Chapter 397

Wang Xiaochuan nodded, then handed the basket full of strawberries to Li Bingyao and said, "Major, this is your favorite strawberry. I was thirsty when I spoke just now, let's quench my thirst now!"

When Li Bingyao saw a basket of strawberries, they were exactly the kind of wild strawberries with good color, fragrance and bright color. She couldn't help but tasted it, and found that it was juicy and delicious. She immediately said: "Xiao Chuan, the strawberries you grow are very delicious. Since With so much land, you can also build a special greenhouse to grow strawberries. The sale of such good strawberries is definitely not a problem!"

Wang Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Major, I will continue to work hard on strawberry planting, so that strawberries will also become a major industry pillar, and drive villagers out of poverty and become rich."

"Well, I look forward to the next time I come and see the professional strawberry greenhouse full of strawberries." Li Bingyao said with a smile.

Wang Xiaochuan responded confidently: "It's not difficult, but I have limited energy, so I can only ensure that the strawberries are planted well. As for sales, I don't have the energy to contact buyers yet!"

I don't want Li Bingyao to say: "Xiao Chuan, I will solve this marketing problem for you. I know many strawberry buyers in the county! You just need to grow strawberries well."

With the township head to solve the strawberry market for himself, Wang Xiaochuan has more confidence and motivation to plant strawberries, saying: "The township head, that's a success! Next time you come, I will let you taste fresher and more delicious strawberries."

After hearing this, Li Bingyao left very satisfied.

After Li Bingyao left, Guo Danqian got busy.

Because Guo Danqian is the head of the village, she needs to implement the village's policy of planting herbs to get rich.Now she wants to count the number of plots leased to Wang Xiaochuan by each household of the villagers, so as to grasp the area and scale of herb planting in the entire Taoyuan Village, so as to facilitate unified management.

Half of the village's land was leased to Wang Xiaochuan to grow medicinal herbs, which is really a great thing.

Guo Danqian went to the county seat for a meeting to study, but she was actually studying the country's policy of getting rich.As a grassroots cadre, how to implement the policy and how to turn a poor and backward mountain village into a well-known rich village.

The situation in each village is different, and in Taoyuan Village, because of the successful case of Wang Xiaochuan growing medicinal herbs, supporting Wang Xiaochuan to grow medicinal herbs has become a major measure to drive villagers to become rich.

After the villagers happily received the land contract payment, the village became quiet.

Wang Xiaochuan and Xu Qingqing were retained by the village chief Guo Danqian, and continued to discuss the lease of [-] mu of land.

Guo Danqian took out a schematic diagram of the farmland in Taoyuan Village and marked Wang Xiaochuan's [-]-mu plot.

"Xiaochuan, look, there are about [-] mu in the hilly area, and the land is dry and hard, which is not suitable for planting herbs." Guo Danqian reminded Wang Xiaochuan.

Xu Qingqing also quickly discovered this problem, and became worried about Wang Xiaochuan: "Xiaochuan, the [-] mu of land you rented at a high price has poor soil quality, and it is difficult to get benefits from planting herbs."

Of course Wang Xiaochuan was aware of this problem, and said with a smile: "I will reserve the [-]-acre land for backup. When my newly grafted apples are successfully cultivated, I will use them to grow apples."

Wang Xiaochuan's plan, Guo Danqian and Xu Qingqing thought it was a good idea.

"Xiaochuan, the next [-] mu of land is planted with medicinal herbs, but how to distribute it?" Guo Danqian asked.

Wang Xiaochuan looked at the remaining [-] mu of land, thought for a while and said, "The planting of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum and iron wire grass will be expanded by [-] mu each, and mushroom planting will be expanded by [-] mu. The remaining [-] mu, of which [-] mu It will be used for strawberry planting, and [-] acres will be reserved for other medicinal herbs.”

Guo Danqian and Xu Qingqing agreed with Wang Xiaochuan's specific plan.

