Women in this area all call their husbands "the treasurer's".The status of women is low, and they have to bear most of the labor at home.

These are still in better condition.Some men don't do any work, but play with their hands all day long, and women have to hand over the cooked food to their hands.

Generations of women have been brainwashed into thinking that as long as they have that thing in their crotch, they are more noble than women.Inlaid with gold, silver and jade.

The "selfless" devotion of the mother-in-law and the mother is not enough, and they have to brainwash the next generation of women.Those who are unwilling to accept this concept are treasonous.

As a result, generations of "hands-off shopkeepers" have been cultivated.

This is how the word "hands-off shopkeeper" came from.It was later derived as a description of pushing work to others and not doing it yourself.

Until the [-]s, He Xiaoxi heard a little waiter from his hometown complain: I was so tired after a day of work, and when I got home, I cooked a meal and asked my husband to serve it myself, but my mother-in-law scolded her, saying How can I get a man to do housework?

The hotel provides lunch and dinner.That is to say, the woman had eaten in the store by herself and returned home.Men would rather wait hungry than cook something themselves.

It is not acceptable for a woman to ask her husband to serve the meal because she does not eat it herself.

He Xiaoxi sighed with emotion at the time: This daughter-in-law is a good deal, earning money to support herself, and working as a free full-time nanny.

When there is no opposite sex present, women's topics (shame) can also be very large.

Another waiter said: "You didn't ask your mother-in-law, 'Is your son's pendant encrusted with diamonds? It's so precious?'" Marriage only requires strength, so why would such a man come here?
Men from the Lu family don't have such bad habits.When the women are busy, they will also help.

Outside of housework, no matter what, the men let the women go home when they can do it.

Although it is impossible for a woman to stay at home and play idle.However, such a move represents a very different meaning.

Even when eating at home, men and women are the same.No special treatment just because he is a man.

In ancient times, there was a saying that men dominate outside and women dominate inside.

But no matter when, there are always a group of men who ask women to take responsibility when their own abilities are beyond their control.But when it was time to take on the housework, he said confidently that the housework should be done by women.

He Xiaoxi and the others cooked the meal, and the people who went out to buy goods also came back.

This time there was a lot of cargo.Wang Laoquan was afraid that the mules and horses would be tired on the road, so he wanted to unload the mules and horses to rest and feed them some good fodder.Everyone helped to unload the horse and lead it to the yard to feed the fodder.

The Lu brothers took turns coming in for dinner.Leave one person outside to watch the goods on the cart.

"Why are you here? Is something wrong?" Lu Youcai led a person in from outside.

Everyone look over.I saw this man's eyes were swollen and his beard was unshaven.His clothes were wrinkled like pickles.

Hello everyone, I didn't recognize this person as Tong Yuechi.

He Xiaoxi was terrified, startled by his appearance.Two thoughts flashed through my mind: one is, is Grandma Tong dying?The second is, could it be said that Tong Yuechi was not born by his father?

 The title of this chapter is suspected of being a party member (¬_¬)
  Heiyu has always felt that the word "bite your ear" is special... Boom.

  A little ambiguous.

  Yesterday, a writer friend from northern Anhui said that the cod fish in their place is called cod fish shell.It also describes this kind of fish with more bones and less meat, only an empty shell.

(End of this chapter)

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