American Ranch

Chapter 369

Chapter 369
Chen Xiao is on the way back.

Chen Mo drove out the pickup truck, connected it to the water pipe and started to wash the car...

The car was cleaned, Ellie was cooking, and in the distance, I heard the sound of the V12 self-priming engine, getting closer.

Chen Xiao, who was dressed as Yujie, got out of the car with a giggle: "Brother."

"Well, how does it feel to go out for a walk?"

"Pretending to be cool for a while, it's always cool to pretend to be cool. Hahaha..." Chen Xiao couldn't help laughing when she thought of the expressions of her former good sisters when they saw Aston Martin one77, and the sudden alienation towards her up.

"Go in and eat soon." Chen Mo threw off his handkerchief and washed his hands, and was about to wash the car after eating, when an unfamiliar phone number called...

The call was made from the port of Hilo, saying that the tractors and harvesters of the lovely ranch had been delivered to the port and were being unloaded.Tomorrow morning I can go there to receive...

The dishes made by Ellie, such as chili and peppercorns, are absolutely essential.The red steamed fish is topped with a layer of sweet meat. According to the words on the Internet, the spiciness has definitely reached the 'lethal dose'.

Spicy, numb, fragrant, and very fresh and tender.After all, this is a fish I just caught...

"Chen Xiao, are you really going to get that self-media company?" Chen Mo ate a piece of fish, looked at Chen Xiao and said.

"Of course, if you're idle, you're idle anyway. Find something to do."

"Then do it well."

"Sister Hu Mei called me again at noon." Chen Xiao looked up at Chen Mo.

"Take care of your own affairs, don't ask me about everything." Chen Mo glared at her.

Hu Mei, Zhou Ziyu's cousin, should have nothing else to do when calling Chen Xiao except for Zhou Ziyu's affairs.

Regarding the matter of Chen Xiao's divorce, Chen Mo reflected on it afterwards and knew that his methods of handling the matter were too extreme.Whether it is right or wrong, Chen Mo himself does not know...

While eating, a car drove up outside, it was Father Chen and Uncle Zhang.

"Why are you eating now?" Father Chen came in and asked.

"Ellie and I went fishing in the morning and just came back for a while. Dad, Uncle Zhang, just eat something."

"No, no, Lao Zhang and I are going to catch the sea in Paya Bay, catch some crabs and eat them back. Are you going?"

"Go." Ellie's spirit was too good, and she said happily.

After dinner, Chen Mo drove to the wind power station and asked Paralejo to come over to act as their tour guide.

Paralejo, a worker at the power station, an aborigine, Chen Mo saw that he got a good harvest there before.He also gave Chen Mo a few big blue crabs...

There are now only 5 workers in the power station, and Paralejo is on day shift today. The power station with 5 workers was a little short of manpower. Chen Mo approached the person in charge of the power station and asked him to arrange the manpower and recruit a few more workers.

The 5 workers are usually fine, but don't worry about holidays.Then there are windy weather, mechanical failures, etc., 5 workers are really not enough.There used to be 9 workers in the power station, Chen Mo is going to restore to the previous full staff, don't work too tired and have any safety accidents...

This wind power station is very large, Chen Mo bought it and spent more than 7000 million US dollars.This is the main reason why the acquisition of Lovely Ranch exceeded the standard. I can't blame the acquisition team of Wells Fargo Bank. Who asked Chen Mo to own a whole piece of land...

The wind power station worth more than 7000 million US dollars not only meets the needs of the oasis, but also connects to the power grid system of the Big Island. It earns electricity bills a day, and the income is less than [-] US dollars.

There are 15 large-scale wind power base stations here. I don’t know the specific power parameters.It sells a thousand dollars of electricity every day, but it doesn't mean that the amount of power generated is so can't be sold.

The main power supply in the Hawaiian Islands is the submarine cable.

Calling Paralejo, Chen Mo drove straight to Paya Bay.

Father Chen and the others are already waiting on the shore...

In most of Hawaii's sea areas, seaside resources are not rich.If you want to catch up with the sea, you have to go to a coast with few people and close to a large area of ​​forest...

There used to be tens of thousands of acres of forest in Paya Bay, and there were mangroves by the sea.During normal times, the location is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and the tide of the sea is very small. Only when the tide is high will part of the mangroves be submerged...

However, the terrain here is low, and when it rains, a large area of ​​fresh water flows into the sea from here, forming local rich marine resources.

Clear and transparent water, colorful stones.

Father Chen and the others have already picked up things in the sea, and packed a lot of sea urchins...

"Brother, can I pick up the sea urchins here?" Chen Xiao asked again when he saw a huge sea urchin.

Chen Mo shrugged, looked at Paralejo, and asked in English.

Paralejo nodded: "You can pick it up. This is a coral conservation area, as long as you don't destroy the coral. The locals like to come here to pick things up." The locals Paralejo said were residents of the former oasis , the residents of the oasis have relocated a long time ago, and now they don't know where they went.

Chen Xiao decided to take good care of her self-media business, starting step by step. Now, the work of shooting videos is left to Xu Xiaohui...

Xu Xiaohui took the gimbal stabilizer and went to shoot wherever it was shipped.

Chen Mo went over to look at the harvest. There was a bucket full of sea urchins, and they were not too small: "What are you doing with so many sea urchins?" Chen Mo ate fresh sea urchins once, and the taste...was really unaccustomed.

"Take it back and steam the eggs." Dad Chen said.

"It's enough to pick up a dozen or so." Chen Mo went to let the slightly smaller ones go, leaving 12 slightly larger ones, took out a knife, and carefully cut the long thorns around the sea urchins.It's enough to try this thing fresh, and handling sea urchin is also very troublesome.

"Big flower crab, big flower crab, Mo, come here quickly, there is a big flower crab." Allie shouted loudly, and stepped on it with her foot.

Chen Mo hurriedly stepped on the water, Ellie shouted excitedly: "It wants to pinch me, but it can't pinch me, hahaha..."

Xu Xiaohui also ran over with the camera and took a series of shots of catching crabs.

This crab is really big. The body of the crab is as big as the palm of an adult. The claws are estimated to be [-] to [-] centimeters long. Chen Mo grabbed the claws and pulled it out...

"This is a female crab..." The belly is black, the shell on the back is very hard, a super fat female crab, Chen Mo looked at Paralejo: "This is a female crab, can I take it away?"

"Yes." Paralejo nodded: "The common crabs in Hawaii, such as flower crabs, blue crabs, and swimming crabs, are all exotic species. These crabs can be taken away..." Paralejo said, going A root of grass was pulled from the shore and tied up the crab.

It's so big, it's estimated to be about one and a half to two catties, so I'll accept it.

There were some small conch shells on the shore, Chen Mo and the others didn't pick them up, they were too small, and it would be troublesome to take them home to eat.

"I saw you picked up a lot of white clams that day, where did you pick them up?" Chen Mo said.

"During high tide, a yellow sand beach will be exposed under the mangroves in front. Clams and snails are all picked up on the beach. The high tide will be a few days away. Now I can only look at the reefs, and occasionally I can pick up big snails... ..." Paralejo was a little cautious, acting as a guide for Chen Mo and his group, talking about how to catch the sea here and things to pay attention to

(End of this chapter)

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