Chapter 223

Zhao Di's father saw his sister-in-law bullying his daughter, or his youngest little padded jacket, so he hurried out of the main room.

"What's the matter, sister-in-law? With relatives here today, can't you be more tolerant to the children?" Pulling Bao'er in front of him.

"Why are you arguing? I'm not afraid of the guests' jokes. I'm going to work, what are you doing here?" Grandma Zhaodi was afraid of being laughed at, so she hurriedly dispersed them.

When she saw the dead chicken at the feet of her eldest daughter-in-law, half of her face twitched in distress.

She gave the eldest daughter-in-law a hard look, and scolded: "You lazy bastard, what are you doing standing up? Why don't you cook?"

It's a bit like pointing fingers and scolding Huai.Worried about the presence of outsiders, he muttered a few words and left.

She had arranged for her eldest daughter-in-law to kill chickens.Just let her act like she didn't catch the chicken when she caught it, and scared the chicken away.

When the time came, she would come out of the main room and put on a pose to reprimand her for being so clumsy that she couldn't even catch a chicken.

As guests, the Yang family must come forward to smooth things over and say a few polite words.

Today the chicken can be saved.

Unexpectedly, Zhaodi's aunt went to Chu's house to listen to the trumpet and watch the excitement, and it was too late when she came back to hear the rooster crowing.

Most people in this era live below the poverty line.Especially in the further mountains, life is even more difficult.

Doing this way allows guests to smooth things over, and then saves a difficult dish. It often happens.

Not only that, but also took a dried fish, made soup and poured it into a hard dish.When hard dishes are served on the table, the guests can usually tell that they have been put on display.

Don't be afraid if there are really unpleasant ones, the dried fish can't be chopped with a knife, let alone picked up.

Not every family has such dried fish.Sometimes I have to borrow it from neighbors if I need it.Rinse it off after use and return it.

There is also a kind of dish that is put on display, which is directly carved into the shape of chicken, fish, and elbow with wood, and made into soup and poured on it.

Folk wisdom is full of strange things.

Of course, this kind of situation is not too common in Shuidong Village.People here come with more money.

Together, He Zhaodi and He Laidi put the chicken in a wooden basin and scalded it with hot water to pluck the hair.

He Xiaoxi squatted aside to kill the fish.

"There is no skill in killing fish. The first step is to pick out the gills of the fish. The second step is to be careful not to break the gut. Once the gut is broken, a fish is considered a waste. The whole fish will be infected. Bitter taste. Seriously affects the taste."

"The second step is to remove the fishy tendons. This step is also very important, and it can improve the deliciousness of the carp."

While operating, He Xiaoxi was explaining to the He Zhaodi sisters next to him: "Pull a knife at the tail of the fish, draw it deeper, then pull another knife at the gills of the fish, find a white tendon and pull it out, and the other side will also be pulled out. do the same."

What He Xiaoxi is going to do is a sweet and sour carp dish.This dish is a specialty of L.It is made into the shape of a carp leaping over the dragon's gate, and it can be said to be complete in color, aroma and taste.

In her previous life, He Xiaoxi had seen a hotel chef cook it, but she had never done it herself.

But He Xiaoxi used the two carp with four nostrils that his aunt gave him to practice a few days ago.Although the appearance of the sweet and sour carp is unsatisfactory, the taste is still very delicious.

Xiaoxiao from the third aunt's family and the children from the Lu family were so troubled that they were thinking about the next meal before they finished their meal.

The greatest glory of a cook is to let people eat this meal and think about the next meal.The children's praise gave He Xiaoxi a momentary illusion: These children are little angels.

When those little rascals had eaten their fill, and when they were chasing and playing around in and out of the yard, He Xiaoxi had an epiphany: Angels are just illusions.

The distance between the little angel and the bear child is just a sweet talk.

Because he had done it twice before, He Xiaoxi summed up some reasons for the unsightly appearance of what she made.Today, I strive to make a perfect fish jumping over the dragon's gate.

The reason why she did not look good is that the rose knife on the fish was not evenly cut, and the depth and slope of the knife were not even.

After He Xiaoxi controlled the strength and the position of the knife, the flower knife cut out was much more beautiful.

He Xiaoxi smeared the fish body with seasoning and prepared it for later use.Started to instruct sisters He Zhaodi to fry cocks.

Zhaodi’s little rooster is grown from the young chickens of the year. The meat is tender and smooth, and it is most suitable for stir-fried spicy chicken.

When the meaty aroma of the chicken and the charred aroma of the dried chili are perfectly blended together, people inside and outside the yard are attracted by the fragrance wafting out.

While He Zhaodi was frying hot dishes in one stove, He Xiaoxi was cooking cold dishes and side dishes for wine on the other stove.

He Zhaodi's uncle was attracted by the smell of chicken.He reached into the frying pan and grabbed an undercooked chicken nugget.

It was too hot to touch, so I quickly stuffed it into my mouth.Mouth is less resistant to heat than hands.But she would rather be so hot that she can't stop breathing than spit it out.

He Xiaoxi was stunned by her.It wasn't for Laidi who reminded her that the fried peanuts were almost burnt.

"This smells so good. I'll ask your sister to save some for us to eat later." Aunt Zhao Di said to Bao'er, licking her fingers.

Unlike the last time I stayed with Aunt Yang Wenyuan for dinner, this time there were many people from the Yang family, including male guests, so she couldn't serve dinner as an accompanying guest today.

Before liberation, here in Shuidong Village, when guests came to the house, there were male and female seats.

That is to say, in the past one or two years, customs have changed, and many old customs have gradually been abandoned.Among them is the custom of eating at different tables.So today I set up a big table in the main room for dinner.

The large square table can seat eight to twelve people.Grandma Zhaodi is so proud of her face that she is only willing to let eight people serve on the table.The three members of the Yang family plus his aunt were divided into half.

Zhaodi must be present to accompany her future mother-in-law.In addition, Zhaodi's grandparents and Zhaodi's father must accompany the guests.Zhao Di Niang is so hung up that she can't go to the table, let alone the uncle.

Afraid that she wouldn't be able to eat the spicy chicken, Bao'er begged her sisters to save some.

The rooster back then was not that big.If you leave too little, there is not enough for the aunt to eat alone, if you leave too much, the food served on the table is too ugly.He Zhaodi Shengcai paused for a moment.

Seeing that Zhaodi was a bit embarrassed, both Bao'er and Laidi refused to eat.

"Hey, you aunts all ate one piece, you should try one piece each, but you can't eat too much, your grandma will scold you if you don't have enough later." The last sentence He Xiaoxi said was for Auntie Zhaodi.

Don't scare her with Grandma Zhaodi, she will taste two of them three times, and she can eat half of a plate.

He Xiaoxi took chopsticks and picked out a piece of meat for each of the two sisters but less bone.Then he winked at Zhaodi and told her to put the plate on the table quickly.Don't put it here to greedy her uncle, it's inhumane.

He Xiaoxi burned the oil and began to oil the carp that had been prepared.

Wrap your hands with a wet cloth towel, and put the head of the fish down first while holding the tail.When the upper part is set, fix the fish head with a spatula and let the oil submerge the fish body.This is the key to shaping. Use both hands to slowly fold the fish in half into a jumping shape.

Then put the fish tail down and fry it, take it out and put it on a plate.Pour over the prepared sweet and sour sauce.

 Chicken and fish elbows carved in wood, with chopsticks one.

  Why can't it be caught?
  There was an accident yesterday, and I almost couldn't update today.

  This is a fantasy world, and we must be wary of the police.

  There are a small number of scum in the police, but they are not absent.

  Fortunately, we caught up.Everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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