rural small wild medicine

Chapter 395 You Have Half the Credit

Chapter 395 You Have Half the Credit

Next, Wang Xiaochuan began to order Fang Jiayue: "Jiayue, quickly prepare some borneol, ephedra, coriander, poria cocos, trichosanthes, dandelion, and mountain bean root, ten grams each. Then mix and mash them into powder, which I will use later .”

Fang Jiayue nodded, quickly grabbed the medicine on the spot, and then mixed and smashed it.

When Fang Jiayue was almost ready, Wang Xiaochuan signaled Wei Xiaoma to lie on the patient's bed in the outpatient room and close his eyes.After doing all this, the medicine powder prepared by Fang Jiayue just arrived.

Wang Xiaochuan applied the powder on Wei Xiaoma's swollen eyes and face.

Wei Xiaoma felt bursts of cool air penetrate into his red and swollen eyes and face, which greatly relieved the pain.

While taking medicine to reduce swelling, Wang Xiaochuan began to use internal force to reduce swelling.

Medical skills and internal strength complement each other, making Wang Xiaochuan's treatment effect significantly improved.

Wang Xiaochuan began to give Wei Xiaoma an internal energy massage, and secretly used the internal energy Kung Fu of Xuanyuan Shengong he cultivated.This internal force radiates a trace of heat, seeping into Wei Xiaoma's red and swollen eyes and face, feeling very comfortable.

It's like soaking in a hot spring, making Wei Xiaoma feel relaxed.

In just 10 minutes, Wang Xiaochuan stopped the internal force massage and said, "Xiao Wei, it's alright, you can open your eyes now."

Wei Xiaoma was really looking forward to continuing the massage, now he slowly opened his eyes, he couldn't believe it would be healed so quickly.

"Doctor Wang, it will be all right in just 10 minutes?" Wei Xiaoma asked in disbelief when he saw the wall clock on the wall of the medical room.

Wang Xiaochuan smiled confidently: "Xiao Wei, get up and look in the mirror."

As soon as Wang Xiaochuan reminded, Wei Xiaoma took a look at the mirror on the wall, and was immediately pleasantly surprised: "Doctor Wang, your medical skills are amazing! Just use some medicine and massage, and everything will be cured!"

Fang Jiayue and the patients waiting for treatment also looked at Wei Xiaoma, and found that his red and swollen eyes and face had all returned to normal.There was no sign of being stung by a wasp, and he was no different from a normal person. He couldn't help but admire Wang Xiaochuan's magical medical skills.

"Xiao Chuan, your healing effect is amazing!" Fang Jiayue admired sincerely.

"Miracle doctor! Come and treat us!" The patients waiting for treatment praised Wang Xiaochuan as a miracle doctor, and rushed to ask Wang Xiaochuan for treatment.

Wang Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Everyone, don't be in a hurry! Line up first for treatment, and I will come one by one."

Hearing what Wang Xiaochuan said, everyone lined up again.

"Doctor Wang, you have cured my illness. You are such a great benefactor. How much is it?" Wei Xiaoma is completely cured and can go to the orchard to pick oranges. He is in a very good mood, so he asked for the treatment fee.

Wang Xiaochuan said with a smile: "Just now I used some Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese massage at the same time. Let's charge a total of 100 yuan!"

When Wei Xiaoma heard it, he felt that it was extremely cheap.It turned out that he was stung by a wasp last year, which was milder than this. He went to the township health center for treatment for a week and was barely cured. It cost a total of 800 yuan, while Wang Xiaochuan only charged 100 yuan.

This made Wei Xiaoma say gratefully: "Miraculous doctor Tang, you are not only superb in medical skills, but also have such a favorable fee. I can't repay you. After picking oranges, I will send some oranges to thank you."

After Wei Xiaoma finished speaking, he handed over 100 yuan to Wang Xiaochuan.Because Wang Xiaochuan was busy treating other patients, Fang Jiayue took it on his behalf.

Wang Xiaochuan's high-quality and low-cost medical services won praise from the patients present, and all of them came back happy and satisfied.

