The origin of doom

Chapter 654 Yohan's Father

Chapter 654 Yohan's Father

Except for me, they are all level three, including two humans and one monster.

But it was those two humans who attacked me!

While attacking my protective shield, a shirtless man said, "Nicole's little concubine, if you take the initiative to come in and seek death, grandpa will help you. But then again, grandpa also admires you very much. Even a female dragon dares to go up. , how do you feel?"

This guy is just trying to provoke me on purpose. I won't be fooled by such a low-level method, but there is someone who is willing to be fooled: "Don't insult Mrs. Nicole!"

The one who spoke was the crystal armored beast. It was very angry and turned back into its original body, attacking two human cultivators at the same time.

The body of the Crystal Armored Beast is like a huge pangolin covered with crystals, but it can only be beaten when it fights against two practitioners of the same level at the same time.However, the crystal armored beast's defense was extremely strong, and the two guys couldn't break the crystals on it even after fighting for a long time.

Originally, the crystal armored beast was going to come in instead of Nicole, but I stepped in and snatched the spot, so the crystal armored beast represented another first-level powerhouse.

When I was considering whether to make a move, the Crystal Armored Beast said through voice transmission: "You go first, don't worry about me. Lord Nicole once saved my life, I will hold these two people back, although I can't beat them, but They can't hurt me either."

Since the Crystal Armored Beast took the initiative to stay, I would naturally not be polite to it, because everyone is not familiar with it, so who knows if it is sincere or fake?

So without hesitation, I turned around and left. After all, looking for Ariel is the business. . .


The central area is not large, but the range of spiritual sensing is limited, so it is not easy to find someone.

As he walked, he suddenly found a dead body on the ground. It looked miserable, as if it had been hit by a huge stone, and its bones were shattered, including the skull.Although his appearance was unrecognizable, judging from his clothes, he seemed to be Johan's father, Darth Nigger.

Suffering such a serious injury, the soul must have already left the body, but there is no one nearby. Could it be that the soul has disappeared?
Besides, this is an artificial body and cannot use 'spiritualism'.

After thinking for a few seconds, I took out some Yin Talismans and ignited them. Whether I can recruit souls is up to fate. After all, I am still in a hurry to find Ariel, so I can't waste too much time here.

Soon a soul sensed Yin Qi and floated over. I saw that this soul looked like an old man with a level five strength.As soon as we met, before I could speak, he asked first: "Boy, is there any extra artificial body?"


The old man had a tough attitude: "Then give me yours, you have ten seconds, nine, eight..."

I shook my head slightly: "Don't count, your soul is already extremely weak, aren't you tired if you hold on?"

The old man turned pale with shock: "How did you see that?"

I am a Taoist priest anyway, if I can't even see this, how can I mess around?But I didn't bother to explain. Seeing that his soul strength is level five, that is to say, he should be a level three cultivator, which fits the characteristics of the character, so I asked, "Dasnigg Lawson?"

"It's me." The old man nodded: "How do you know me?"

"Well, it's a long story. I was entrusted by Yuehan to bring you a message. He told you to get out alive. But now it seems impossible, because within 10 minutes, you will be out of your wits."

"Hey, the black mist here will corrode the soul. It seems that this time there is no escape. If you can get out, help tell Yuehan to let him live well, but I guess you won't be able to get out..."

I shook my finger: "That's not necessarily the case. I have a way to save you. In exchange, you must tell me all the information about the central area. If there is a mistake, I will kill you at any time."

Hearing this, the old man was both excited and suspicious: "Can you really save me?"

I sent a cloud of dead energy to him, and after feeling it for a while, he urged, "Come on."

I folded my arms: "Let's talk about the information first, how did you come in, how did you die, have you seen the Gale Falcon?"

Information is more important than soul, he naturally knows, after sorting out his thoughts, he said: "At the beginning, I didn't think about entering the Dark Swamp, but a friend said that there is a treasure in the Gale Falcon race, as long as you grab it Come here. You can safely enter the central area of ​​the Underbog and look for the legendary treasure. I thought, even if the legend of the Underbog is false, you can still get the treasure of the Gale Falcon race, so I agreed."

"We were lucky. Under the leadership of our friends, we quickly found the Gale Falcon and chased it all the way into the Dark Swamp. I have to say that although the Gale Falcon is only level four, its speed is astonishing. The few of us The third-level cultivator was stunned to catch up, it flew to the central area quickly, sent out a very strong wind blade, cut through the barrier, and we followed in."

"However, when fighting for the treasure, I was killed by four 'friends', and then they fought themselves, and they had no time to care about my soul."

I asked with interest: "Is there really a treasure here?"

"Strictly speaking, it doesn't count. I just saw a second-level demon pill on the ground."

They didn't even see the real treasure, and fought for the second-level demon pill. They haven't seen the world?
Of course not, they were just making use of the problem. Kill a few competitors first, and the chance of getting the treasure will double.

"Then do you know where the Gale Falcon is?"

The old man showed a mysterious expression, and after making sure that there was no one around, he nodded: "Yes, after I became a spirit body, I found that the black mist can corrode the soul, so I wanted to escape from the ground, but unfortunately it didn't work. But I didn't give up, I kept trying. Just before I saw you, I found the Gale Falcon underground, although I don't know how it got down, but I definitely won't admit it."

Although Dasnigg Regular has repeatedly assured me, I still have some doubts: "Really?"


"Well, as long as I find the Gale Falcon, I'll take you out of the central area. This mass of dead energy is enough for you to last for about half an hour."

Dasnigg Guixon said the deal was done, and then ran to the underground to spread the word.

Ariel didn't believe it at first, and almost beat him to death. At the critical moment, Dasnigg Lawson spoke a secret word, and Ariel came out to meet me. When she saw me, her surprise was written in Face: "Are you really here?"

"What? Shouldn't I come?" After asking back, I found that her breath was not stable, obviously she was injured. "No, I just didn't expect that the Underdark Swamp is so dangerous, and adults can still come to the central area."

I shot a green light beam to envelop her, and used my vitality to help her recover from the injury, and at the same time said: "I will not give up on any member..."

(End of this chapter)

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