Chapter 1010
He Damao's suspicious life was struck by He Xiaoxi.

I choked and hiccupped.


However, this man was thick-skinned and nerve-wracking, so he quickly adjusted, exaggerated his role many times, and told about finding the great-grandfather of the Lu family.

He Xiaoxi: "Not bad, well done."

He Xiaoxi praised him, anyway, he doesn't need money to buy something nice.

He Damao asked Ai Ai Qiqi: "Well, sister, you see that I have made such a big contribution this time, can you not let me work with the old Wu?"

Earn less money, have more rules, and work hard.

Just like going to Liaogou Mine this time to handle this case, I couldn't go home for a few days.

He Xiaoxi couldn't help laughing on the other end of the phone.

He Damao also quickly laughed along, regardless of whether He Xiaoxi could see through the phone line.

"That can't be done, you are now at the level of a detective, and you will solve a Jiazi's old case in no time, what a waste of talent you don't do!"

When He Damao thought about it, it was true. The ancestor of the Lu family disappeared for a year or two, and he dug out the old bandits who had hidden so deeply. He is really too powerful.

"You think I'm great too, don't you?"

He Xiaoxi said nonsense in a serious manner: "That is, you are so amazing, you are the pride of our family."

He Xiaoxi tried her best to fool her.

He fooled He Damao so happily that he willingly went to report to Lao Wu.

But the Lu family got the exact news from the ancestors, prepared black umbrellas, cattail bags and other things, and chose an auspicious day to bring back the bones of the ancestors.

The social environment did not allow it, and he did not dare to speak out, so he quietly bought a coffin and buried it in the ancestral grave.

In this case, Shuidong Village was not involved from the beginning to the end, and Hou Wangzhuang even took the credit for the arrest.

Entering winter, He Xiaoxi started to feel lazy again, as if she couldn't wake up all day long.

Sleepy in spring, exhausted in autumn, napping in summer, not getting enough sleep, He Xiaoxi began to want to hibernate just before the twelfth lunar month when the weather turned cold.

Now that Lu Yongjun has experience, he feels that he has worked so hard for so long, and it is time to reap the rewards.

He took He Xiaoxi to the health center for a checkup, and he got what he wanted.

Nagging every day to let He Xiaoxi be more competitive, give birth to a daughter, and don't be a bald boy.

He Xiaoxi treats him as airless and ignores him, does he want to have a boy or a girl?It's just unreasonable.

When all the fuss is over, it is already the twelfth lunar month.

"Have you cooked Laba porridge? Sweet porridge or salty porridge?"

Tang Yajun lay on the door frame of the kitchen and asked He Xiaoxi who was cooking porridge.

He Xiaoxi put the cooked porridge into a thermos, "I boiled both, let's take it back to work to drink."

"I carried it on, you go downstairs with the railing, be careful."

Tang Yajun didn't know how to cook, so he learned from his old Yang to do logistics support, buy vegetables, wash vegetables and chop vegetables, and coax He Xiaoxi to cook.

Generally, everyone makes delicious food on special festivals, and everyone will bring it to the unit, and try who makes it better, and share the experience by the way.

People happily spend the Laba Festival, but they don't know that the bad news is on the way.

In the morning, the Prime Minister passed away.

In the summer of the same year, two major events that shocked China and the world occurred. First, a major earthquake occurred in Hebei Province.

Lu Yongjun stayed with the engineering team to go to the rescue. They were responsible for repairing the damaged roads and bridges. Yang Tiejun also followed the logistics to deliver materials and supplies.

He Xiaoxi, together with the family members in the compound, set up a tent on the open space, and took jelly beans to live in the earthquake-resistant tent.

"Mom, when was my sister born?"

"Wait for your father to come back!"

"When will my father come back?"


The topic of when dad will come back always sounds particularly heavy.

Whenever there is a major disaster, there will always be casualties in the rescue brigade.

Tangdou also noticed the silence in the tent, and stopped talking. Even Li Yuehua, who was usually the loudest, rarely said harsh words.

As a doctor in the military hospital, Chu Fengchu is also on the front line of rescue.

Lu Yongjun and his workers carried the wounded from the rubble to the temporary hospital tent: "Doctor, where is the doctor?"

"Carry it this way." The nurse guided them to put the injured person on an empty bed.

After doing a simple debridement, notify the doctor to deal with the bone injury.

"Brother Chu."

"Embrace the army."

I can only say hello and leave in a hurry.

Medicines are in short supply and the weather is hot, threatening the lives of patients.

Some critically ill patients need to be transferred, but the roads are blocked and the transport capacity is insufficient.

Lu Yongjun was ordered to lead the brigade to rush through the road to transfer the wounded.

"How long will the road be open?"

A large number of vehicles and people were blocked on a road blocked by an aftershock.

Saving people is like putting out a fire, time is life, and everyone is asking when the road will be open.

At night, the front personnel rushed to repair overnight, and the rear personnel took advantage of the waiting time to rest in the open air.

Lu Yongjun led personnel to inspect the security.

There will also be discordant voices in the tense rescue. Some hooligans and idlers who want to make disasters and national disasters flood into the disaster area to rob and pick valuables such as watches from the bodies of the victims.

The people who were tired all day fell asleep lying on the side of the road in their clothes.

However, this is not destined to be a quiet night.

In the middle of the night, Chu Fengchu got up to go to the toilet, and saw a ghostly figure in the night.

"Who?" Chu Fengchu said loudly.

Hearing Chu Fengchu's voice, the man not only didn't stop, but ran into the distance.

Chu Fengchu's voice woke everyone up, and Lu Yongjun also brought people over.

Lu Yongjun didn't expect to meet Chu Fengchu again, but in this situation, he couldn't take into account the joy of meeting by chance, and led people to hunt down the criminals in the direction Chu Fengchu pointed.

An ordinary thief, facing the strong Lu Yongjun, was quickly caught without any suspense.

Lu Yongjun took the flashlight and shone it on the man's face. The stimulation of the light made the man raise his arm to cover his eyes.

However, Lu Yongjun and Chu Fengchu still recognized this person.

Chu Fengchu looked at Lu Yongjun, wanting to remind him who this person was, but when Lu Yongjun pulled the man's arm down and looked at his appearance carefully, he knew that Lu Yongjun recognized him too.

"Youzi." Lu Yongjun revealed the identity of this person.

Youzi from Lijiazhuang, He Laoliu's nephew Li Wangfa, did not expect to meet him in this kind of situation, in this kind of place.

Dogs can't change eating shit, so it's self-evident what Li Wangfa is doing here.

Everyone found all kinds of watches in a circle on his belt.

In this case, he could be executed directly without interrogation, but this Li Wangfa is an important witness.

At the beginning, He Laoliu ordered He Lingqun to enter the house with guns to rob cotton and other supplies in Shuidong Village. Because of the lack of Li Wangfa, an important witness, this case did not focus on He Laoliu and his eldest son He Zhaokun.

"When you arrive at the rear hospital, hand him over to the local place for detention, call the family and ask someone to escort him back." Lu Yongjun handed the oil to Chu Fengchu.

And sent two people to escort them all the way.

In several cases in the past few years, Liu's mother, daughter and others were executed for serious crimes, but some of the lesser ones have been released from prison and returned to their hometown of Shuidong Village in recent years.

These people have become factors of instability in Shuidong Village.

He Zhaokuan is one of them.

This man can't lift his shoulders, he doesn't want to do the field work, and he doesn't fight against the village. He's just playing rogue.

(End of this chapter)

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