Rebirth Five Zeros and Get Rich Sutra

Chapter 1026 Conflict erupts

Chapter 1026 Conflict erupts
Seeing the printing factory buying so much paper each time, Xiaoju's mouth watered. He only knew that the paper factory was making money, but he didn't expect that the printing factory was no worse than the paper factory.

Call He Xiaoxi: "Auntie, you said that if we also set up a printing factory, our paper will be further processed, and the profit will be even greater."

He also said: "I took the opportunity of delivering goods to their factory to visit their factory, and the equipment can be used without much equipment."

He Xiaoxi can't laugh or cry, but she won't stop. Sooner or later, many state-owned factories will be squeezed out of the market due to a series of reasons such as stagnant technology and overstaffed personnel.

Since sooner or later they will all be replaced, it doesn't matter who they are replaced by.

"You can figure it out yourself, but the competition between low-end products is very easy to fall into the vicious circle of price wars, so don't blindly expand,

You still have to develop high-end products. Only when you are irreplaceable can you secure market share. "

He Xiaoxi knew that as long as Xiao Ju was given the stage, sooner or later he would grow to a height that others looked up to.

The enterprises under Xiaoju have been expanding. Taking the sauce and vinegar factory as an example, it has grown to more than five times its original size.

After that, Xiaoju built a paper mill, and now he wants to get involved in a printing factory, and a sewage treatment plant is also in his plan.

Although he has not asked the village for money in these years, he has not handed over any money he earned to the village.

Lu Yanming, who had the blueprint of the Qingquanhe Bridge in mind, pointed at them to turn in the money they earned and then build the bridge.

After tossing and tossing like this, the stall got bigger and bigger, but he didn't get any money back, which made Lu Yanming very dissatisfied.

Find Xiaoju and ask him: "Others will more or less contribute some profits to the village, you have such a big business, can't you be so nonchalant?"

Xiaoju pushed him onto his office chair with a playful smile: "Grandpa Yanming, how much is your bridge short?"

"If you don't pay any money to the village, how much money can you get to build the bridge? It's far away!"

"So, your bridge building money is still so much short, even if I hand in all the profits every year, it won't be enough for three to five years, right?
But, my profit in three to five years can expand a new factory building and install a new production line. After this, my ability to earn money will increase.

Then I can pay you more profits, and you can earn enough money to build the bridge as soon as possible. Do you think this is the reason? "


Xiao Ju began to fool Lu Yanming with his three-inch tongue, making Lu Yanming a little dizzy.

Scratching his bald head, he let the pony go.

The others saw that he didn't get any money from Xiaoju, and they all ran to learn from him.

We must know that all the affiliated enterprises in Shuidong Village have contradictions between development and turning over profits.

If you pay too much, it will affect your own development, which is tantamount to killing the chicken and picking the eggs. If you don't pay too much, it will be difficult for Lu Yanming, the skin picker.

It's better that Xiaoju is a native of Changshuidong Village, after all, the meat rots in the pot.

The interests of several parties are involved in the inland port, the transportation team, and the construction team. If the solution is not resolved, the company may fall apart.

The old people in each village can say that they can still remember the affection of being funded by Shuidong Village to share adversity. Some of the new generations in each village are already clamoring to pull the pole and go out to do it alone.

Some problems have accumulated to a critical point, and the foundation of cooperation cannot be maintained simply by relying on past friendship.

Li Zhenwu is the person in charge of the construction team. Over the years, their team has created a lot of profits, but the team is still the original low-end low-end construction team mainly based on manpower.

Whether it is retaining personnel or recruiting jobs, they have lost competitiveness.

He was very confused, not knowing whether his own ability was not good enough or something else had gone wrong.

It wasn't until a group of young people in the village took up the pole and went out on their own, that energetic team, that he discovered the problem for so many years.

For so many years, they have not purchased a piece of labor-saving machinery in terms of equipment, and they still use the standard of recruiting migrant workers in terms of personnel recruitment. They are outdated.

In his hands, the construction team has become lifeless and old, and has been drawing blood, which has affected the development of the enterprise.

He wasn't the only one who came to Xiaoju for advice, but their problems were the worst, and it would be too late if they didn't fix them.

Xiaoju was in the office of the sauce and vinegar factory. Li Zhenwu and Xiaoju drank the snacks such as pickles, dried sauce, and salt-fried peanuts from the factory.

Li Zhenwu took a mouthful of roasted peanuts with salt, "Ju! I'm just like this peanut right now. It looks like the skin is red, but the inside is white and white."

Throwing the peanuts into his mouth, he chewed them up as if venting his anger.

Leaving from Xiaoju, Li Zhenwu took advantage of the wine and went to talk to Lu Yanming and Lu Youjiang about reducing the profit turned over.

With Lu Yanming's attributes as a skin picker, they broke up that day.

Both parties in this meeting were not calm, and both said a lot of radical words, making this discussion the trigger for all subsequent events.

The accumulated contradictions exploded in an instant.

The phone number of He Xiaoxi's work unit was almost off the hook for a while, and they all complained to her and gave her an ultimatum.

Qi Erhe from Qishanwo Village had a stupid temper, so he asked He Xiaoxi directly: "He Xiaoxi, you helped us back then, we will remember this love,

After paying it back for so many years, even the life-saving kindness should be paid off. We don't owe you anything.
Why can the factory in your village keep a part of the profit for subsequent development, but we can't, we are raised by stepmothers, and we can get it for every penny you ask grandpa to tell grandma,

The drainage ditch on the side of the mountain behind the nursery has been washed down every rainy season for many years. I have applied for money repair for several years, but I have not applied for it.
Do you still think of us as brothers?We are your long-term workers, let you exploit,

Also, the nursery outside the house has already introduced new varieties, but here we are, the same old ones every year, who will sell them to?I want to introduce new varieties without appropriating money.
Just run on me as soon as the meeting is held, saying that we earn less money and the business is not doing well, why not, don't you have any idea? "

Well!I cursed all the foul language.

After scolding, he asked He Xiaoxi: "Hey, He Xiaoxi, are you listening? Let me tell you, don't play tricks on me.
If you make me anxious, I will quit. We will do it alone, and we will not be angry with you. "

"I'm listening. If you have anything else, you can finish it together, and we can solve it together."

"No, it's just these things. Don't think that these are trivial things. Don't try to favor the people in your village with Xini. If you don't give us an explanation, I..."

I don’t want to come out anymore, I don’t know what to say, I’m afraid I won’t be able to achieve the effect if I speak harshly, I’m afraid He Xiaoxi will take it seriously if I speak harshly, the shadow of grabbing water is still there, I’m afraid time can’t heal it.

(End of this chapter)

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