Chapter 114

You idiot, are you praising or hurting others?Seeing He Xiaoxi's expression like a grain of sand after eating, Lu Youcai knew that the food was bad, and flattered him on the horse's leg.He is still a little quick-witted: "I didn't pay... attention, just glanced... what are you drawing... what?"

Of course He Xiaoxi knew that he was covering up.She is not that small-bellied person.Dafang admitted: "I want to draw a horse, but even if I don't know how to draw, I can't draw well." He took out the cloth as he spoke.

Lu Youcai looked at the pitch-black and completely different, and said to himself: You can't draw, you really can't draw.I also know that saying this will definitely kill the sky, maybe offend He Xiaoxi, and He Xiaoxi can kick him to death.Without daring to tell the truth, he just asked, "What do you draw...for...what's the use?"

Knowing that He Xiaoxi promised to make a schoolbag for Xiaoju, she wanted to cut a horse for appliqués.Instruct He Xiaoxi: "You can't... do this kind of painting. You have to...starch the cloth first, finish the painting...cut...cut it off. The base cloth also...starch it, and then Embroider one...block."

He Xiaoxi didn't know that he even knew the work of female celebrities, so he asked suspiciously: "You still know this?" "Of course", while speaking, he lifted his shirt up to his chest.He Xiaoxi was taken aback, thinking he was going to do something bad.

I saw Lu Youcai pointing to the middle of his big red flower bellyband and said: "Look at it, the carp in the middle is embroidered in this way. My sister-in-law embroidered it, and I helped draw it." It turned out that I wanted her to see this of.He Xiaoxi secretly rejoiced: Thanks for not being surprised, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Following the place pointed by Lu Youcai, He Xiaoxi saw that it was indeed appliqué embroidery, and his embroidery skills were good.Mrs. Lu has always been taught by Auntie Qu, who has a well-known embroidery work.

What did Lu Youcai say in the last sentence?He drew it.I heard it right, it was said that he painted it.This is all wishes come true.At noon, I still thought that there would be a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and I would just send myself a person who can draw.In the end, Lu Youcai was sent.

Lu Youcai found an opportunity to be courteous to He Xiaoxi, and offered to ask, "You...cloth...paste...Okay," The opportunity came too suddenly and not easy, and he stammered when he was excited more powerful.

He Xiaoxi's face was calm, but his heart soared with joy.A little man He Xiaoxi patted the little man Lu Youcai on the shoulder and praised: "Young man is not bad, he has a future."

Although He Xiaoxi tried her best to conceal it, the smile in her eyes couldn't be concealed.Lu Youcai was very happy to see her.The piece of cloth in her hand is basically useless, even if it is washed, it is wrinkled and ugly.Go home or change a piece of cloth.

Although Lu Youcai put down his clothes, a corner of the red bellyband was still exposed because a button was undone when it was rolled up.He Xiaoxi thought for a while and said, "You're such an adult, it's not appropriate to wear this. It's a joke for outsiders to see."

But Lu Youcai heard the implication from this sentence: Xiaoxi is not an outsider, so he won't laugh at him.

He said happily: "I told my sister-in-law the same way, she still insisted on letting me wear it." He Xiaoxi thought about the disaster he encountered when he was a child, since it was sister-in-law He's idea, there should be something to say, so just No more squeaks.

People who want to cross the river come here one after another.There were also many people on the other side of the river.A group of people got on and off in a double carriage.These people are not like ordinary peasants, they don't dress like them, and they don't behave like them.From a distance, it seems that there are two people in military uniforms inside.All carrying luggage rolls.

He Xiaoxi bumped Lu Youcai with his elbow: "These people are unusual, be smart later." Lu Youcai nodded, indicating that he understood.

The two boarded the boat, Lu Youcai untied the cable, and He Xiaoxi rowed the oar.After everyone boarded the boat and sat firmly, they were sent to the other side of the river.Lu Youcai helped the older man ashore.The people waiting for the boat on the other side also saw that these people had unusual identities.Pointing and whispering aside.

