Chapter 444
Before Wang Xiaochuan could breathe a sigh of relief, he continued to get the needles.

However, Han Xiangxiang needed to turn over. Since Han Xiangxiang was intoxicated by the massage of the massage hands, she cooperated very well under Wang Xiaochuan's guidance.

Wang Xiaochuan saw Han Xiangxiang lying prone on the sorghum field, a beauty under the moonlight with exquisite curves.

After the needle was done, Wang Xiaochuan still had no time to catch his breath, so he stopped getting the needle and massaging his hands.But Han Xiangxiang's sense of refreshment disappeared, and she said regretfully, "Xiao Chuan, don't stop! Keep going!"

"Xiangxiang sister-in-law, you can get up now!" Wang Xiaochuan said with a little relief.

"Ah? Am I okay? No way?" Han Xiangxiang couldn't believe it and tried to get up.

Strange, why doesn't my stomach hurt anymore?Also, I feel refreshed from the bone marrow to the skin, very relaxed and very happy.

"Xiao Chuan, how did you cure your sister-in-law? No, how can it be cured so quickly! How can this disease be cured so easily?" Han Xiangxiang still couldn't believe the facts in front of her.

"Sister-in-law Xiangxiang, drink this medicinal soup, it will be effective in 5 minutes!" Wang Xiaochuan said while presenting a carefully prepared bowl of tailor-made medicinal soup.

Han Xiangxiang looked at the medicinal soup, it was dark and smelled an unpleasant smell, she shook her head, not wanting to drink it.

"Drink it!" Wang Xiaochuan said in a commanding tone.

"Don't drink!" Han Xiangxiang was stubborn.

"I'll feed you!" Wang Xiaochuan said as he picked up the bowl and fed it to Han Xiangxiang himself.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Han Xiangxiang felt so bitter, she vomited after taking a sip.

"Don't vomit, this is a good medicine that is not easy to buy on the market. You drink it, and you can rest assured to raise your baby!" Wang Xiaochuan said while feeding it again.

When Han Xiangxiang heard that she could raise her baby with peace of mind, she held back her discomfort and drank it all in one go.

But I still have some doubts in my heart, is Xiao Chuan's medicine really so amazing? Does 5 minutes really work?

Five minutes after taking the medicine, something incredible happened.Han Xiangxiang found that her fetus was moving normally, her heart was beating normally, her breathing was even, and she felt relaxed.This medicinal soup looks inconspicuous and difficult to drink, but after drinking it, the whole body and mind feel extremely comfortable.It brings a peaceful body, a relaxed mood, and...

"Xiaochuan, you are such a skilled and crazy doctor! Your medical skills have surpassed those experts! Sister-in-law admires you so much!" Han Xiangxiang became excited, and saw Wang Xiaochuan's eyes fog up, and Wang Xiaochuan also saw Han Xiangxiang at this time It is the most beautiful.

God!The medicine I prepared according to the medical skills of "The Secret Classic of the Yellow Emperor" is really a miracle medicine!Just now I used wild Chinese herbal decoction prepared by myself, such as Atractylodes macrocephala, tangerine peel, Poria cocos, Codonopsis pilosula, Scutellaria baicalensis, gardenia, white peony root, mulberry, Dipsacus, etc. And the effect of anti-fetus.

In particular, Wang Xiaochuan's multi-pronged approach to treatment, using massage, acupuncture, and prescription trinity therapy, has miraculous curative effects and medical skills against the sky.

Wang Xiaochuan's all-round treatment, in addition to anti-pregnancy, also allowed Han Xiangxiang to quickly restore her former beauty.

Han Xiangxiang recovered completely, and a lively and fragrant super-best beauty was born again, dazzling under the moonlight.

Yiren Ruyu, beauty is still the same.

"Sister Xiangxiang, you are so beautiful!" Wang Xiaochuan couldn't help admiring.

"Slick tongue, you don't come to talk to sister-in-law these days! Huh!" Han Xiangxiang was secretly happy, but she deliberately said something coquettishly.

Han Xiangxiang's coquettish and angry attitude was so beautiful that Wang Xiaochuan couldn't help but stepped forward to hug her.

