Chapter 239
After listening to He Xiaodong's explanation, Mrs. Liu said, "Godmother, Father Lulu is not that kind of person."

Originally, the old lady sang and explained to Liu Shi with He Xiaodong, fearing that she would overthink it and add more details.Now that she can see it for herself, what else can Ma Shi say?
Together with Liu Shi and He Xiaoxi Niang, they cooked porridge for people to feed, washed and tidied up properly.

He Xiaoxi picked up the woman's hand and looked carefully at the light of the oil lamp.There are three marks from long-wearing rings on the finger.

Outside the house, Xiaoju no longer feels sleepy at all.Taking the cricket cage that He Xiaodong brought back, he used a straw stick in his hand to tease the crickets inside.

"Play tomorrow, go to bed quickly, be careful not to get up and be late for school tomorrow." He Xiaoxi put away the cricket cage and drove him back to the house.

He Xiaodong was cautious, and he still remembered to bring back a few crickets for show.Originally, He Xiaoxi was worried that he would be suspicious when he came back empty-handed.

"Brother, I looked. There are three marks left by wearing rings for a long time on your hand. It should be right. Where did you find her? There won't be any trouble, right?"

"No..., that, I don't know what kind of medicine those people gave, this woman can't speak, and..., she's a little stupid."

That's no trouble?So what does it mean to be in trouble?
He Xiaoxi could already foresee that Mrs. Ma would find trouble with He Xiaodong when she knew the truth tomorrow morning.

I don't know what Mrs. Liu thinks about this matter.

"Those people are ruthless enough, are they also troublesome?"

Speaking of this topic, He Xiaodong looked a little dignified. "When she was found, she was locked up in an abandoned stone house on the east side of Yushan Mountain without guards."

The mountain in Yushan Village is called Yushan.Yushan Village is to the north of Shuidong Village, and the two villages are separated by two hills.

"The kidnapping is not going to be kept alive, or...?" "I don't know, I didn't find any valuable information." He Xiaodong shook his head and replied.

"Tell the outside world that I met a cricket."

He Xiaoxi nodded yes.

Sure enough, Mrs. Ma started to attack He Xiaodong early the next morning, stopping He Xiaoxi and Mrs. Liu, and forbidding him to cook any meals for He Xiaodong and the others.

He Xiaodong smiled wryly and begged for mercy: "Godmother, I can't just leave my life alone, I don't know what will happen when I am rescued, so why don't you keep talking about what to do? Send it back?"

It is definitely not acceptable to send them back. In such a situation, driving them out is killing people.How could Mashi not know this?
She just wanted to be the first to attack, not only made the decision for Liu's family, vented her anger, but also blocked the mouth of Liu's old woman with a crumpled head.If Mrs. Liu was allowed to seize the opportunity to make trouble, the He family would have to let her get rid of it.

What's more, Liu Jinzhu lost news along with the old He's gang. She was feeling angry in her heart, and she wanted to take the opportunity to embarrass the He family.

Mrs. Liu came not too late, she came as soon as she received the letter.But it was still a bit slower than Ma Shi's movements.

When she arrived at He's house, He Xiaodong was already kneeling in front of Mrs. Ma.Mrs. Ma was knocking a small stick used as family law on the green brick in front of He Xiaodong.

Hit the stick and a piece of it will fall off, splashing on the surrounding onlookers.They were so frightened that everyone closed their eyes, for fear that the stick would hit them with their eyes wide open, and they were also afraid of collapsing into their eyes.

So everyone couldn't get close to intercede for He Xiaodong.You can only stand outside the circle and watch.

"Godmother, Lulu's father is also kind..."

"Shut up, it's because of you accommodating him all the time that makes him more and more muddled, women dare to take it home." Just as Liu Shi was about to intercede with He Xiaodong, Ma Shi stopped him.

"You have no bag, a pot with a lid, the country does not allow you to marry a young lady, and it is illegal to marry a young lady, what are you afraid of him? I'll make the decision for you, how can I turn against him?"

"I don't want to marry a little wife either."

"Do you dare to think? If you dare to think, I will take them with me. Our mothers are alone, whoever you love, whoever you want to live with." These words sounded very unreasonable.

Everyone look at the woman sitting blankly in the room of He's house, she is still looking blankly after making a fuss here, she looks stupid at first glance.

Even if the thin-skinned and tender-skinned one is good-looking, no one who is good enough is willing to marry.I really don't understand why Ma Shi is making such a fuss.The onlookers were very disapproving.

After waiting for everyone to persuade Ma Shi with great difficulty.Mrs. Liu wants to make trouble again when she comes, who wants to spoil her?I couldn't stand being ridiculed by everyone.

After everyone left, Mrs. Ma nodded He Xiaoxi's forehead and scolded with a smile: "Little girl is satisfied, the godmother has become famous this time, everyone knows that we have such an unreasonable old hag like me in our family."

He Xiaoxi hurriedly smiled and squeezed her shoulders and legs.

In fact, no one said that Mrs. Ma was unreasonable to the old hag.Mother-in-laws in this era mostly like to find fault with their daughter-in-law.

Everyone is used to it, and it is no surprise.On the contrary, Ma Shi's finding fault with his son from his daughter-in-law today made everyone feel quite novel.

Chuncao stood outside the crowd, listening to everyone talking about what happened to the He family this morning, feeling very envious.

Think of the girl who took her to change clothes after she was rescued that day.Born in such a family, it is no wonder that he is so calm, confident and generous.

That day, she clearly remembered every word the girl said.She said no one would tell about that.Sure enough, no one wentssip about it afterwards.

She promised that if her family forced her to participate in forced labor, she would arrange a job where she would not have to show her face.Sure enough, she was assigned the job of collecting shoe mats.

Does that mean that it is true that she said that you can go to her if you have something to do, and it is not a polite word?
Chuncao's heart is a little active.When he was distracted, the needle pricked his finger.

The so-called ten fingers connected to the heart, but she was so preoccupied that she didn't feel the pain.She didn't see it until the blood dripped down and stained a bright flower on the insole she was holding.

Chuncao stood up and went back to the house to tidy up the insoles that had been bought these days and tie them together.Take it in your hand and walk out.

"What are you going to do?" Her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law asked knowingly.When He Erxi left, he told his family to take care of the spring grass before he brought him back.

This woman hasn't accepted her fate yet, and when the matter is settled, she will stop thinking about it.So before that, you have to watch it carefully, so as not to be ruined by her.

"I'll go and hand over the insoles I paid." Chuncao replied timidly.

"Just let Liujin send it to you. You stay at home and don't run around." He Nidun's wife reached out to fetch the insole.

But it was snatched by a pair of hands behind him.

He Liujin leaned over with a hippie smile, hugged the insole into his arms, and took the opportunity to touch Chuncao's wrist.

Chuncao was startled and took a step back.He Nidun's daughter-in-law didn't know whether she really didn't see it or pretended not to see it, but reprimanded Chuncao: "What are you doing with the scorpion stinging?"

Seeing He Liujin go further and further away with her excuse to find someone, Chuncao felt her heart sinking a little bit.

This family is now guarding her more and more strictly, and it is not easy for her to even step out of this small courtyard.

 Heiyu is about to become a feminist warrior. _
(End of this chapter)

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