American Ranch

Chapter 196 Planning for the future

Chapter 196 Planning for the future
The winery that Brett mentioned was also the winery.

According to Bright's idea, it is not bad to turn the winery into a winery, anyway, it won't cost too much money.

But he is not the owner of the River Valley Ranch after all, Chen Mo is.

"It has nothing to do with the brewery..." Chen Mo stroked his chin and looked at Brett, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

It is difficult to start a business, and it is even more difficult to keep a business.

After many companies become bigger and stronger, they will distribute company shares to employees who work hard together...

Chen Mo is not a stingy person, but the ranch should be completely private.Brett is not as desireless as he seems...'I don't like money, I have no feeling for money...' These words can only be said by those who are least poor in money.

Brett has already witnessed two miracles with him, once in the Snow Mountain Ranch and once in the River Valley Ranch.

Of course, Bright has also become a multi-millionaire, but Bright is still young and still has a strong pursuit of money.Maybe it's just to pursue a lifelong career of my own...

Brett made a bitter face: "Boss, what did I do wrong?"

"No. I just made a joke." Chen Mo shrugged: "I will stay in the ranch from now on. Chen Chen's seal has been exchanged for me, give me your seal together... You spend too much money, I can't I can't stand your troubles. By the way, call someone from the finance department to come over..."

Bright nodded: "I'm going to get the seal now."

"Well. Brett..."

Brett turned around.

"The current River Valley Ranch looks strong, but it's actually very fragile. You know what I mean?"

"This... I don't understand."

"Since you don't understand, why don't you discuss many things with me."

Brett looked confused: "???"

It seems that Chen Mo let him decide many things...

Brett went back to his office to get the seal, and stopped by the finance...

Chen Mo's current office is Chen Chen's office...Chen Mo turned on the computer and searched Tesco Supermarket, Albertsons Store, and River Valley Ranch on the Internet...

After several months of cultivating immortals in Napa Valley, the outside world has been turned upside down.

Hegu Ranch can achieve results so quickly, thanks to 'Tangxia Yipin', the current Huafeng Group.

With the rapid development of Tangxia Yipin, he came into contact with Waylon Company and Barbona Company.

Hegu Ranch is a pig standing in the wind, and that wind is the current Huafeng Group.

The development of Huafeng Group is also thanks to the large amount of premium beef and mutton provided by the snow mountain pasture in the early days.

Pigs standing in the tuyere have to consider the problem of landing when they fly to a certain height.The former Tangxia Yipin, and now the Huafeng Group, successfully landed because they gave up the controlling stake in the company.Otherwise, you will fly higher and fall harder...

The same goes for River Valley Ranch.

River Valley Ranch is now a big business, spending nearly $200 million a month conservatively.To successfully land, and the safest way to land is to sign the exclusive agent to Tesco Supermarket... This is the safest and safest way, at least for the next two years to be stable.

But it's Tesco.

Chen Mo of Tesco Supermarket still knows about it, and Chen Mo of basically all large supermarkets knows something about it.This is a British supermarket and they are aiming to build a European e-retail kingdom...while in the US they are mostly brick and mortar supermarkets...

To be honest, Chen Mo couldn't figure out why Tesco gave River Valley Ranch such a huge contract.

The main business of Tesco Supermarket is in Europe and in the United States... Chen Mo does not look down on them, but it is very difficult to sell expensive fresh milk worth 1.5 million US dollars in two years.

Goat milk is recognized as the closest to human milk in the world.The volume of fat particles in goat milk is one third of that of cow milk, which is more conducive to human body absorption, and drinking goat milk for a long time will not cause obesity, and few people are allergic to goat milk.

Goat milk is further divided into 'goat milk' and 'sheep milk'.Although both belong to goat milk, the nutritional value of the two is quite different.In comparison, sheep's milk contains more comprehensive nutritional elements, and sheep's milk is preferred.

Dorper sheep, according to the large population, belong to sheep.

Goat milk from River Valley Ranch is very expensive, with a barrel of 6.5 pounds, ex-factory price of 70 US dollars per barrel, and a retail price of 1 US dollars per barrel in supermarkets.

