American Ranch

Chapter 498 The New Year 3

Chapter 498 New Year's Eve
Back home, my parents and Ellie have all gone to the Red Mansion Villa.

Chen Mo also rushed over, and met Chen Liang in the parking lot, he was here to receive guests...

Newly built in Yunshan District, Red Mansion Villa is the first vacation and banquet villa opened here. There are eight banquet halls in the villa, which mainly undertake various banquets.

For example, this year's Yunshan company's group year is basically in this villa.

"Brother Chen Mo, why did you come here?" Chen Liang brought Wang Xiaoqin over and handed Chen Mo a cigarette.

Chen Liang and Wang Xiaoqin are two couples who get married every day. It seems that they will get married next year.

Chen Mo smiled: "Let your dad pull the Longmen Formation, and you just came out of the company. Your dad is here?"


Several people went there together, Chen Liang lit a cigarette for Chen Mo: "Brother Chen Mo, it's Chinese New Year, where are you going to play?"

"I didn't think about it. Where are you going to play?"

"I just don't know where to go. I wanted to go to the Maldives before, but I couldn't book a ticket..."

"I'll let the plane take you there." Chen Mo said.

"No, no, your plane costs me a year's wages for taking off and landing." Chen Liang shook his head vigorously: "We are planning to go to Sanya for a few days. Do you want to go to Wuzhi Mountain and the rainforest together?"

"I haven't thought about it, let's discuss it..."

At the teahouse, Chen Chen and Bai Xiaoou, as well as Ellie, Chen Xiao and Catherine, were playing five-player Landlords with two decks of cards.

Looking at the banknotes piled up in front of Ellie, she has won money, giggling.

There is a lot of money in front of Ellie, one yuan, five yuan, ten yuan, piled up in a thick pile, and there are hundred dollar bills...

"Don't play, don't play. If you continue to play, it will almost become a gathering of people to gamble." Bai Xiaoou was depressed. They played for two yuan, a bomb... 72 yuan capped.

But two decks, too many bombs.Basically it can be capped...

Bai Xiaoou came over to do it in the afternoon, and he only won two games.Ellie won the most, with more than 3000 yuan in front of her.

"Boss Bai, you can't even afford to lose such a small amount of money."

"How can you win all the time. Don't play, don't play..." If you continue to play, Bai Xiaoou will have to doubt his IQ.

Five-player Landlords is more of a test of IQ. If the IQ is not enough, it is easy to lose money.

"Husband." Ellie turned her head away.

Chen Mo sat down with a smile: "How much did you win?"

"Three or four thousand." Ellie smiled.

"So many, how big are you playing?"

"Two dollars, capped at 72." Bai Xiaoou was speechless: "I've lost more than 2000, and I've been losing all the time. Playing cards with Ellie is not entertaining at all, she seems to know what cards we have .”

Ellie chuckled, and gave up to Chen Mo: "Let Chen Mo play with you, and I'll watch from the side."

Ellie has a superb memory, she can remember the two decks of cards, what cards she played... She clearly remembers them all, as long as her luck is not particularly bad, it is easy to win money.

Chen Mo's memory is not very good, he will forget all the cards in the blink of an eye.

After playing two rounds of cards, Bai Xiaoou won a hand. This guy's fighting spirit immediately became high, and he was clamoring for a decisive battle until dawn... Sanbo was shouting for dinner.

After dinner, Chen Mo's parents are going to go back to Yunmeng Manor. In the manor, the whole family will reunite and celebrate the new year.Chen Mo didn't stay to play cards either, and went back to Yunmeng Manor together...

The manor covers hundreds of acres, except for a banquet hall, which are all traditional Chinese-style courtyard buildings.

The decoration here has already been completed, and Chen Mo's parents occasionally come to stay for a few days.Chen Xiao often lives here...

Go to bed early at night, the next day, New Year's Eve, just before dawn, someone sent a message on WeChat, Chen Mo opened it and looked, it was a chat group formed by Bai Xiaoou, there were Bai Xiaoou's friends, Chen Mo's Friends, Luo Chen's friends... a chat group of more than 30 people.

"It's Chinese New Year tomorrow, have you discussed where to go to play?" Luo Chen sent the voice.

no one cares about him...

'Happy New Year, WeChat Red Envelope'.

Chen Mo was thinking about where to go, and quickly grabbed the red envelope.It's a big red envelope of 1000 yuan and 10 copies...

Chen Mo grabbed 436 yuan first.

"There are red envelopes." Ellie immediately took out her phone, unlocked it, and opened WeChat. The 10 red envelopes have been snatched up: "There are so many people in the group, why are there only 10 red envelopes, and you snatched one yourself." Ellie posted Go out voice.

'Happy New Year, WeChat red envelopes' Luo Chen sent out another 1000 yuan red envelopes, with 20 copies: "Everyone of you is quick to grab the red envelopes. Tell me, where to go for fun during the Chinese New Year."

Chen Mo snatched another one, only 31 yuan, and sent a voice message: "I don't know, I said yesterday that I will go to Wuzhishan during the New Year. My mother and father-in-law don't want Ellie to go... We want to go during the New Year, but we don't either." I know where to go." Chen Mo said and sent a 1 yuan red envelope to the WeChat group.

"How about going to Sanya, shopping in a shopping mall, and watching a movie." Chen Xiao hurriedly snatched the red envelope.

"There are too many people in the shopping mall. How about going to Qizhou Island, I bought an island there..." Bai Xiaoou said, and also sent out a red envelope of 1 yuan.

buy, rent...

Qizhou Island, the name is Qizhou Islands, there are many islands there.One of the islands is called Wanghai Island. Bai Xiaoou bought all the real estate on the island and got the right to develop the island...

"Okay. But it's over, is there a place to live?" Chen Mo asked.

"Take a yacht and you can spend the night on the yacht."

Chen Mo and Ai Li were lying on the bed and it was almost eight o'clock when Chen's mother knocked on the door and told them to get up and eat.

There are pregnant women in the family, and the breakfast is particularly rich.

Chen Mo filled a bowl of porridge and ate it with salted vegetables: "Dad, we're going to play on Qizhou Island tomorrow, do you want to go?"

"What time do you leave tomorrow?" Ron looked over.

"Eight or nine o'clock in the morning."

Father Chen brought Ellie chicken soup: "We are going to the temple tomorrow morning. Otherwise we will find you later..."

"There is a temple on Qizhou Island, so it's the same when we go to worship there tomorrow." Chen Mo said.

"What's the same..." Father Chen gave Chen Mo a hard look: "We will go to Anxing Temple to burn incense early tomorrow, and then go to Qizhou Island when we come back. When you go to Qizhou Island, you can also go to the temple and burn incense for the Bodhisattva. A few sticks of incense, let the Bodhisattva bless you. Do you understand?"

Chen Mo rolled his eyes: "Okay, got it."

Ellie giggled happily watching from the side...

Seeing Father Chen get angry, Ron didn't dare to speak, for fear of touching some taboo.

The Chinese people attach great importance to the Spring Festival, which is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese... Ron knew that for the New Year, Chen Mo's father and the others started preparations more than ten days ago.

He also inquired about one thing, the first joss stick of Anxing Temple... that is, the first stick of incense in the new year, which was auctioned before, worth 65 yuan.It's unbelievable... I don't understand.Anyway, I think it is a very sacred thing for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival... Going to the temple in the spring seems to be a very particular thing.

(End of this chapter)

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