Wang Xiaochuan sits in the medical room, and his business is getting better and better.

Wang Xiaochuan and Fang Jiayue can be described as a man and woman match, and they are not tired of working.

The two cooperated very tacitly. Wang Xiaochuan prescribed a prescription when he saw a doctor, and Fang Jiayue took the medicine according to the prescription, which greatly improved the efficiency of seeing a doctor.

At dusk, all the patients who came to see the doctor were seen. The diseases of the patients had been effectively cured, and they left happily one by one.

At the end of the day's outpatient work, Fang Jiayue cleared up the treatment fees and found that today's money was more than 6000 yuan.

Unexpectedly, when Wang Xiaochuan came, he would not only cure diseases, but also make money.

"Xiao Chuan, you are amazing! You have seen so many illnesses and earned so much money since you came here." Fang Jiayue said with admiration.

Wang Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Jiayue, you are also very capable! The money is not due to me alone, half of it is yours."

Fang Jiayue's work as a nurse was affirmed by Wang Xiaochuan, which made her very happy.

What surprised Fang Jiayue even more was that Wang Xiaochuan handed over a red envelope.

"Xiao Chuan, I haven't been here for a few days, why are you giving me a red envelope?" Fang Jiayue said in surprise.

Wang Xiaochuan said with a smile: "Help me take care of the medical room! I am usually too busy, and I don't have many days in the medical room. You take care of the medical room for me and handle the affairs of the medical room in an orderly manner. I won't give it to you." Who will send you red envelopes?"

While talking, Wang Xiaochuan stuffed the red envelope to Fang Jiayue.

Fang Jiayue had no choice but to accept it, and secretly opened the red envelope to take a look, and found that it was a stack of brand new RMB, which contained a full 5000 yuan.

"Xiao Chuan, why do you pay so much!" Fang Jiayue once worked as an intern nurse in the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and her intern salary was only 800 yuan per month.This followed Wang Xiaochuan, who hadn't been a nurse for a few days, and gave a red envelope of 5000 yuan. Fang Jiayue was very moved by the huge difference in treatment.

But Wang Xiaochuan said: "I don't give you so much for nothing! I want you to continue to take care of the medical room for me!"

When Fang Jiayue heard this, she accepted it in her heart.

Fang Jiayue's family conditions are not good, her parents are both farmers, and she has a younger brother who is still studying and needs tuition.Parents can't earn money from farming, they can only make ends meet, and the burden of the family falls on Fang Jiayue's weak shoulders.

Now with the 5000 yuan red envelope sent by Wang Xiaochuan, Fang Jiayue can go to help the family, supplement the household, and pay her brother's tuition and monthly living expenses at the same time.

In the future, she will follow Wang Xiaochuan to take care of the medical room, and with a certain income, she will be able to better afford the family's financial expenses, be filial to her parents, and raise her younger brother, Fang Jiayue thought in her heart.

This night, Wang Xiaochuan stayed in the bedroom of the medical room.He has been busy recently, and his body is a little tired, so he will soon fall asleep.

Wang Xiaochuan had a dream, dreaming that the villagers contracted their own land to grow medicinal herbs, and the scale of growing medicinal herbs was further expanded.

Ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, and iron threadgrass are planted with sufficient land to further increase the production of the three major medicinal herbs, which satisfies Dong Yuhan's growing demand for medicinal herbs.The cooperation between the two parties is a win-win situation, and they make a lot of money and smile happily.

And the mushrooms grown by myself, because there is enough land, further expand the planting, which meets the needs of Boss Zheng and Boss Lin, mushroom buyers in the county.It is enviable to rely on growing mushrooms to make money continuously.

There are also self-planted apples, and the new generation of grafted apple trees are full of good apples with good color, fragrance and taste.Yang Yao went to the countryside to purchase on behalf of Nanhua Huamao Agricultural and Sideline Products Company. She was very satisfied with the quality of the apples and bought them at a high price. She made a lot of money again by growing apples.

(End of this chapter)

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