This is not a mass consumer product, and the main customer group it is targeting is at least a family with a monthly income of tens of thousands of dollars.

Wal-Mart is a mass consumer supermarket, and Tesco Supermarket is mainly aimed at the middle class...

The fresh milk at River Valley Ranch is doing well thanks to Albertsons Stores, a chain of supermarkets mainly in affluent neighborhoods.

If Albertson Store wants to sign an exclusive agency contract with him, Chen Mo will be very happy.But Tesco Supermarket, Chen Mo can't understand them...

For most of the ranches, this contract is like a pie falling from the sky, and it is also good for the river valley ranch, but it is also a kind of bondage.

Chen Mo did not doubt the strength of Tesco Supermarket, mainly because the market positioning of this supermarket did not match the temperament of the ranch.

Temperament, the temperament that Chen Mo has always emphasized, temperament is very important... It's as if the products of Hegu Ranch are not sold in Wal-Mart... Stores such as Lv and Hermes will not be opened in slums.

Isn’t $137.5 a barrel of fresh milk a luxury?The groups faced live in rich neighborhoods...

The users of the Albertson store have a high degree of adhesion, but the fresh milk from the River Valley Ranch should not have a high degree of adhesion... rashly changing the supermarket and signing the exclusive agent, it seems that it will have no impact on the ranch now, but in the future It's hard to say.What Chen Mo wants to do is direct sales...

Chen Mo put down the Tesco Supermarket contract, and Bright took the seal and came over with the manager of the financial department. Chen Mo took the seal and asked the financial manager to sort out the past few months' internal expenditure data of the ranch, and looked at Bright: "I'll go and see Look at the contract at the Albertsons store."

"it is good……"

The two went to Bright's office together.

Part of the contract signed with Albertson's Store is an underwriting contract, including 3000 pounds of mutton, and this part of the contract has already been completed.

The sales contract of Jiabao fruit has also been completed.

The underwriting part of the fresh milk contract is 1000 barrels per day, and the excess part is no longer included in the sales contract.

Because the sales of fresh milk are good, the previous cooperation also signed a subsidiary contract, which is a one-year sales contract.The liquidated damages are $1000 million...but this is not an exclusive sales contract.

"Haven't you approached the person in charge of Albertson's store to ask them to expand sales channels?" Chen Mo looked at Bright and said.

"I have looked for it." Bright smiled bitterly: "At the end of July, the CEO of Albertsons Store in California had a car accident and took a rest for a while. We are responsible for the transportation and reduce the price of fresh milk. At the same time, the other party also proposed advertising fees...Recently, the promotion of our products in supermarkets has become less and less. The amount of fresh milk returned is also increasing..."

"Is Kahn the former CEO of Albertsons Store California?"

"Well. The other party has been discharged from the hospital. I heard that he will be transferred to Missouri to be in charge of business and logistics in Missouri."

"Help me contact Kahn, I want to meet him." Chen Mo touched his chin, looked at Bright and said, "I want to invite him to be the sales director of the ranch. From now on, you will be in charge of the production management of the ranch, and the sales director will be in charge Sales... As for the current sales manager, he is still a sales manager."

Brett smiled mischievously and nodded: "So, I can relax a lot."

"Not necessarily. In the case of sufficient funds, the River Valley Ranch will continue to expand and establish a subsidiary farm. The subsidiary farm is a joint-stock system. Didn't you propose it before... How much are you planning to invest in?"

"400 million?" Bright dodged his eyes and looked at Chen Mo.

"Well. The sub-farm will be a comprehensive farm, planting and animal husbandry. For planting, at least the grain needs of the pasture must be guaranteed. The animal husbandry of the sub-farm is mainly for mass consumers... But this company cannot be managed by you." Chen Mo He patted Brett on the shoulder vigorously: "You bastard, you spend too much money, ordinary ranches can't afford you."

Brett finally found the point of Chen Mo's anger and scratched his head... Now that I think about it, I do have the habit of spending a lot of money.But that money was not spent indiscriminately...

(End of this chapter)

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