Rebirth Five Zeros and Get Rich Sutra

Chapter 234 Bold and Careful, Thick-skinned

Chapter 234 Bold and Careful, Thick-skinned

Ding Wang carefully thought about yesterday's experience.I just felt chills on my back, sweating on my forehead, and weakness in my limbs.

With a sad face: "I bumped into a man on the road at the entrance of the market. I knocked off that man's basket and broke three eggs. I didn't pursue it when I knew I was from Shibei Village. When the market was about to end, the place where I squatted There was a fight, and everyone gathered around to watch, and someone squeezed past me, and after that I lost my money bag.”

"Is it true that you touched his basket?"

"I can't remember, I probably touched it."

"There are only three eggs in his basket?"

Ding Wang nodded: "Yeah!"

Then it is basically certain that Ding Wang met Pengci in the first place, and was tricked by someone to tell him where to live.

In the first episode, the genius was bright, no matter whether it was a buyer or a seller, those who rushed there early in the morning would not go so early just to buy or sell three eggs.

Even if someone really ran so early for three eggs, would such a person who lost all the eggs just because he knew where the person who broke his eggs live, just expose it lightly?

Unreasonable things are tricky.

At this moment, the person who went to pull the stone came back.Everyone went out to help unload the stone.

Only then did everyone realize that they forgot to eat the meal after they were so busy asking Ding Wang.

Not only the eaters forgot, but the cooks followed along and forgot too.

Hurry up and cook.During the break between meals, He Xiaodong took a look at the questions that He Xiaoxi and the others had asked.

The experience that He Xiaoxi learned from later generations of police and gangster movies is more interesting than these authentic farmers.But still can't compare with He Xiaodong, a former professional.

After reading the previous confession records, he asked Ding Wang: "Did you decide to go to the market suddenly, or did you plan ahead? Did you go by yourself or with someone else? Besides your family, who else knows that you are going to the market?"

"Ding Dajiang from our village knew that I was going to the market. He originally planned to go with me, but he didn't go when his sow was about to give birth."

"Someone offered to give you money, don't you have any doubts?"

Ding Wang muttered, "No, no."

"Did she say that she will hire you to deliver milk to us for a long time in the future?"

Ding Wang was surprised: "How do you know?"

He Xiaoxi: It feels like the telecommunication frauds of the later generations. There are pre-set scripts. How to dispel the doubts of the deceived is pre-set.

"When and where will you get the milk next time?"

"Still at the same place, the day after tomorrow." Ding Wang replied in a very low voice, and he probably figured out that he was fooled.

Taking milk next time is probably a pretense, a tactic to delay the attack.Looking around the day after tomorrow, there probably won't be anyone delivering milk.

When the meal was served, He Xiaoxi greeted everyone to eat.

Ding Wang was holding his rice bowl, tears falling down his face.

He Xiaoxi: This is not the meal of the head, what about it?
After dinner, He Xiaodong arranged for He Xiaoxi and Lu Youcai: "You two catch up in the car and go to Shibei Village, and tell Ding Wang's family that he stayed in our village to help build houses to earn money.

Then I went to Ding Dajiang's house and said that Ding Wang recommended you to go, and I wanted to order their piglets to see if their pigs were born? "

Lu Youqiang arranged for someone to go to the village to report.Once again, I emphasized that everyone should pay attention to confidentiality.

Lu Youfu had someone capture a chicken from his house.Drink some goat milk that Ding Wang brought back.When He Xiaoxi and the others were harnessing the car, the chicken flopped twice and died.

Everyone turned pale with fright, especially the He family and Chu Fengchu.

Qinglin drank the leftover milk powder and goat's milk, He Xiaoxi was afraid that it would spoil, so Xiaoju and Lulu drank it.

He Xiaoxi said that he was lucky, if Qinglin, Lulu or Xiaoju drank this, they would not be able to find the grave after crying.

Seeing that Xiao Ju was frightened, Ma Shi hurriedly hugged him to comfort his soul.

Brother and sister He Xiaoxi looked at each other.He secretly made up his mind that the Liu family and his gang are devoid of conscience, and must be caught as soon as possible, so that they can no longer keep this gang of scourges.

Lu Youcai drove the car and brought He Xiaoxi to Shibei Village.I found out where Ding Wang's family was, and sent a letter.

Ding Wang's family heard that they were going to Ding Dajiang's house and asked her grandson to lead the way.

Hearing that they were recommended by Ding Wang, Ding Dajiang showed a smirk: "The pigs haven't been born yet, even if they are born, they will have to be reared for several months before they can be sold."

"We just wanted to buy it in a few months. We now have two pigs in our family, and we thought it would be time to sell the big pig, just in time to catch your little pig."

"It's all set to go out, no more."

He Xiaoxi and the others had no choice but to show a regretful expression, and left disappointed.

Pigs that haven't yet given birth are destined to go out, how about cheating ghosts?When your pigs are all golden dolls, everyone is rushing to order them.

When they got home, Sister Jin and Da Niu He came back with Xiao You in their arms.

It turned out that Sister Jin was sent by the village to assist in this case this time.She is in charge of women's work.

There are traffickers involved in this case, and when the traffickers are caught, it will inevitably involve the rescue of the abducted persons.

In the evening, the public security personnel and people from Shuidong Village who assisted in handling the case sneaked into Ding Dajiang's and Zhao Yazi's homes in the dark and arrested them.

Afterwards, according to the confessions of the two, many more persons involved in the case were arrested.

However, those members of Old He's family disappeared like mud cows into the sea.

In the inquiry room of the Xiangshang Police Station, no one knew when the old He family members disappeared and where they went.
Instead, a shocking old case was dug up.

After He Xiaodong came back, he repeated: "These people don't send goat milk to revenge our family, but as long as they don't want to sell their children, they will send poisoned food afterwards.

Let everyone form an illusion that if you don't sell them, you will harm your children, and you won't be able to support them if you stay at home. "

"Who came up with such a vicious method?" Mrs. Ma asked with a frown.

"Chen Yazi, the man in front of the Liu family."

"According to Zhao Yazi's account, they have killed more than a dozen children in this way, so there are no motherless children in the neighborhood who dare not keep them, and leave them to find a way to survive."

It turns out that there are still these things here.No wonder that when Mrs. Liu came to persuade Chu Fengchu to sell the child to her that day, so many villagers urged him to sell the child with one voice.

It's not that people don't all miss old love, but there are special reasons for this.

The case was closed, but the old He family was not caught, which made the He brothers and sisters very worried.

He Xiaoxi is more worried than her brother, and she has to give He Damao an explanation for Haikou, which she boasted about?

Seeing He Damao's fearless appearance, but it's about spring grass, so he'll be wilted.I can sit outside Chuncao's house overnight, but I dare not fart when I see someone.

He Xiaoxi told him: To chase a woman, you have to be bold, careful, and thick-skinned. A strong woman is afraid of being entangled. If you cling to her, it's yours.

He Xiaoxi boosted his morale and sang from behind: Brother, you go forward boldly.Send people away.

After a while, the bear ran back shaking its legs: "Sister, I still dare not go."

He Xiaoxi gave him a middle finger in his heart, and asked him: "Are you still a man?"

He Damao: "Brother is a man, but I'm not Chuncao's man yet, I'm afraid that if I go, she will call for the hooligans."

He Xiaoxi looked at his wretched appearance, nodded, and agreed with his statement.

 According to the confidentiality regulations, the ban will be lifted automatically after 30 years.

  Therefore, it is not illegal for Heiyu to cite some cases.

  Some of the cases involved are real, and some are fabricated by Heiyu.

  Declined to study the party. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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