Chapter 126

Several mouths asked almost simultaneously: "What's the matter?" "What's wrong with this horse?" "Scarred Eye's horse?"

The horse of the Scarred Eye family——He Xiaodong asked this question.Who is the person who knows you best in this world?Certainty is your enemy.He Xiaodong and the others are the ones who know Scar Eye best, especially He Dachun, who can recognize Scar Eye after peeling off the skin and burning it to ashes.

He Dachun replied: "It's a horse with a scarred eye. Look here, the one under the eye, and the right hind leg."

Even the two places He Dachun pointed out are only slightly darker than white.If you don't lie down and look carefully, you can't see it at all.Pointing it out in public like this is absolutely impossible to be a fake.

After He Dachun explained, he went on to say: "Ba Yaoyan is my elder brother, and he sold the child while I was not at home. I saw him riding this horse out of the village with my own eyes at noon yesterday."

In this way, the suspicion of village chief Cui's tip-off can be cleared.But in such a small village, it is unlikely that the village head would not know that a big living person came in on such a conspicuous horse.

The local cadre pointed to the horse and said, "This is a criminal tool, take it away." The village head also didn't make it clear. He didn't know the truth, and only thought that the two parties colluded to hide him.

Thinking of impounding the horse, such a horse is worth more than a girl, and the other party will hand it over.Even if he doesn't hand him over, he can use this horse to pay He Dachun as compensation.Even if there is an end to this matter.

It doesn't mean that it's anyone's fault that he thinks this way. The values ​​and ethos of the whole society are like this now. Boys are preferred to girls, and girls are worthless.

Strictly speaking, it's not just girls who are worthless, but all children are worthless.Without means of family planning, every household has many children.Like Koma, there are many children born who were not expected.

There are many people who are willing to trade their children for a horse.

Moreover, the law is not perfect, and it is not prohibited to buy and sell children in private at the legal level.Even though the law later strictly stipulates that buying and selling children is not allowed.But in private, it has not been banned for decades.

Liulipu Village, as the name suggests, got its name because it is six miles away from Xuejiaji Town.It was not a village in the past, but people who came from other places to live on the wharf settled here, and gradually formed a village.There are only dozens of families in the whole village, and they all have mixed surnames.

Therefore, the situation that hindered the rescue did not appear as expected.Lu Youfu and the others also thought that the horse had been impounded, so they were not afraid that they would not hand over the man.

The reason why Cheng Laojiao is called Laojiao is because money is more important than his own life.It is not so easy for him to spit out the things that have entered his house.

I often borrow things from neighbors and tell them not to return them if they lose them.He often takes advantage of his family's large number of children and grandchildren to compete with neighbors for jobs on the pier.So the neighbors don't get along well.

Cheng Laojiao directed his children and grandchildren to fight against He Xiaodong and the others, while yelling loudly: "He ran away, and this horse was paid to my family as compensation. Why do you take it away?"

Those who are at odds with his family, expose him: "Old man, your grandson-in-law was beaten away by your grandson, why should they let you pay the horse as compensation?"

When they heard that the child was beaten away, everyone was very angry.He Dachun's eyes were red with anger, as if they were about to bleed.He Xiaodong also had veins throbbing on his forehead.Both of them had served as soldiers, killed people and seen blood.This look of wanting to eat people can't help the Cheng family not being afraid.

Cheng Laojiao quibbled: "What nonsense are you talking about, she broke the head of my little pestle and scared her away."

Now the fight is about horses, not people.If it is a human being, there is a rule of "it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy a family". Everyone is afraid of being punished by the law of heaven, so they generally keep silent.Sometimes I know where people are hiding but I dare not tell them, and if I say it, it will make people poke their spines.

Now that the competition is for horses, there are no such scruples.Some people are jealous because they see Mr. Cheng's family gaining a lot of money for nothing.There are also those who have a rift with his family on weekdays and take the opportunity to make trouble.There are even people who are not afraid of the height of the stage when watching a play.

There is a lot of talk, vividly describing the situation yesterday.Some people who were not there at the time heard what was said afterwards, and now they retell it as if they saw it in person.

In a rage, a group of people held Cheng's family members in the arena and beat them up.Take the white horse out.

After leading the horse out of Cheng's house, He Dachun looked around in a daze, but didn't know where to go.Crouching down on the ground and crying loudly.A man doesn't flick his tears easily, but he doesn't reach the sad point.When it comes time to really look around and the future is lost, even a King Kong has to cry.

He Xiaodong pulled him up and said firmly, "Don't cry, let's look for it again, brother will definitely find you the big girl."

He Dachun never doubted He Xiaodong's words, so he stopped crying and said, "Well, let's look again."

Just like when he was running away, his injured leg was festered and he couldn't walk anymore. He Xiaodong carried him on his back and said, "Don't cry, we will definitely make it home." As long as his brother said it, he would be able to do it.

He Xiaoxi knew that if it wasn't for her prudence, she wouldn't miss He Da Niu.But she has no regrets.Only those who have experienced the bloody storms in the future know that no matter how much care is taken, it is necessary.

He Xiaodong thanked those who came with him, and arranged for them to go back first, and they wanted to stay and continue searching.Because Lu Youcai didn't want to leave, his brother arranged for him to stay and help.

Knowing that they wanted to stay and continue looking for someone, Sister Jin asked the local cadres and village head Cui to help them arrange a place to live.The local cadres felt guilty that the matter had not been completed satisfactorily, so they agreed wholeheartedly.

Ask Cui Village Chief to provide a place where you can live for free for a long time.Village Chief Cui was in a difficult situation.Liulipu Village is different from the ancient villages of Shuidong Village, it is a village formed by agglomeration.The village is small and the population is highly mobile.I can find a place to live, but it is difficult to live for free.

But he did something bad before, and this would be an opportunity to make amends, so he dared not refuse it easily.I racked my brains to think about all the houses in the village that could accommodate people, and I really thought of one place.

He hesitated and said: "There is a place to live, it's just..." Looking at He Xiaodong's face, he was heartbroken, "It's just that the place is a bit in the way."

He saw the appearance of these people just now, they were vicious, not like good people.But looking at it now, it doesn't look like a villain anymore.Especially the one who just sat on the ground and cried, he was quite pitiful.

He Xiaoxi's mouth twitched when he heard Youfang.It seems that since she was reborn, the places she lived in were places with obstacles.Without thinking about it, he blurted out: "Don't be afraid of obstacles, our fate is hard."

As soon as He Xiaoxi's words came out, He Xiaodong felt that his already well-raised head felt dizzy again.Why is this troublesome child so outspoken?He dared to say anything in front of his in-laws.

Seeing the faces of the two brothers, Lu Youcai, he reprimanded his sister: "What nonsense!" Seeing He Xiaoxi being reprimanded, Lu Youcai hurriedly stepped forward to block her: "I am also destined."

He Xiaodong felt very helpless, and he and Lu Youfu looked at each other.I can't control it anymore, and I won't care about these two children's business in the future.Lest you be a villain in vain.

 There are still a few chapters to upload.

(End of this chapter)

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