rural small wild medicine

Chapter 565 The Ultimate Bodyguard

Chapter 565 The Ultimate Bodyguard
"Don't! Let me go! Xiao Chuan, save me!" Zhou Yinglian shouted hoarsely as she was being dragged along by two bodyguards.

The two security guards in the nursing home were going to stop them, but when they saw that it was Liu Zhaoxiang, a well-known rich and handsome man in Jiangchuan City, and there were four bodyguards, like the Four King Kong, they didn't dare to step forward.

"Sin! My daughter is suffering! Beast! Let go of my daughter!" Zhou Gui'an, who had just recovered, couldn't bear to see his daughter being kidnapped, and rushed over regardless of the danger to his life, blocking the way with his body.

But Liu Zhaoxiang got angry and gave orders to the other two bodyguards.Two bodyguards stepped forward and pushed Zhou Gui'an backwards. There was an iron pillar behind him. Once they hit it, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Dad—" With a miserable cry, Zhou Yinglian closed her eyes in despair.

At this moment, a figure flew forward and grabbed Zhou Gui'an who was about to hit the pillar. The whole scene was safe and sound.

When Zhou Yinglian saw that it was Wang Xiaochuan, she was both surprised and delighted.

"Xiaochuan, thank you!" Zhou Yinglian was very grateful to Wang Xiaochuan, but when she was being dragged away by two bodyguards, she still gave Wang Xiaochuan a rare and strange look.

"Poor security guard, it's you again! But this time, I will make you pay a heavy price!" Liu Zhaoxiang's eyes almost burst into flames when he saw Wang Xiaochuan.

Zhou Yinglian flirted with Wang Xiaochuan just now, which made him angry, annoyed and jealous.What's more, Wang Xiaochuan kicked his vitals today, and it's still hurting!Liu Zhaoxiang winked at the two bodyguards, who came over like two fleas.

"I'm going to play you to death this time!" Liu Zhaoxiang has confidence in his two bodyguards, because these two bodyguards are ex-army ace soldiers who spent a lot of money to hire them. They can be said to be the best bodyguards in a hundred.

"Xiaochuan, take my dad away and leave me alone!" Of course Zhou Yinglian knew that the bodyguards hired by Liu Zhaoxiang were very skilled, so she was naturally worried about Wang Xiaochuan.

Although Zhou Yinglian wanted to keep her property, she still had a choice at the critical moment.As long as her father can be taken away by Wang Xiaochuan without incident, Zhou Yinglian will be content with peace of mind.

But the strange thing is that Wang Xiaochuan didn't leave, he just said: "Sister Lian, what will you do if I leave? Are you going to let this scum bully you?"

Zhou Yinglian was speechless. Once she fell into Liu Zhaoxiang's hands, it would be tantamount to entering eighteen levels of hell.

The two bodyguards were ordered by the master to repair Wang Xiaochuan, which made the little nurse very worried for Wang Xiaochuan, and a scene of tragedy appeared in her mind.

The little nurse didn't dare to call the police immediately, and could only look at Wang Xiaochuan in despair, but Wang Xiaochuan showed no fear.

Grandma, I just practiced crazily to recover, and my body is full of strength and energy.This time is the time to erupt.

It was too late to say it, but when the two bodyguards rushed over, Wang Xiaochuan used the Xuanyuan magic skill he had practiced and used the Xuanyuan boxing method.The fist was so fierce that it hit the head of the front bodyguard, and the bodyguard fell to the ground before he could scream.

When another bodyguard saw his accomplice was turned over, he quickly kicked Wang Xiaochuan's waist with a whip.

Wang Xiaochuan didn't hide or dodge, stretched out his hands to hug the bodyguard's thigh, and then pinched hard, which happened to pinch a certain acupuncture point, causing the bodyguard to scream in pain.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xiaochuan used a tiger's leg and kicked towards the opponent's lower abdomen.This kick weighed at least a thousand catties, and the bodyguard wailed in pain, barking like a mad dog.

Liu Zhaoxiang wanted to watch a good show, but he didn't want his two bodyguards to be easily killed by Wang Xiaochuan, so he hurriedly cursed at the idiot in frustration.At the same time, knowing that Wang Xiaochuan was not easy to mess with, he quickly signaled the other two bodyguards to kidnap Zhou Yinglian, and then slipped away.

But how could Wang Xiaochuan let these two bodyguards take Zhou Yinglian away, and roared "stop".The sound was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the two bodyguards became even more flustered, running desperately.

Because Zhou Yinglian was weak and was dragged by two bodyguards to run, Wang Xiaochuan couldn't bear it.You bastard, if you continue running like this, you will definitely drag Sister Lian to death.

Although I can catch up without any effort, it will definitely make these two desperadoes even more crazy, and the consequences will be disastrous.

what to do?In desperation, Wang Xiaochuan found that the little nurse was holding an acupuncture box in his hand, and immediately had a flash of inspiration.

"Miss Nurse, quickly give me two silver needles!" Wang Xiaochuan said urgently.

The little nurse thought to herself: Silver needles are used to treat patients. What do you need silver needles for?
With doubts, the little nurse handed Wang Xiaochuan two silver needles.

With Wang Xiaochuan's silver needle in hand, it is like two flying arrows.

Holding one in each of the left and right hands, locking the direction and target, Wang Xiaochuan secretly performed Xuanyuan Shengong's inner strength. With two "swooshes", Wang Xiaochuan flung him violently.

The two bodyguards thought they would kidnap Zhou Yinglian and escape, and then went back to accept Liu Zhaoxiang's reward.But how did he know that when he escaped a hundred meters away, he suddenly felt his butt was stabbed by something, almost completely submerged.It was swollen and painful, and the two bodyguards immediately let go of Zhou Yinglian's hand in pain.

The two bodyguards touched their buttocks and found that they were thin and long silver needles. They were so frightened that they covered their buttocks and screamed.

But Zhou Yinglian escaped from danger and ran towards Wang Xiaochuan.

Liu Zhaoxiang never imagined that the bodyguard he had hired with a high salary was so useless, he scolded him again, and then ran away in despair.

This kind of scene was seen by the people in the nursing home, and they all applauded.

One by one, they gave Wang Xiaochuan a thumbs up and praised: "Kung fu master!"

And the little nurse also cast a charming look at Wang Xiaochuan. Unexpectedly, the silver needle, which seems to be only able to cure diseases, in Wang Xiaochuan's hands, turned into a sharp arrow that frightened the enemy.

Zhou Gui'an murmured in his heart: "It would be great if Yun'er married the kung fu master in front of me! It's a pity that Yun'er married that bastard! It's a pit of fire! It's all because of my illness. Woe to you!"

Liu Zhaoxiang fled 300 meters away and got into his car.After he was sure of his safety, he dared to say harsh words in the direction of the nursing home: "Wang Xiaochuan, it's a good thing for you to spoil me, and I won't let you go!"

Wang Xiaochuan easily quelled the troubles caused by Liu Zhaoxiang by using the Xuanyuan Divine Art he cultivated, which saved Zhou Yinglian from danger.

Zhou Yinglian marveled not only at Wang Xiaochuan's miraculous medical skills, but also marveled at Wang Xiaochuan's amazing kung fu. This is simply a kung fu doctor.Thinking that Wang Xiaochuan not only cured his father's incurable disease, but also personally guarded himself, so he looked at Wang Xiaochuan in a strange way.

(End of this chapter)

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