Rebirth Five Zeros and Get Rich Sutra

Chapter 255 Meal 1 Must Be Real

Chapter 255
To be a human being, you must know how to repay your kindness. They have received the favor of the Tong family, and of course they cannot refuse the little things.Although there was only a small misunderstanding with Tong Yuechi, there was no conflict after all.He Xiaoxi and the others readily agreed to his request.

"I haven't eaten yet. This matter can't be done in a hurry. Eat first, and then go after eating." Grandma Tong suggested.

Grandma Tong's words made Tong Yuechi a little ashamed.The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers. It is not the way for him to treat guests like this.

In addition, his guilt was also due to his previous suspicion of He Xiaoxi and the others.

"Eat first, I'll cook." He said as if he really knew how to cook.

As soon as the words came out, his grandmother exposed him: "Don't ruin my pot house, and light the pot house for me. Today, I can only drink the wind with my neck."

This made everyone amused.Amidst the din of laughter, all previous suspicions were cleared up.

Because of getting acquainted with each other, Tong Yuechi revealed his true nature.Hearing that Lu Youcai was about to go to the bridge engineering team, he said, "I am familiar with this unit. The personnel were drawn from a certain engineering regiment in Huaye, and it is fully militarized."

After speaking, he began to teach him the so-called experience: "After going there, you must eat real food, and you can't eat slowly like you are at home."

While talking, he demonstrated to everyone how to practice eating tigers.Xilihulu rushed the food to his mouth, as if someone wanted to grab him.

He Xiaoxi has also heard this saying in the army.It is said that it is because sometimes there is a war while eating, and if you don't eat, you will be hungry soon.

Not only for eating, but also for all matters in daily training that require a fast pace.To prevent unresponsiveness when there is an emergency.

In the army, the assembly horn will be sounded in the middle of the night from time to time to train the reaction speed.

It is to exercise resilience and responsiveness.Once you encounter emergencies, you can pull out and fight to win at any time.

He Xiaodong listened to everyone talking in silence, but subconsciously slowed down the speed of eating.

"There is another trick, which can make you full, at least half a bowl more than others, I won't tell you if we have a strong relationship." Mysteriously.It feels like the exaggerated tone of the charlatans who sell Dali pills and wild plasters on the street.

He Xiaoxi couldn't help smiling.Turning around, I inadvertently saw Big Sister Lu pursing her lips and smiling, covering her mouth shyly with her small hands.The powder is pretty.

He Xiaoxi's forehead twitched violently a few times.While everyone was watching Tong Yuechi's tricks and no one was paying attention, he quietly put his hand on Big Sister Lu's shoulder.

Putting her arms around her, she whispered: "Let's go shopping tomorrow. What do you want? Let's ask your brother to buy it for us. It's so easy to come here. I don't know when we can come again next time. Let's have a good time shopping."

After hearing He Xiaoxi's words, the little girl sat upright obediently, her eyes were lowered, and her hands were twisted together nervously.

He Xiaoxi said with emotion: She is really a well-behaved, obedient, and clever little girl.He Xiaoxi stroked her braid comfortingly.

Over there, Tong Yuechi used his accent for a long time, whetted everyone's appetite, and finally revealed the answer.

"When serving the first bowl of rice, it must not be full and compacted. If you fill less, when you finish eating, others will definitely not be able to finish it. At this time, you can fill another bowl, plus the previous half a bowl, do you eat more than others?"

He Xiaoxi looked over at him, sizing him up calmly.Tong Yuechi's appearance is average, but his words are witty and witty.

In the eyes of a little girl like Damei who has never seen her before, she is indeed very attractive.No wonder the little girl behaves strangely.

This person is not too young, he looks to be in his twenties.Calculated according to the age at which people get married and have children today, this person's son should be able to play soy sauce.

But besides Grandma Tong, there are no other female relatives in this yard.I don't know if I didn't marry a wife or if my wife and children lived in other places.

It's not that He Xiaoxi belittled himself, thinking that his elder sister's talent and looks were not good enough for anyone.But no matter who it is, it must not be a married man.

The eldest sister is a gentle and kind girl, and she will definitely not be able to steal people's love and destroy other people's families.

Rather than waiting to suffer after falling in love with a married man, it is better to nip the future trouble in the bud now.

She brought the man out, so she took the trouble to bring him back safe and sound.

After the meal, the He brothers and sisters and Lu Youcai followed Tong Yuechi to explain the situation.The others were left overnight by Grandma Tong. "Go and come back quickly, and stay at home at night, and I will tidy up the rooms for you."

It's a good day at home, but it's hard to go out for a while.They had nowhere to live.He planned to spend the night in the carriage outside, and find a house for He Dachun tomorrow.

Grandma Tong invited them to stay overnight, and He Xiaoxi and the others readily agreed.

Grandma Tong's home was not far from the Public Security Bureau, but in order to save time, she drove a carriage there.

The main reason was that Tong Yuechi was too impatient, as if every second counted.It was the limit of his patience to be able to give them a meal time and to treat them well during the meal time.

The city bureau in Haicheng is an old small building and several red brick houses.Armed guards stood guard at the gate.The guards checked Tong Yuechi's credentials and let them in.

Most of the rooms in the building were dark, and Tong Yuechi led them to knock on one of the lit rooms.

"Come in." A hoarse voice said.

There were three people in the room, and they all looked at them curiously when they saw a stranger.

"These guys are fellow villagers from Lu Province. They rescued a woman in the mountains a few days ago, and she was also dumb and stupid..." Tong Yuechi explained the reason for bringing them here.

The three immediately stood up and surrounded them asking for details.

He Xiaodong and the others explained in detail everything from the discovery of the traffickers poisoning the baby to Mr. Feng's diagnosis of the silly girl.

Let people associate the two cases together.After all, they cannot take out those jewelry as evidence.

He Xiaoxi added: "Our brother and sister's wife, Mrs. Liu, her former man, Chen Yazi, was a human trafficker. It is said that the cause of his death was strange. Our third uncle was sold by Mrs. Liu. This time they arrested the gang of human traffickers, Mrs. Liu and the others escaped... .”

Hearing this, Tong Yuechi took out a few portraits for them to identify.He Xiaoxi looked at those portraits, although they were only five or six points similar, but they were so familiar with these people that they could tell who they were at a glance.

"This is Liu Jinzhu, this is Mrs. Liu, and this is Mrs. Liu's daughter, He Xiaonan. This is..." They actually saw He Nidun's third son, He Sanxi, in the portrait.

Things are getting more and more confusing and weird.He Xiaoxi and the others looked at each other.How did these people get mixed up?
He Xiaoxi was even more puzzled, in her previous life, Mrs. Liu didn't have such great ability to stir up such a big evil trend.This is without them for her to exploit, and she went into battle with her own head?Or is the interest too tempting to resist?

He Xiaoxi glanced at He Xiaodong, and said to himself: Fortunately, there are no He Zhonghuai and He Xiaobei in the portrait, otherwise her brother broke their legs, and she and her sister-in-law would have to take care of them.

 Heiyu's recent update is not good, only two guaranteed updates.I feel sorry for everyone, so I don't have the face to ask for votes.

  One is because there is something wrong at home, and Heiyu has caused trouble himself.Most importantly, the construction site next to Heiyu's house has been under construction for the past few months.The sound of tower cranes and various sounds disturb the people.

  But it looks like it's almost finished, Hei Yu will try his best.Hey everybody. ^3^

(End of this chapter)

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