Chapter 582
"Sister Dong, Yang Qiong, you fell into the water and fell into a coma, I'm giving you first aid with massage!" Before Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong took the initiative to ask about the situation, Wang Xiaochuan spoke frankly about the first aid just now.

This sentence made Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong suddenly realize.

Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong calmed down, just when the grilled fish was cooked.

Wang Xiaochuan picked up the grilled fish and said to the two beauties, "You're hungry! This is our dinner! Sister Dong, Yang Qiong, eat it first!"

Wang Xiaochuan looked very gentleman when he spoke. Under the light of the fire, Wang Xiaochuan's face was very handsome.

Dong Yanni was also secretly happy in her heart, this Xiao Chuan is quite caring.

Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong took a bite one after another, and they found that the grilled fish was very delicious, a delicacy they had never tasted before.Although Chef Wang of Mengzhu Hotel has also cooked grilled fish, the seasoning of the grilled fish is too strong.And Wang Xiaochuan's grilled fish has a pure natural taste.

"Xiao Chuan, there is no seasoning here, why does it taste so good?" Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong asked in unison.

"This is a secret! Ordinary people, I won't tell it!" Wang Xiaochuan thought to himself, I made it according to the "Yellow Emperor's Secret Classic" in my mind, and selected seven Chinese herbs to prepare it.Only you know this secret, how can you tell it casually!
But the more Wang Xiaochuan kept silent, the more curious the two beauties became.Because the more they eat, the more delicious they become, and the more they eat, the more fascinated they become.If they don't know the answer, they won't let it go.

Therefore, the two beauties pestered Wang Xiaochuan to tell them, and said that if they had any requests, as long as they could be done, they could agree.

At this moment, the flames reflected the bodies of the two beauties.Wang Xiaochuan also took a bite of grilled fish at the moment, which can be said to be a feast for the eyes and full.

Wang Xiaochuan was in a good mood and was ready to give the answer.

But this answer is a secret, can you tell the secret?No, never!The "Secret of the Yellow Emperor" in my mind is a secret that only I know.Even the beauties around her can't tell.

For these two difficult beauties, the best way is to play tricks.

"Sister Dong, Yang Qiong, it's actually very simple. Although there is no seasoning for this grilled fish, there are natural cumin powder, wild flower spicy, wild leek, etc. by the river in this barren village. I just used these to make special seasonings. But it is a pollution-free pure natural green food!"

Wang Xiaochuan spoke naturally and fluently, without blushing or heartbeat, and in a clear and orderly manner, the two beauties believed it.

After sharing the grilled fish with the beauty, I had to sleep because it was getting late.

There are only east and west bedrooms in this old house, and there are old wooden beds in the bedrooms. The east bedroom is a double bed, while the west bedroom is a single bed.Wang Xiaochuan let Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong sleep on the big bed in the east bedroom, while he slept on the single bed in the west bedroom.

Wang Xiaochuan was lying on the single bed, unable to sleep, the "Secret Sutra of the Yellow Emperor" flashed in his mind, and he began to practice Xuanyuan Divine Kungfu.Especially when practicing Xuanyuanquan, when the fist strikes, use strong internal force to make Xuanyuanquan full of explosive power.

Wang Xiaochuan concentrated on practicing for two hours, and felt a hot current pouring into his dantian.Wang Xiaochuan let out a low growl, and struck out with both fists like a hammer, punching a big hole in a solid old oak cabinet next to the bed.

After practicing Xuanyuanquan, Wang Xiaochuan felt sleepy and was about to fall asleep.

At this time, there was a hasty knock on the door: "Xiao Chuan, open the door!"

It was the voices of Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong.

Wang Xiaochuan looked at the time, it was already midnight, it was so late, why didn't he go to sleep!

Wang Xiaochuan immediately opened the door and found two beauties with disheveled hair and flustered expressions.After entering the house, they scrambled to hide behind Wang Xiaochuan, like a frightened bird.

"Sister Dong, Yang Qiong, what's the matter with you?" Wang Xiaochuan asked puzzled.

"Xiao Chuan, there are monsters in our east bedroom!" Yang Qiong said in panic.

"What monster?" Wang Xiaochuan asked.

"It's a scaly monster with jagged teeth and terrifying eyes!" Dong Yanni said with lingering fear.

"What kind of monster will there be here?" Wang Xiaochuan felt a little strange, and at this moment, he heard a low roar in his ear.Immediately afterwards, the sound of thud thud reached the ears.

"The monster is coming!" The two beauties, Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong, were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they scrambled into Wang Xiaochuan's arms.

Wang Xiaochuan raised his head and saw that it was a crocodile.This crocodile is more than two meters long and very ferocious.The crawling speed was extremely fast, probably because of hunger, smelling the smell of people in the west bedroom, and ran towards this side crazily.

"Xiaochuan, what should we do? We don't want to be eaten by this monster!" Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong were terrified.

"Don't be afraid, I'll deal with it!" Wang Xiaochuan was very calm. The crocodile must have climbed ashore from the Chaobai River.Because the mansion is relatively close to the shore, the crocodile broke into the bedroom looking for food.

While speaking, the ferocious crocodile started to attack Wang Xiaochuan.It opened its serrated teeth and pounced. Wang Xiaochuan had been practicing Xuanyuan Divine Art crazily just now, and his whole body was full of energy and vigorous.With just a flash, the crocodile flew into the air.

After a big somersault, the crocodile seemed to have lost his temper, and broke into the bedroom on a rampage.Because the bedroom is small and dangerous, Wang Xiaochuan was worried that the house would collapse.Immediately urged Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong to get out of the bedroom, and stayed to fight the crocodile.

Because the two beauties were very afraid of the crocodile, they accidentally bumped against the threshold while running, and both fell down.

At this time, the ferocious crocodile rushed towards them.

"We're done!" The two beauties closed their eyes in despair, and a chill came over their bodies, feeling that the god of death was so close to them.

It was too late and then soon, Wang Xiaochuan broke out.

Wang Xiaochuan secretly used the Xuanyuanquan he had been practicing crazily just now, and he used both fists together, using his inner martial arts.Infinite combat power erupted, let alone the strength of this fist is [-] catties.

When the fist strikes, even the air "stings".

"Bang bang", Wang Xiaochuan's Xuanyuan fist hit the left and right eyes of the crocodile, and immediately the eyeballs were dented, blood spurted out, and the crocodile rolled on the ground in pain.

Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong never imagined that when they were about to be swallowed by the crocodile, the crocodile would be seriously injured by Wang Xiaochuan.

The crocodile was blinded and turned into a headless fly bumping around.The bedroom was originally a dilapidated building, so Wang Xiaochuan quickly pulled up the two beauties and ran out.

The three of them just ran into the courtyard when they saw the west bedroom crumbling.Finally, there was a loud bang, and the gable collapsed, hitting the crocodile just in time.The crocodile struggled a few times and then stopped moving.Blood gushed out like a spring, all the way to the courtyard.

Wang Xiaochuan defeated the crocodile with Xuanyuanquan and helped Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong save themselves from danger. The two beauties once again looked at Wang Xiaochuan with admiration.

In the middle of the night, while Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong were asleep, Wang Xiaochuan silently recited the meditation formula in "The Secret of the Yellow Emperor" and secretly practiced the Xuanyuan Divine Art.

After a sleepless night, when a ray of sunlight came in from the window and shone on the big bed, Dong Yanni and Yang Qiong rubbed their sleepy eyes.

At this time, Yang Qiong's phone rang.

(End of this chapter)

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