Chapter 473

When Wang Xiaochuan said this, everyone was very happy.

Then, something exciting happened.

Wang Xiaochuan saw and treated everyone. It is worth mentioning that Wang Xiaochuan took out a medicine box from his pocket, took out a variety of Chinese herbal medicines from the medicine box, and prepared a pill on the spot. preparation.

After Wang Xiaochuan prepared these pills, he distributed one to everyone.

Everyone was convinced with the mentality of giving it a try, and something amazing happened.

Originally, these people had abdominal pain and diarrhea, but after taking it, they went to the toilet immediately to let themselves defecate smoothly, and then their abdominal pain and diarrhea disappeared.

Such a miraculous effect made everyone look at Wang Xiaochuan's medical skills with admiration.

"Xiao Chuan is a genius doctor!" Everyone praised.

"Xiao Chuan is a small rural doctor!" Another person praised him.

"With Xiao Chuan's medical skills, we will go to him directly for treatment when we get sick in the future." Another person praised.

Wang Xiaochuan's slight display of medical skills won praise from so many people, and he couldn't help feeling a little elated.

After Wang Xiaochuan successfully treated everyone, these people were very grateful.

Liu Qiaoyun is even more impressed by Wang Xiaochuan, and she is very grateful to him.

"Xiao Chuan, if it wasn't for your help, my shop would not be able to continue." Liu Qiaoyun said.

Wang Xiaochuan said: "Sister Liu, I'm just lifting a finger. This green-haired gang is too arrogant and must be eliminated."

"Well, Lumao is usually domineering over me, but this time when I met you, I dealt with Lumao's gang and gave us all a bad breath!" Liu Qiaoyun said proudly.

"Xiao Chuan, you've saved Qingminghe Township from one harm, it's really satisfying." Li Bingyao also praised Wang Xiaochuan at this moment.

Su Tiantian even looked at Wang Xiaochuan, her eyes were full of thick mist, looking at Wang Xiaochuan as if she was looking down.

She never thought that Wang Xiaochuan not only cured her own illness today, but also beat a group of bastards madly, and cured many diners of abdominal pain.Such a genius doctor with medical skills and kung fu is admirable.

"Xiao Chuan, you are so handsome. Your superb medical skills really impress me." Su Tiantian praised sincerely at this moment.

Being praised by so many people, Wang Xiaochuan felt a little elated.

After the police took the green-haired bastards away, the business of Wangyue Restaurant continued to boom.

Because the murderer's method is very satisfying.

Facts have proved that Wangyue Restaurant has no problem, and naturally its business is booming.

Song Shizhu from the restaurant next door originally hired a gang of green hairs to mess up and play pranks, just to bring down Wangyue Restaurant, but how did he know that Wang Xiaochuan deftly resolved it, making Song Shizhu's conspiracy come to naught.

"Wang Xiaochuan, you are the one who ruined Lao Tzu's plan. Just wait, I will make you fall sooner or later." Song Shizhu said.

Afterwards, many diners flocked.

Liu Qiaoyun was very busy and there was no manpower. Wang Xiaochuan and Su Tiantian came to help, but Li Bingyao left because of something in the village.

Liu Qiaoyun needed to prepare vegetable soup, but wanted to add some seasonings, but Wang Xiaochuan said: "Sister Liu, leave the seasoning to me, and I will prepare it."

"Okay, thank you!" Liu Qiaoyun was grateful.

The "Secret Classic of the Yellow Emperor" came to Wang Xiaochuan's mind, and the method of preparing seasonings in it was vivid.

One of the Huangdi seasoning recipes made Wang Xiaochuan overjoyed.

This Huangdi seasoning recipe is made from a variety of pure natural Chinese herbal medicines and formulated according to a certain proportion.

Wang Xiaochuan carefully prepared the Huangdi seasoning recipe, then added a small amount into the vegetable soup, stirred it evenly, and then said to Liu Qiaoyun, "Sister Liu, the taste has been adjusted."

"Really? You can use just a few herbs as seasoning, the taste must be unacceptable." Liu Qiaoyun said disapprovingly.

Su Tiantian on the side also shook her head: "Xiao Chuan, are you kidding us?"

Wang Xiaochuan said confidently, "I'm not joking with you, I'm speaking the truth."

Seeing Wang Xiaochuan's self-confidence, Liu Qiaoyun and Su Tiantian tasted it.

Liu Qiaoyun took a sip first, and was immediately stunned.

It took a long time to come back to his senses, and exclaimed: "Xiao Chuan, I really didn't expect this taste to be so good."

It turned out that when Liu Qiaoyun tasted the vegetable soup, she felt that her taste buds were opened, and she felt that it was wonderful and refreshing.

And Su Tiantian is actually from the city. She has eaten a lot of delicacies from mountains and seas, and tasted various condiments, but today she tasted the vegetable soup prepared by Wang Xiaochuan, and she couldn't help but open up her taste.

"It's great, the taste is indescribable, it's so good." Su Tiantian praised in public at this moment.

Many diners in the lobby heard it and were immediately attracted to come over to taste it one after another.

Immediately, everyone was pleasantly surprised and praised non-stop.

"It's great, it tastes so good. From now on, we will come to this restaurant every day and drink such delicious vegetable soup every day." Everyone was full of praise.

Because of the popularity of the vegetable soup, it was advertised live by everyone, and it was immediately spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and more and more diners came to taste the vegetable soup.

Naturally, it has brought popularity, and what makes everyone even more amusing is that Wang Xiaochuan promoted the Yellow Emperor Seasoning Pack to pick dishes this time, which greatly improved and improved the quality and taste.

The taste of the vegetable soup is good, and the business is getting more and more popular.

This time, Song Shizhu from the restaurant next door saw it, and his jealous eyes lit up with green fire.

When he found out that Wang Xiaochuan was helping to improve and improve the taste, Song Shizhu hated Wang Xiaochuan even more.

"Wang Xiaochuan, you are waiting, you help Wangyue Restaurant to run, after you leave, I will try every means to bring it down." Song Shizhu whispered cruel words to Wang Xiaochuan.

After Wang Xiaochuan helped Liu Qiaoyun, he felt that it was getting dark and he had to return to Taoyuan Village, so he had to say goodbye to Liu Qiaoyun.

Liu Qiaoyun is very grateful, and at the same time asked how to make the Huangdi seasoning bag. Where can Wang Xiaochuan tell directly, just said: "I will prepare some, you can use it."

Seeing what Wang Xiaochuan said, Liu Qiaoyun nodded, and invited Wang Xiaochuan to come to the restaurant often, and he would entertain him.

Wang Xiaochuan nodded and left.

Su Tiantian went to the township government because she received a call from Li Bingyao.

Wang Xiaochuan went to Taoyuan Village alone. Song Shizhu observed that he returned to the village alone, thinking that the opportunity for revenge had come.

Since the green-haired gang was arrested by the police, they had to do it themselves.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Song Shizhu put on a hood, and then drove a Lifan water-cooled motorcycle, chasing Wang Xiaochuan like lightning.

When Wang Xiaochuan walked halfway, Song Shizhu had already chased him, riding a motorcycle and ramming him directly from behind.

Wang Xiaochuan felt the wind blowing from his back, and with a quick dodge, the motorcycle flew into the air.

Song Shizhu flew into the air, did not give up, turned the front of the car in front, and then ran towards Wang Xiaochuan.

(End of this chapter)

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