Rebirth Five Zeros and Get Rich Sutra

Chapter 184 Reverse the plot

Chapter 184 Reverse the plot
This place is located in L, in this ancient village, many people claim to have been taught by the sage of Confucius, and they especially believe in the set of father, father, son, monarch, monarch and minister.

At that time, Zhang Xun, a neighboring city, gathered [-] braided troops to restore Beijing, and won the support of many local people.

A lot of people are willing to be buried for the decadent feudal dynasty, and most of them contribute money and effort.It was very lively.

Many people remember that the great-grandfather of the Lu family was robbed by bandits that year because there were many big events that everyone remembers deeply.

I also remember that the great-grandfather of Qi Mazi's family was chopped up and thrown into a mass grave the following year.

He Xiaoxi put the silver dollar in front of Qi Mazi's and his group's noses one by one and showed it to them.

Said: "See it clearly? This silver dollar was minted in the tenth year of the Republic of China, that is, in 1921.

When this piece of silver was minted, your old lady's bones and scum were all rotten in the mass grave, how could she come back and bury money for you? Hmph, I really want money like crazy. "

There was also loud jeering from the crowd.

Even the old story of Qi Mazi's family selling their daughter for glory was brought up.

After kindly explaining Qi Mazi and the others, He Xiaoxi asked Lu Youqiang: "Village Chief, the truth of this matter has come to light.
Qi Mazi's family occupied the homestead first, then stole it, and even attempted to blackmail. Your village officials have summed up the total, how can you give us justice in this matter.

There are still people on our side who have been injured and are still not recovering. "

This time the village cadres did not hesitate, and quickly came up with a solution.

After discussing with the village cadres and seeking the opinions of Mrs. Ma and her in-laws, the village made the following decision on the punishment of Qi Mazi and others:

[-]. Taking the place where the pot was dug out as the boundary, Qi Mazi's family will compensate Ma for as much land as they invaded and occupied by Ma.

[-]. Although both parties were injured in the previous fight, because Qi Mazi's family provoked first, the responsibility for instigating the incident lies with them.
Moreover, Ma's side's injury was more serious, so Qi Mazi's family compensated Ma's side with five yuan for medical expenses.

[-]. For all Qimazi people involved in blackmail today, five people from each family will be sent to participate in forced labor.

During labor, white armbands are worn to distinguish them from other voluntary villagers.The cut-off time for labor is the beginning of spring plowing next year.

Labor projects are arranged by the village.

As early as when Lu Youfu reversed the plot and produced evidence to prove that Qi Mazi's family was blackmailing, the villagers' impression of these village cadres changed.

Now such a punishment method comes out.Everyone felt very happy.

This is the state of society at this time, and everyone relies more on the power of the clan to resolve disputes.

Only when the clan feels that the internal treatment cannot achieve the disciplinary effect will it decide whether to report to the superior.

After reporting, the public security organs will intervene.

It is up to the village or the clan to decide whether to report and under what circumstances.There are no hard and fast standards, too much randomness.

Some clans dealt with it unfairly, and pressured the victims not to file a complaint.As a result, suspects in some vicious wounding and homicide cases escaped legal sanctions.

It is not uncommon for the victim to have grievances.

Therefore, it is a lucky thing for everyone to have a leader who can deal with it impartially.

There are seven families involved in blackmailing Ma Shi this time.

There is a family whose sons all work outside.Ordinarily, their family's economic conditions are the best, so they shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing.However, people in the world can't figure out the word "greedy".

The man in this family is called He Nidun, and he belongs to the same old lady as Qi Mazi.The men are away, and their daughters and daughters-in-law stay at home.

Wearing a white armband to participate in forced labor is similar in nature to parading.

It is shameful for men to wear white armbands to participate in forced labor.Under the current social atmosphere, women go out wearing white armbands and are surrounded by people, and some of them go home because they can't stand the humiliation and commit suicide.

He Nidun's family has three sons and three daughters, and the others are all married, only the youngest daughter is still unmarried.

The eldest daughter married in Donglu, the family that changed the mutual aid group with He Xiaoxi's.

He Nidun's family belonged to a family with livestock but not enough, and no labor.

The local soil quality is bad and hard.When plowing the land, it is best to have two animals pull the plow.Two animals are called a set of tools.

His in-laws also had an animal at home, so when forming a mutual aid group, the two families were switched into one group to form a set of tools.

This kind of partnership to form a set of tools is called "shelf".

His in-laws work a lot.Now that he was fined to take away his staff to do forced labor, He Nidun blamed his in-laws in the same village.I want some people from my son-in-law's family to help them participate in forced labor.

The son-in-law of his eldest daughter was called Lu Hongling, who was the cousin of Lu Jinling who had gone to Nanshi to settle down and was not planning to come back.

Lu Hongling's mother was the old woman who always "picked up her son" when someone wanted to buy Lu Jinling's house.

Lu Hongling's daughter-in-law was called home by his father, upon hearing that it was the case.

"No, my mother-in-law will definitely not agree to such a shameful thing. You said how could you do such a thing, and make me ashamed in my in-law's family. "

Shaking his head like a drummer, he refused.

Seeing her daughter, He Nidun's wife not only refused outright, but also accused the old couple of not giving them any face.

Qi said: "Your mother-in-law picks up the children of Jin Ling's family all day long. Who in the village doesn't know? Don't you do too many shameless things? If you don't want to help, just say you don't want to help. What are you talking about?"

If she helps her mother's family to do some ordinary work, although the mother-in-law will have opinions, she will not stop her.

If she dared to accept such a shameful thing, her mother-in-law could eat her alive.No matter what He Nidun and his wife talked about and acted hard and softly, the eldest daughter of his family would not agree.

Finally broke up.

He Xiaoxi is at home packing up the things that she will take with Lu Youcai when she goes out with Lu Youcai tomorrow. She will take a ride to Haicheng where Lu Youcai's house is going to pick up goods.

He Xiaodong was worried that she would go out with a girl, so she turned into an aunt and nagged endlessly.

"Youcai is going to Haicheng on serious business, so you won't cause trouble for others?"

He Xiaoxi knew that his brother didn't want her to go, and he didn't care, so he answered him casually: "Lu Youcai said, don't take the trouble,
Besides, with my free labor to help them work, they make a lot of money, so how could they find me troublesome? "

Seeing that He Xiaodong couldn't persuade her, he had to explain and explain, telling her to pay attention to safety on the road.

He Xiaoxi silently complained about him: If you are worried about me, just say you are worried about me, and say that I am causing trouble to others.

He Xiaoxi didn't go here just for fun.She has a lot to do.Except to see why no one came to my aunt's house.

He also wanted to find a place for He Dachun to learn how to shave his head before the company has a joint venture.

After building a house on the bank of the river, one can be secluded to open a barber shop for him.

After the establishment of the people's commune, his leg is not good enough, and the farm work may not earn enough for him to eat and drink.If he had a skill, he would not have to work in the fields, and he could earn enough food for their father and daughter.

I heard that the neighboring cities were not seriously affected by the flood this time.He Xiaoxi also planned to try his luck, to see if he could buy some food back.

 He Xiaoxi is about to start making money, but due to the social environment constraints, there won't be any plots with such a bullshit spirit.

  That is to say, the golden finger will not be too big.For those who like the plot of Ju (huge gold) finger, I can only say sorry.

  ^ _ ^
(End of this chapter)

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