Han Xiangxiang hadn't been hugged so warmly by Wang Xiaochuan for a long time, not to mention that it was a field of wild sorghum under the moonlight, and it felt cool, so being hugged by Wang Xiaochuan was very warm.

But in the warmth, Han Xiangxiang's face was flushed with embarrassment, as bright red as the wild persimmons in Wolong Mountain.

Wang Xiaochuan saw that Han Xiangxiang was as delicate and beautiful as a flower, and she was really a beautiful young woman in a mountain village.

How could Han Xiangxiang make Wang Xiaochuan like this.But she was full of worries, and tried to struggle a bit, but she couldn't break free, so she urged: "Xiao Chuan, let go of sister-in-law! Be careful of fetal gas!"

"Sister-in-law, the anti-fetal medicine I just gave you will be safe, don't worry!" After Wang Xiaochuan finished speaking, he let go of Han Xiangxiang.

Because of the cold in the wild, Wang Xiaochuan had to take Han Xiangxiang home.

Considering that it was not safe for Han Xiangxiang to walk at night, Wang Xiaochuan squatted down and carried Han Xiangxiang on his back to her house.

Lying on Wang Xiaochuan's back, Han Xiangxiang felt very warm and safe.

Unknowingly, he arrived at Han Xiangxiang's house. Wang Xiaochuan put Han Xiangxiang down and motioned for Han Xiangxiang to go home to rest and take care of her baby.

Han Xiangxiang's heart warmed.

When Wang Xiaochuan left, he never expected that Han Xiangxiang stood on tiptoe and took a quick sip of his left cheek.

The smoothness and moistness was like jelly, which greatly relieved Wang Xiaochuan's fatigue.

When Wang Xiaochuan returned to the infirmary from Han Xiangxiang's house, it was already midnight and he found that Fang Jiayue had fallen asleep.But on the diagnosis table in the outpatient room, there was a message note.

When Wang Xiaochuan saw it, it was Fang Jiayue's beautiful handwriting: "Xiaochuan, I have sorted all the herbs and sorted them, and they are in the medicine room! I saw that you didn't come back, so I took a rest first. If you have any arrangements, please feel free to call wake me up."

Looking at Fang Jiayue's message, Wang Xiaochuan felt that she was very dedicated, and couldn't help admiring her even more.

Wang Xiaochuan went to the medicine room to have a look, and found that all the medicines were arranged in an orderly manner and placed in the traditional Chinese medicine cabinet.Wang Xiaochuan watched and secretly praised Fang Jiayue for being clever and capable.

These medicinal materials should be used well, Wang Xiaochuan thought.

Because Wang Xiaochuan practiced Xuanyuan magic kung fu, he continued to practice and upgrade. He felt strong all over his body, and he didn't feel tired or sleepy at all, so he tirelessly studied the medical skills in "The Secret Classic of the Yellow Emperor".

This "Yellow Emperor's Secret Classic" can not only cure human diseases, but also livestock diseases, and of course it can also cure crop diseases.

When it comes to treating crop diseases, strictly speaking, it does not belong to medical treatment, but belongs to the Yellow Emperor planting method.

Wang Xiaochuan thought that he was cultivating a new generation of grafted apples, and the villagers were also planting apples, and apple diseases and insect pests occurred from time to time.At this moment, taking advantage of the lack of sleep, after studying medical skills, I came to study the Huangdi planting method.Especially when apple trees encounter pests and diseases, how to eradicate them.

With the goals and direction of learning, Wang Xiaochuan is more motivated.Wang Xiaochuan looked at the part of the Yellow Emperor's planting method, and felt more and more magical and full of interest.Therefore, Wang Xiaochuan studied the various methods of eliminating apple diseases and insect pests very carefully.

I don't know how long it took, and I was almost in a state of forgetting to study. At this time, I heard a voice shouting: "Xiao Chuan, Xiao Chuan! Get up! The sun is a pole high!"

Wang Xiaochuan heard someone knocking on the door of his bedroom. He was not in the bedroom. He studied the "Secret of the Yellow Emperor" in the medicine room for a whole night, and the sun was so high that he didn't know it.

(End of this chapter)

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