American Ranch

Chapter 484 Before the Banquet

Chapter 484 Before the Banquet
Ellie's mouth is pouted, she's going to be a mother, and she's like a little girl...

Chen Mo walked to the side of the stage, squatted down, and looked at Ellie with a small smile on the corner of his mouth...

"Perhaps I was busy smiling and crying, chasing the shooting stars in the sky, and people naturally forget... who is silently guarding the place in the wind and rain... It turns out that you are the luck I want to keep most. It turns out that we and Love used to be so close..."

The song "Little Lucky", which is waiting to be sad and sentimental, made Chen Mo sing a sweet taste.

Ellie was still pouted, and slowly pouted her small mouth, with tears in her eyes.Chen Mo, maybe it’s not that he doesn’t understand romance, but when he’s with Ai Li, Chen Mo has never been romantic before... and he doesn’t say too many sweet words... Ai Li still looks aggrieved, but looking at Chen Mo, looking at Chen Mo There was a beautiful person reflected in the dark eyes, she was herself... Ellie's heart was pounding, she trotted up to the stage, and hugged Chen Mo...

There were laughter and applause from the audience...

Before the song was finished, Chen Mo hugged Ellie with one arm and comforted her: "What are you doing?"

"You hate it. I'm touched..."

The accompaniment was over, Chen Mo saw more and more people gathered in the audience, the applause became more and more enthusiastic, and his old face was a little hot: "Thank you, thank you everyone..."

"Sing one more song."

"Sing one more..."

"It sounds good, let's sing one more."

Chen Mo really wanted to slip away, Ellie held him tightly: "Sing one more song."

"It was the last one just now."

"The last one, really." Ellie said seriously.

Chen Mo was speechless, so he could only ask the sound engineer to play another accompaniment, "The Wind Rises".

The beautiful melody sounded, Ellie was reluctant to step off the stage, and hugged Chen Mo's arms with both hands...

"I stopped and stopped along the way, following the traces of the boy's drifting. The moment before I stepped out of the station, I was a little hesitant, and I couldn't help laughing at the cowardly feeling of nostalgia, which is still inevitable... and the sky in Nagano is still so warm... "Chen Mo looked at Chen Chen, looked at Chen Xiao, father, mother... There was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, and positive emotions could be heard in his voice: "The wind blows the past, the first time I met this world in the past , lingering in all kinds of ways... Seeing the horizon seems to be in front of my eyes, I am willing to go through fire and water to walk it again..."

Father Chen looked at Chen Mo, and for some reason, tears suddenly came down. He turned his head and wiped it secretly.

Chen Chen stood beside him, holding his father in his arms, his eyes turned red.

For some songs, different people will have different feelings when they sing and listen to them.

Chen Mo may or may not be singing this song...but in Father Chen's ears, Chen Mo is singing himself.

Chen Mo withdrew his gaze and looked at Ai Li, his singing voice became extremely gentle and delicate: "Now that I've walked through this world, I've been lingering in so many ways... Turning over the different sides of the years, I'm caught off guard by your smile..."

Ellie was overwhelmed with emotion.Most of Chen Mo is very straightforward, the kind of straightforwardness of 'your mother must increase the price of vegetables, super double'... Today I saw a different side of Chen Mo.He is a person with delicate emotions, but most of the time he doesn't know how to express it, so he restrains himself.

After the song was over, Chen Mo bowed slightly: "Thank you for your support." He saw Secretary Ye, standing next to the stage with a manuscript in his hand, smiling, and giving him a thumbs up...

The Mutton Festival is about to start.Later, Secretary Ye will take the stage to give a speech, and then announce the start of the Mutton Festival...

This year, the Coconut State has changed dramatically.With the establishment of Yunshan District, Coconut State gave up the aquaculture industry with an output value of billions, and demolished a total of 10,000+ residents... You must know that Coconut State has a total of only about 60 residents.

A region that undergoes major changes in a short period of time will inevitably face many problems, some good and some bad... Some people have made huge profits, while others feel aggrieved because they are dissatisfied with local policies...

Secretary Ye wants to follow this platform to talk openly and frankly about Coconut State and the future of Coconut State...

"Hello everyone, my name is Ye Qicheng. Many people know me, and many people don't know me...I am the secretary of Coconut State, and I have worked in the Coconut City Committee for 23 years..."

"In Coconut State 23 years ago, the sea water was transparent. In the summer of Houhai, many people went swimming and caught fish with bare hands. They were very happy...but at that time, we were all poor...the development of a country is the development of a place , the first thing is to let everyone have enough to eat, so that the children in the family can afford to study... 23 years later, Coconut State, Coconut State is not considered a wealthy city in the South Island, but the per capita income is not bad in the South Island. "

"The development route 23 years ago was to let everyone have enough to eat and go to a well-off society. Today, 23 years later, the times have changed. To have a full meal and to go to a well-off life is no longer the pursuit... The future of Coconut State should be a place with A characteristic green international tourism metropolis. The development of the times is full of opportunities and risks. How to reposition yourself and this city so that you will not be eliminated by the times and make this ancient city prosperous again..."

"We destroyed the environment 20 years ago. Now, we should also manage the environment. Green water and green mountains are not only gold and silver mountains, but also the wealth that our generation should leave to future generations. What our generation destroyed The environment should be governed by our least, so that our grandchildren can enjoy the childhood happiness of our generation..."

Secretary Ye was still holding the manuscript at first, but after reading it, he put it away.

Unknowingly, tens of thousands of people gathered under the stage, but there was silence.After Secretary Ye finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the audience on three sides of the stage...

For a long time, the audience applauded loudly, without stopping for a long time.

Coconut State's big move this year has indeed benefited many people.When most people benefit, it naturally harms the interests of some people.For example, aquaculture farmers, although they have all been compensated, but many of them will not have other jobs except aquaculture, so what should they do in the future...

"One more thing. Coconut State will start the deep-water aquaculture project of the Lanzhou Islands next year, with large investment, deep-water aquaculture, and green aquaculture to the end..." Secretary Ye bowed again after speaking, stepped down to find Chen Mo, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to sing so well. If you don't become a big boss, you should be able to develop into the entertainment industry."

Chen Mo smiled and waved his hands, making an invitation gesture: "The Lamb Festival is about to start. If Secretary Ye has no special arrangements, how about visiting us?"

"No, no, our municipal committee has also set up several tables."

(End of this chapter)

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