American Ranch

Chapter 396

Chapter 396
The fish mouth at noon is very bad.

Chen Mo and the others changed places several times in a row, and finally made a nest near the deep-water fish rafts.

"Why did you catch another Shi Jiugong? Isn't Shi Jiugong an offshore fish..." The nine-section shrimp Bai Xiaoou used was intended to be a special catch for grouper, so he caught a lot of fish, and he had already caught it. Four Shi Jiugongs: "Paralyzed, this Shi Jiugong is not worth as much as my bait."

"Don't look down on Shi Jiugong, Shi Jiugong is a good size, seven to eighty-one catties in the market (live, good size)." Chen Mo said, he went to the vegetable market to buy Shi Jiugong before, some time ago, 81 yuan a catty .

"The big flower shrimp I use costs 230 yuan a catty."

Chen Mo chuckled, fixed the fishing rod, got up and went into the cabin and took out a bottle of iced Coke. He looked at Ellie and the others who were more than ten meters away: "Ellie, do you want iced Coke and mineral water?"

"The ones we brought came out, don't." Ellie said: "With our three poles, we caught five Shijiugongs, and none of the other fish. How many did you catch?"

"We're okay, we caught a red friend and seven Shijiugong..."

Shi Jiugongs are all active alone. So many Shi Jiugongs were caught in this place, which shows that there are many Shi Jiugongs in this area, and there are coral reefs under the water.

Shi Jiugong is one of the best sea fish to catch. Whenever you want to catch it, you can easily catch it.

However, this kind of fish is usually small in size, and it is troublesome to take home and handle. It is a fish that many fishermen who want to catch big fish hate.Shi Jiugong is not big, but has a big mouth, he can bite into any hook...

Chen Mo took a sip of Coke and checked the time. The sun was bright and the temperature was hot at noon, so there were few big fish activities.It's past three o'clock now, so we should be able to catch it.

After getting down to the stern, Chen Mo took up the line, lifted the hook to check, and threw it down again if there was no sign of being bitten.Luo Chen raised his pole suddenly: "It's a fish, a big fish."

A big guy, Luo Chen's fishing rod was pulled into a C shape, and the fish underneath were very vigorous, and he couldn't even reel in the line...

Bai Xiaoou was on the deck of the boat, fixed the fishing rod and hurried down: "Will you help me?"


The fisherman is not in a hurry, but the fisherman is in a hurry: "Can you fish? Take up the line, take up the line. Hold the rod with one hand, and the spinning wheel with the other... Take up the line." Bai Xiaoou He shouted: "Will it be, will it be, I'm going to run away, let me..." This guy caught a Shi Jiugong after a few hours, and his hands were itchy.

"I'll pull the fish I catch by myself, and go as I go." Luo Chen was so excited that he held the fishing rod and clumsily drew in the fishing line.

Either Luo Chen has never fished before, or he has never fished with a spinning wheel, so the movements of reeling in and pulling the rod are a bit stiff.

There are many coral reef fishes, parrots, Tsing Yi, groupers, red friends and so on.These are the most fish... Occasionally, there are other fish. The fish cages in this area can be said to be densely packed. There are fish in the sea as long as there are fish in the cages.

"Go away, mud."

"Loosen the fishing rod, don't stretch it all the time, be careful that the rod explodes." Chen Mo reminded.

It was a black sea bream about three catties.Among the black snapper, it is considered large.But the strength, a little weak, probably ran out of someone else's cage...

It took Luo Chen four or five minutes to pull the fish up. With a smile, he held up the fish in front of Bai Xiaoou triumphantly: "It's finally opened. This black sea bream should be six to seventy-one catties."

"Almost." This fish is a bit skinny, and fish caught from the sea are usually more expensive.

If this fish is sold, it is almost enough for their small yacht to pay for the round trip.After all, I didn't run very far, so it's a good deal to go fishing...

"What fish did you catch?" Chen Xiao shouted.

"A black snapper." Chen Mo said.

"How big."

"About three catties."

When fishing, technique is very important, and luck is equally important.Good luck, always seems to be willing to favor newbies...

Chen Xiao also caught fish, Xu Xiaohui was in the middle, and Ellie was helping to pull the rod. A big parrot weighed about three catties: "A beautiful fish should be delicious." Ellie took the hook with a smile, and put Yu'er raised it up: "A big parrot."

A big parrot about three catties, Ellie and the others have almost paid back their boat.The big parrot is also a fish worth tens of dollars a catty...

After the sun went west, the fish in the sea became more active.

A group of people began to fish one after another, and Chen Mo even pulled several Shi Jiugongs, all of which were not bad in size.

Anyone who has fished Shi Jiugong knows that three taels of Shi Jiugong is considered good, and Chen Mo caught two Shi Jiugongs that were almost four or five taels.There are also a few that are relatively small, one or two taels, these are too small, and they will be thrown away immediately after catching them. At least two or five dollars or more are needed...

Bai Xiaoou's luck also came, the prawns he used pulled up several groupers, the biggest one weighed a pound.Although Luo Chen never caught a big fish again, he still hung up a few Shi Jiugongs...

Until the sun was about to set, a group of people started to pack their things and return to the community.

"It's cool, this big black bream is really exciting to pull." Going home and counting the catch, Luo Chen laughed and looked at the South Island fishing strategy on his phone: "There are tuna in this season, let's go out and try tomorrow? "

The tuna is going to Kyushu Island, Chen Mo shook his head: "It's too far away. Our boat is small, and it's very bumpy."

"Don't you have a yacht?" Bai Xiaoou said.

The yacht that I bought as a gift for the house is 14.6 meters long. It is fashionable and casual. The fastest speed is 28 knots. The time is gone. Let’s talk about it when the big yacht I bought comes back..."

Today's main delivery is a black sea bream, a big parrot, and a total of 7 groupers, the largest is more than one catty, and the smallest is two or three taels.Some groupers are considered big fish when they grow to two or three.

There are also some miscellaneous fish.

At most, it was Shi Jiugong, probably because they had made too many nests. There were six of them, and they caught more than [-] Shi Jiugongs at one point.Chen Mo and the others only took the big Shi Jiugong, Ai Li, Chen Xiao and the others, and the one-two-two Shi Jiugong also brought back...

Ellie and the others dealt with Shi Jiugong.There are too many Shi Jiugongs caught today, and I can't finish them, so I use some of them to freeze.With some remaining, they are going to make Shijiugong Fish Soup.

Chen Mo and Bai Xiaoou handled the grouper and steamed it: "There are many good fishing spots on the South Island, and there is a fishing spot in Sanya. I heard that if you are lucky, you can catch big bass..."

"Okay, let's go and have a look tomorrow." Luo Chen got off to a successful start today, a little over the top, very excited.He studied Sichuan cuisine with Jing Chenghong at the TBL Chef Academy for a period of time. He handles the black snapper and braises it in soy sauce.

(End of this chapter)

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