Chapter 204

He Xiaoxi didn't dare to let the children run amok anymore.Take them all the way back in a well-behaved manner.

When I got home, I found He Xiaodong and told him about the Chu family's plight.

He Xiaodong was silent for a moment: "Brother Chu's family, it already this difficult?" There was no sign of it before.When he was injured, Chu Fengchu even sent money.

"Yeah, I saw him dig a basket of wild vegetables and go home, and there are no pigs or chickens in their house. It seems that he is still running back and forth, sweating."

"I see, you don't need to worry about this matter, I will carry a bag of sorghum to their home later."

The country started to implement the unified purchase and marketing of grain this year.In addition to natural disasters, everyone is reluctant to sell, and there are not many people who sell grain.He Xiaoxi couldn't find a way to buy food in Haicheng because he was not familiar with the place where he was born.

Fortunately, they used soy sauce, vinegar and pickles along the way to exchange a lot of food.It is impossible for the Lu family to hoard all the food, and they still have to cash it in for restocking.Selling to anyone is a sale, and they can use the money to buy some back.

Selling soy sauce and vinegar in the lake can continue. If successful, there will be a steady stream of food in exchange for it.

In addition, she bought it scattered at the market.If you hoard some, you will basically be able to cope with the special period a few years later.

He Xiaodong is a straightforward boy, he will honor what he says.Before dawn the next morning, he carried a bag of grain to Chu's house.

The reason why I went early in the morning was because there were fewer people on the road when I got up early.It is the characteristic of people like He Xiaodong to do good deeds without expecting anything in return.

It's just that when he came back, his face was ashen.Behind him was a timid He Damao.

Mrs. Liu thought that there was something wrong with delivering food to the Chu family.

For some reason, when He Xiaoxi saw He Damao following behind his brother, he suddenly thought of that spring grass that was so beautiful that even women could suffocate.

If it was what she guessed, her brother would beat He Damao to death.She doesn't care about beating He Damao, and it's time for He Damao to teach him a lesson.

Otherwise, one day, his ignorant misconduct will lead to catastrophe.

But if this matter becomes a big deal, it will easily leak out.Even if there is no wind, waves of three feet can be blown, let alone this situation?
He Xiaoxi hurried over and stood between the two of them.

"Don't take a good look at the boat, why are you running around? Why don't you hurry back?" He said and winked at He Damao.

He Damao knew the trick, "Oh, I'll go right away." He ran faster than a field mouse, and ran away scrambling.

It was so fast that He Xiaodong had no time to react.This made He Xiaoxi more certain that the matter he made his elder brother angry was related to Chuncao.The family uncle and nephew and daughter-in-law made people realize that they had lost face for several lifetimes.

He's so daring, no wonder he's so angry with his brother.That is the new China. A few years ago, if people were caught, it would be the end of being soaked in a pig cage.

In the big river in front of the village, the so-called female husbands and wives whose ancestors have been sunk in the pond for generations can't be counted by counting their hands and feet.

Needless to say, when He Xiaoxi and the others were young, there was a pair of men and women who were buried in the pond.Recalling the scene back then, He Xiaoxi shuddered.

He Xiaodong didn't know that the two of them were playing the oboe for him, but when he saw that He Damao was about to run away, he quickly called to him: "Come back here."

How can he still shout, He Damao hates his parents for giving him two missing legs.He Xiaodong shouted, but he ran even faster.

Confucianism has ruled the mainstream of Chinese culture for thousands of years.It has a profound impact on the people of the country.Land L is the birthplace of Confucianism.

Confucianism is deeply rooted in their bones and blood, and they are practicing the rules of their ancestors in every word and deed.It cannot be reversed overnight.

He Damao's behavior of challenging the rules of his ancestors in this way is a big treason.Let someone with a heart catch the handle, and Shuidong Village will have no place to stand.

He Xiaoxi only thought of him as a ghost that day, and it would be fine if he calmed down after a while.But it is getting too much.

He Xiaoxi gritted his back molars angrily, wanting to eat him all the time.

Even when his brother delivered food to the Chu family, the joy that the Chu family did not refuse has faded a lot.

Although He Xiaoxi defended He Damao a lot in front of his brother, he was just afraid that this matter would be exposed to others.She made up her mind to teach He Damao a lesson, let him remember Zhang Zhang, and stop acting like this.

Otherwise, with such a temperament and such slackness in doing things, in the special ten years, people will catch pigtails and die without knowing how to die.

Especially since they still have so many enemies openly and secretly, they can't wait to put them to death.

He Xiaoxi suppressed his anger and asked He Xiaodong: "Brother, you are going to deliver food, Brother Chu didn't say anything, did you?"

He Xiaodong protects his shortcomings, and he doesn't want his brother to lose face in front of his sister.I don't want the dirty things outside to stain my sister's ears.

Following her topic, she whitewashed the peace and said: "Brother Chu didn't say anything, and he accepted it when I sent it to him. I told him, don't rush to pay it back. It won't be too late when the food comes out next year, when you have more money."

He Xiaoxi said to himself: What can Chu Fengchu say?If he hadn't reached the point where he couldn't get rid of the pot, how could he have left Mrs. Chu at home to dig weeds on the mountain to feed his hunger?
Eat my mouth is soft, when Qinglin is born, she should be able to watch whenever she wants, no need to look at anyone.

She doesn't care about the two adults of the Chu family, but she can't starve her son.

More importantly, the couple have been reduced to eating grass, and they will give birth to Qinglin.Needless to say, I love the boy very much.

He Xiaoxi is lucky for Qinglin, his parents did not give birth to him to show their true love for each other.He is also a life to be expected.

In the previous life, some people said that brother Chu committed suicide and even killed the driver of the neighboring village. It seems that there is something else hidden.

Just imagine, their husband and wife, one is willing to suffer any hardship for the sake of the child, and the other is not willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of the child.

How can you leave your child behind and let the child face the suffering in the world alone?
After thinking through this verse, He Xiaoxi's mood cleared up.Decided to treat He Damao better.

Even his parents who decided to punish him would not be able to recognize him, so he raised his hand, only his brothers who were punished would not recognize him.

He Xiaoxi asked Xiaoju to call Lu Youcai, the two conspired, and Lu Youcai hurried to prepare.

But it said that after He Bin and He Xiaoxi separated yesterday, he went home with a cart with one hand.

After returning home, he went into the house, threw himself on the bed, covered his head under the quilt, and laughed foolishly.

She called me He Bin again.The joy in my heart could no longer be suppressed, and I rolled and rolled on the bed hugging the quilt.

Because He Bin was born with a huge head that was different from others.After the birth, the elders in the family did not give him a name seriously.It's always been screaming loudly.

Not long ago, his nephew was born.Because he is the eldest son and grandson of the family, he is valued by the family. The elders invited knowledgeable clan elders to carefully name him.

Because his family asked the clan elders to name him, in order to show that he valued it, he arranged a table of wine and food as a thank you.

His mother was narrow-minded, and felt that it was a disadvantage to spend so much money just to get a name, so she asked the clan elders to give him a name by the way.

So the clan elders also gave him a name——He Bin, as a starting point.

 There are many children in a family, and there are always some who are not taken seriously.

  The ten fingers stick out and have different lengths, they cannot all be the same.

  People's hearts are inherently biased.So those who are not valued, just love yourself and your small family more, and don't feel resentful.

(End of this chapter)

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