These people are not like ordinary people, who are squeezed into the boat.Instead, he stood behind the crowd and waited calmly.After all the people in front got on the boat, they came up one by one with mutual humility.

One of them looked around curiously whether he had never seen a boat or such a small boat.This person thought he had never been on this kind of boat.I just looked around, but I didn't expect the boat to be so bumpy.He staggered and almost fell, but Lu Youcai caught it with his sharp eyes and hands.The man quickly smiled and thanked him.

Among these people, it seems to be the leader, watching He Xiaoxi, a little girl's home with oars.Smiling, he said to the people next to him: "See, women here hold up half the sky." The tone was full of showing off.Then he asked He Xiaoxi: "Little comrade, are you tired of punting alone?"

He Xiaoxi: "Contributing to the construction of the new China will not be tiring."

Everyone didn't expect her to answer like this, and they were surprised and impressed.Especially for the person who asked the question before, He Xiaoxi's answer made him feel more face.

He Xiaoxi calculated that seven out of ten of these people came to inspect and guide the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work.Just figured out how to keep these people for a while longer.Lead the villagers to praise Lu Youfu, and let Lu Youfu show his face in front of these people.Since that day, the matter of Lu Youfu being the vice-captain of the fourth team has never been mentioned again.It is estimated that the village chief's younger brother tripped him up, maybe it was Huang.

If Lu Youfu could get into the eyes of these people, there might be room for things to turn around.

It is impossible to explain clearly the experience of my brother and the others, and these will be hidden dangers in the future.If someone in the village supports him in the future, he may be able to turn the crisis into safety.It is one thing to find opportunities to get rid of the scourge of scarred eyes, and another is to find a strong backer.Both are very important, and double insurance should go hand in hand.

He Xiaoxi told everyone: "Wait a little longer, no matter who comes or not, we will send you there first." They are all acquaintances, and everyone has no doubts about He Xiaoxi's words.

He Xiaoxi asked the leader again: "Are you in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, you can take everyone first." The man was very easy-going, waved his hand and said, "Don't be special to us, follow your old rules. "

Farmers have a natural awe for strangers, especially strangers who look like cadres.People on both sides stood apart.If this goes on without talking, it's useless to stand forever.

He Xiaoxi is from a girl's family, and she is not easy to chat with strangers, it seems disrespectful.He just blinked at Lu Youcai.

Fortunately, this person was able to step forward at a critical moment.Ask the person next to him who he just helped: " your first... visit to our village... right?" When stuttering is the key.

The man stretched out his hand to adjust his glasses, and answered him, "Four." The accent was not from a local.

With Lu Youcai leading the way, He Xiaoxi didn't look abrupt when he spoke, and he asked, "Are you from the south?" The man didn't have the consciousness of revealing his accent, but instead asked He Xiaoxi, "How do you know?" He Xiaoxi couldn't say anything. Your four are not exposed.That's so rude.He smiled and replied: "You look like a southerner."

Many people on board also saw clearly why He Xiaoxi knew he was from the south.Even if you don't talk about it, you can talk about it.Especially the people in this village feel that these people are not so unattainable.You talk to me with each other.

As we talked, we talked about this flood.In this kind of flood that has not happened in decades, most of the family's wealth has been saved.Except for the crops and houses that cannot be moved, which were flooded, no other property was lost, which is very proud of the villagers.They don’t forget the well diggers when they drink water, and the simplicity of rural people makes them praise Lu Youfu and others from time to time in their words.

Someone even pointed to Lu Youcai and said, "Lu Youfu is his brother, my dear brother."

Originally, these people were curious about Lu Youfu who had only heard his name but never seen him.Not even curious when I heard this.With the person in front of him who is a brother of the same mother, it is estimated that no matter how much the gene mutation is, it will not change much.

Seeing the reaction of these people, He Xiaoxi knew it was over.He had to enter the village and find a way to get Lu Youfu to show his face.

In later generations, there are those who hinder the average salary, and now there are those who hinder the average appearance.