"Okay, since you have such a clear idea of ​​farming, I will support you on behalf of the village committee. Xiaochuan, come on! The hope of the entire Taoyuan Village to get rid of poverty and become rich depends on your planting herbs!" Guo Danqian said hopefully.

Wang Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Village Chief, let's work together!"

Guo Danqian nodded, considering the need to cultivate immediately, Guo Danqian took the initiative to undertake a task.That is, in the name of the village committee, she rented twelve cultivators from the township farm, which could help Wang Xiaochuan improve the efficiency of planting herbs.

"Great! The village chief is really thoughtful. When the cultivator is driven to the mountain village, the medicinal herb will go smoothly!" Wang Xiaochuan said happily.

In the next few days, Wang Xiaochuan and Guo Danqian worked together to cultivate the [-] mu of land.

Wang Xiaochuan arranged for Zheng Shanhu and other brothers to expand the planting work, arranged for Xu Qingqing to be in charge of daily affairs and personnel work, and hired villagers to work in the field.

The scene of planting medicinal herbs was extremely lively. Seeing this busy scene, Guo Danqian recalled the scene of growing medicinal herbs everywhere in Taoyuan Village.

This Taoyuan Village will become a medicinal herb village, and the villagers will get rich together by planting medicinal herbs.

Wang Xiaochuan expanded the planting of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum and iron wire grass by [-] mu each, mushroom planting by [-] mu, and strawberry planting by [-] mu.The remaining [-] acres of reserved land will be planted depending on the sales of strawberries or other medicinal herbs.

Wang Xiaochuan actually has a bigger plan. If he continues to expand the planting of medicinal herbs and earn more money, he will use the money he earns to invest in the construction of village facilities, just like investing in the pollution control and greening of the Gunzi River.

Now the houses in the village are dilapidated, and the living conditions of the villagers are poor.Wang Xiaochuan thought that once he earned more money, he would plan the construction of the village together with the village chief Guo Danqian, vigorously build a new village for residents, implement tap water projects, and further connect the Internet on the basis of electricity.

On the basis of material improvement, various spiritual civilization activities are held to maintain the original dances and traditional customs of Taoyuan Village, and even traditional handicrafts.

Wang Xiaochuan wanted to change the poverty and backwardness of Taoyuan Village, from the poorest village to the wealthiest village in Qingminghe Township in one fell swoop.

Wang Xiaochuan's planting of medicinal herbs is supported by the county, township, and village government policies, the support of his brothers Zheng Shanhu, Lin Song, and Xu Qingqing, and the support of villagers actively renting him land, and the development has been smooth. .

After Wang Xiaochuan arranged to expand the planting of medicinal herbs at this moment, he thought that the medical room needed to be taken care of by himself, so he returned to the medical room.

As soon as he returned to the medical room, Wang Xiaochuan found Lin Wanrong, the village flower of Lin Family Village, running over in a hurry and asked Fang Jiayue, who was getting a prescription for a cold patient: "Nurse Fang, where is Dr. Wang?"

Fang Jiayue saw that it was Lin Wanrong, and said, "Xiao Chuan has been very busy recently, concentrating on planting herbs! I guess I won't have time to come to the medical room for consultation."

When Lin Wanrong heard this, her eyes were full of disappointment, and she muttered to herself: "What should I do! My third aunt... my third aunt... woo woo..."

Lin Wanrong sobbed unknowingly, Wang Xiaochuan saw it nearby, felt sorry for Yuyu, stepped forward quickly, and asked Lin Wanrong loudly: "Wanrong, don't be sad, what's wrong with your third aunt?"

When Lin Wanrong heard Wang Xiaochuan's voice, she quickly raised her head and saw Wang Xiaochuan, as if she had seen a savior, and told the truth: "Brother Xiaochuan, you came back just in time, my third aunt's illness is very special. I slept with my third aunt last night , Third Aunt suddenly got up, took a kitchen knife from the kitchen, and hacked everywhere, I was almost hacked to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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