Splendid Farm: Niangzi loves farming

Chapter 383 Charcoal Poisoning

Chapter 383 Charcoal Poisoning
A few people sat by the pond and rested for a while, then they got up and shouted, and walked into the mountain, I don't know how far they walked, seeing the sky getting darker and darker, the second donkey suddenly shouted: "Thousands!" Sister Yu, what do you think that is?"

Mo Qianqian listened to the words of the second donkey, and looked along where he pointed, and saw that there seemed to be a shed made by hand behind a big tree. Seeing this, Mo Qianqian frowned and said: "This place It's already deep in the forest, how could someone build a shed here, thinking about it, Mo Qianqian said, "Let's go over and have a look. "

Saying that, several people walked towards the shack next to them, and when they came to the shack, they did not enter in a hurry.Instead, he walked around the shack, observed carefully, and then stopped at the door of the shack. Mo Qianqian opened the door of the shack and looked inside. Since the light inside was very dim, the first thing that caught his eye was the stove There was a porcelain bowl on it, with burnt batter in it, and unburned firewood in the stove. I was looking inside, but I saw a person lying there upright, looking at the sleeping man. caught.

Mo Qianqian yelled at that person: "Hey, are you asleep?"

Her voice fell, but there was no answer, Zuo Yishu pulled Mo Qianqian with his hands and walked directly inside, talking while walking, it seems that he might not be asleep, there must be something wrong . "The person who was speaking had already walked in front of the person lying motionless, knelt down and touched the person lying there with his hand, then quickly withdrew his hand, turned around and said: "This person is dead. "

Mo Qianqian and Prince Liao looked at each other after hearing this, and the second donkey ran out immediately after hearing this, and shouted from a distance, "This man is not a doctor!"

Hearing the Erlu shouting, Zuo Yishu looked at Prince Liao and Mo Qianqian, turned around and said, "Let me see."

Listening to his words, Mo Qianqian nodded, but she was silently praying in her heart that she must not be a doctor, never be a doctor.

While she was praying silently, Zuo Yishu had already turned the man's stiff body over with his hands, looked at him and then let out a fright, and jumped far away, Mo Qianqian and Liao who were standing at the door of the shack Wang Shizi looked at him and asked, "What did you see that made you so frightened?"

Zuo Yishu said: "This person's face has already been eaten by the mice in the mountains. It's too scary. I can't tell if it's a doctor."

Hearing Zuo Yishu's words, Mo Qianqian didn't dare to look inside, and exited the shed.

The three of them came to the place where Erlu was standing, and after panting for a while, Zuo Yishu said: "What should I do! Why did you die here in this world? Are you a doctor?"

After hearing this, Mo Qianqian frowned and thought for a while and said, "I don't know about this, but it's obviously an accident that this person died here, we can't ignore it! Just let him lie here and let the animals eat him. "

After listening, Zuo Yishu said: "Then you mean to bury this person?"

Mo Qianqian nodded and said: "People in the mountains have the rules of the people in the mountains. For all the people on the mountain, you can eat and use their food and water no matter how much they have, but when you take them away, you must To leave some points for him, my friend, if you find that he has an accident, you must find a way to inform his family. Now that we have met, since we can't tell who this person is, then we have no choice but to put him on behalf of his family. The body was buried. That was a good deed."

Hearing what Mo Qianqian said, Lai Wang Shizi and Zuo Yishu nodded, and then heard Zuo Yishu say: "But how can we bury him! He doesn't even have tools."

Hearing this sentence, Mo Qian said: "I noticed that there is a shovel in the shack, it should be left by the owner of this shack.

Hearing Mo Qianqian's words, Prince Liao frowned and said, "It's fine to take out the shovel, but I don't think it needs to be so laborious. Since this person died in the shack, let's just tear down the shack. "

As soon as the voice of Prince Liao's son fell, Zuo Yishu agreed: "I think we should do it like this!"

Listening to what they said, Mo Qianqian nodded, and Zuo Yishu went into the shack and took out a shovel.Then a few people began to dismantle it, but after seeing the unsound shack being dismantled, Mo Qianqian and the others realized that the shack was built very solidly and it was difficult to disassemble. One person finally tore down the shack, and then buried a few shovels of soil, and then left. They walked to the right and shouted for a while, watching the day pass by like this, and the night gradually came, and several people found a suitable place. place to rest.

The bonfire was lit, and the two donkeys looked at Mo Qianqian, Liao Wang Shizi and others and said, "Should we look inside tomorrow? What if the person we buried just now is a doctor?"

Hearing what the second donkey said, Mo Qianqian looked at him and said with certainty: "That person is not, I just thought about it while walking, that person should be a hunter, the pit where you fell into the deer before, should be He dug it. The reason why something happened to him should be that the shack was built too strong and airtight. He cooked in it and got poisoned by charcoal gas, and then fell asleep, unknowingly. died of poisoning."

After Mo Qianqian finished speaking, the Prince of Liao nodded his head in agreement, and the second donkey looked at Mo Qianqian after listening and said, "Then shall we go back to the mountains tomorrow?"

Mo Qianqian said, "Well, let's look for another day tomorrow. If we still can't find it, we'll go back."

After Zuo Yishu listened, he looked at Erlu with a chuckle and said, "What's the matter, I'm afraid, afraid that I will fall into the dug deer cellar?"

Erlu felt a little embarrassed when he heard that, looked at Zuo Yishu and said, "No, I'm not afraid."

After hearing this, Mo Qianqian laughed and said, "Er Donkey, you are actually quite lucky, do you know that? The person who dug this deer cellar wanted to hand over the live deer, and if he met my unscrupulous hunter, he would hand over the dead deer." , it is full of wooden drills, so if you fall, you will die."

Erlu, Prince Liao and others were shocked after hearing this, they both looked at Mo Qianqian and asked, "Where did you see this?"

After hearing this, Mo Qianqian said, "I thought about it myself. Shuanzi and I saw it when we were on the mountain before. It's not unusual."

The Prince of Liao frowned and said: "Then the people who catch the deer with this method must not be from our northern country, they should be from the other side of the mountain, where the cruelty is."

(End of this chapter)

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