There is no point in dragging it any longer, He Xiaoxi rowed a boat to send these people to the other side.After everyone went ashore, He Xiaoxi dragged Lu Youcai and told him, "Hurry up, the village has been washed away this time, and they have nowhere to go. You take them to my house. Your brother is there, let your brother entertain them." .”

Lu Youcai has a silly face, seeing that He Xiaoxi attaches so much importance to these people, and talks to them in a variety of ways, he also knows the importance of this matter.Hurry up and follow them, and introduce to these people: "The also...broken in this flood...the water is too...too big."

Lu Youcai grabbed a child and asked him to report to the village chief that someone was coming.

He Xiaoxi was also too eager for success.Lu Youcai is more comprehensive than she thought in this regard.Really can't secretly take people home, if you do that, you will offend the village chief.Instead, he could play a side-ball and bring the person back before the village chief came.

Although Lu Youcai didn't read much, he only read for a few years.But he has been born and raised in this village for more than ten years, and he knows every plant, tree, mountain and stone here in detail.In addition, my uncle and elder brothers often get together to talk about the world, and I have grown up under the influence of my ears and eyes.Although the tongue is not very sharp, the content of Shengzai's speech is refreshing.

Along the way, I first showed these people the vegetable seedlings replanted in the fields along the way.After that, I took people to see the reconstruction of the house.

Shuidong Village was also a big port on the side of the canal a hundred years ago.The temples on Dongshan Mountain were also very popular.Lu Youcai came slowly, unfolding a picture scroll of boats coming and going, prosperous and prosperous.Although it is a rural place, every tree and every stone may have a legend.

Without these people realizing it, following Lu Youcai's footsteps, they gradually walked in the direction Lu Youcai intended.

Among them, some educated people expressed emotion: "This place is surrounded by water and mountains, and there are outstanding people!"

In front of He's house, it was a busy labor scene.In particular, the scene of a group of children beating adobe is more like a vivid picture of labor.A group of people watched with relish.

Xiao Ju saw Lu Youcai bringing a group of strangers over, ran over and pulled him along and asked curiously, "Grandpa Thirteen, who are they?"


Some people are very curious about this title.Then someone explained to him: "Three-year-old grandpa, white beard's grandson. He is not very old in the senior generation."

These days, Xiaoju lives with the He family, and his clothes are clean and tidy.The small face and hands are also washed clean.Although some mud was splashed during the work, but the flaws are not concealed, and he is still a clever child.

Adults like to tease such children and listen to their children's words.This gang is no exception.A serious looking person asked Xiaoju, "Little fellow, where is your home? We are tired from walking, can I use your place to rest and drink some water?"

Although Xiaoju didn't know who they were, since he came here with Grandpa Thirteen, and he glanced at Grandpa Thirteen, and Grandpa Thirteen nodded, he should be able to lead the family with confidence.He replied very straightforwardly: "My home is there." Leading the way and leading the way.Push open the door and announce loudly: "Grandma, old lady, there is a guest."

Liu Shi and Ma Shi heard the sound.With a grandfather as young as Lu Youcai in front, these people can also treat young grandma and old lady with equanimity.

Lu Youcai whispered to Xiaoju again, telling him to call his eldest brother.

In the room, Heng Ha Er looked out of the window with his probe.He Damao reported to He Xiaodong: "Brother, there are a lot of people here. They don't know what they are doing, and there are people in military uniforms. Is there anything wrong?" He Dachun: "Yes! Yes!"

As for these crooks who couldn't be helped, He Xiaodong already wanted to give up on rescuing them.He told the two of them: "What are you panicking about? Help me go out and have a look." Remembering something again, he asked the two of them, "Have you made any trouble recently? What's the matter with the wheel?" They raised their hands and swore they didn't make any mistakes.

He Xiaodong told the two of them: "Play by ear, if the situation doesn't suit you two, leave me alone and run away first."

The eyes of the two of them turned red all of a sudden, and they helped He Xiaodong out silently.But he didn't agree to run first.

 Well written, say the author, is about absconders.

  Heiyu thought it was inappropriate, so he deleted it again.

  So, today no author says
  (* ^ ▽ ^ *)
(End of this chapter)

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