rural small wild medicine

Chapter 325 Relieve Mrs. Xiangxiang's troubles

Chapter 325 Relieve Mrs. Xiangxiang's troubles

Wang Xiaochuan never thought that Dong Yueqin would reward her with a sweet kiss in such a shy situation.

Touching the lip marks left with my hands, I feel wet, warm, and fragrant, making myself intoxicated.

Wang Xiaochuan was hungry at the moment, so he also entered the main room from the backyard, holding a piece of sugar cane cut by Dong Yueqin in his hand, and took a bite.

It's really sweet to my heart.

After Wang Xiaochuan entered the main room, he saw a large bowl of steamed buns on the table.And both Sun Yingxia and Dong Yueqin invited themselves to eat steamed buns one after another!Wang Xiaochuan was also polite, and started eating with big mouthfuls.After eating and drinking, Wang Xiaochuan hiccupped.

Wang Xiaochuan had just finished eating steamed buns, when a voice came from outside Sun Yingxia's house: "Xiaochuan, go to my house quickly, one of my sows is sick and won't eat or drink, I'm afraid it will die!"

Wang Xiaochuan quickly looked out of the courtyard and found that it was Han Xiangxiang rushing over panting.

Today, after Wang Xiaochuan miraculously cured the Golden Retriever of Old Man Jin, he became famous, and people kept coming to him to treat poultry and livestock.The sow in Han Xiangxiang's family fell ill, and she didn't want to eat in a hurry.Now I came to Sun Yingxia's house to find Wang Xiaochuan and invited him to her house to treat the sow.

"Xiangxiang sister-in-law, don't worry." Wang Xiaochuan saw Han Xiangxiang's red eye circles, knew that she was crying anxiously, and quickly comforted her.

"My mother-in-law is crying in the pigsty, can I not be in a hurry?" Han Xiangxiang said with red and swollen eyes.

Knowing that the sow was seriously ill, Wang Xiaochuan hurriedly followed Han Xiangxiang all the way to her house. Halfway there, Han Xiangxiang stepped on something soft.He quickly screamed, it turned out that he had stepped on a big flower snake more than a foot long, and then the whole jade body fell to the ground.

Wang Xiaochuan had sharp eyes and quick hands, and hugged Han Xiangxiang.

"Xiao Chuan, let go of sister-in-law! There are still problems to be solved!" Han Xiangxiang blushed with embarrassment and said quickly.

"Isn't the big sow sick? What's the problem?" Wang Xiaochuan said calmly.

"It's easy for you to say! Do you think my big sow is so curable? To be honest, the big sow has been fed for three years, and it often suffers from this strange disease! My mother-in-law went to the village veterinary station to buy a lot. Veterinary medicine, but it can't cure it!"

"This time is very serious, because the big sow is pregnant with a piglet. If there is an accident with the big sow, it will be a big loss for my family!" Han Xiangxiang said with some concern.

"It's okay, just leave it on me!" Wang Xiaochuan said with a smile.

Unknowingly, the two came to Han Xiangxiang's house.

"What a crime! I have been raising sows for three years, but I don't want to end up in such a situation. Just when the sows are about to give birth, the sows have such a strange disease! God, please help me. As long as you help me, I kowtow to you!" In the yard, Wang Xiaochuan and Han Xiangxiang heard Wang Yufen's mournful cry.

Wang Xiaochuan immediately entered the hospital and said to Wang Yufen, "Aunt Yufen, don't worry, let me see what the strange disease is first!"

Wang Yufen stopped shouting, and when she saw that it was Wang Xiaochuan, she immediately felt more relieved.However, he soon became worried again. It turned out that he was worried that Wang Xiaochuan would not be cured well.

Wang Yufen took Wang Xiaochuan to the pig house. Wang Xiaochuan saw a big fat sow weighing five hundred catties lying dying, and checked it carefully.Then she had the bottom line in her heart and said a word: "Aunt Yufen, it's okay, this disease can be cured."

"If you are cured, my aunt will definitely not treat you badly!" Wang Yufen said.

"Auntie, don't say that you are not treated badly or not. It's nothing to do a little favor for Auntie and Xiangxiang's sister-in-law!" Wang Xiaochuan is very good at talking, and immediately amused Wang Yufen and Han Xiangxiang. The worry just now was relieved a lot.

Soon, Wang Xiaochuan diagnosed and treated the sows.

I saw Wang Xiaochuan put down the wooden medicine box he carried with him, took out a few Chinese herbal medicines from it, and then made it into a medicinal powder, which was dissolved in the warm boiled water brought by Wang Yufen.When Han Xiangxiang opened the pig's mouth, Wang Xiaochuan poured the medicinal soup down.

"Okay! Let's go to the house to have a rest!" Wang Xiaochuan said easily.

"Is that all right?" Both Wang Yufen and Han Xiangxiang couldn't believe it. Their surprised expressions made their lips open, which could almost accommodate an egg.

"Well, it's all right! After 10 minutes, just come and have a look!" Wang Xiaochuan said calmly.

"10 minutes?!" The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were even more surprised, thinking that Wang Xiaochuan was talking nonsense.

Facing the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who couldn't believe it, Wang Xiaochuan didn't explain anything.Grandma, I am so tired today!Constantly visiting the doctor, my goal is to plant herbs, mushrooms and apples to get rid of poverty and become rich!This is not my goal to be a doctor!

But because I have "The Secret Classic of the Yellow Emperor" and am proficient in the medical skills in it, the villagers come to me for diagnosis and treatment one after another, and I can't shirk it.At the moment, they can only grow medicinal herbs while treating villagers and solving various difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Although tiring, but able to solve practical problems for the villagers, Wang Xiaochuan lived a more fulfilling life.

"Have a cup of tea!" Wang Yufen knew that Wang Xiaochuan had too many things to do and was too tired, so she made tea for Wang Xiaochuan herself at this moment.

Han Xiangxiang went to the bedroom now, not knowing what she was doing.

Wang Xiaochuan drank tea to relieve his fatigue, and 10 minutes passed quickly.

Wang Yufen went to the pig house immediately, and immediately, a voice of surprise came: "God opened his eyes!"

The sound was loud, and immediately, the door of Han Xiangxiang's bedroom opened, and Han Xiangxiang came over wearing a very decent cheongsam.This cheongsam reminded Wang Xiaochuan of Zhou Xiaoqiao's sister-in-law suddenly, and felt that Han Xiangxiang was Zhou Xiaoqiao's sister-in-law, and almost called out "Xiaoqiao's sister-in-law". Fortunately, he came back to his senses immediately.

Han Xiangxiang couldn't believe it was true, so she rushed into the pig house.But soon, her voice came: "My God! Is this a dream?"

It turned out that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law found that after being treated by Wang Xiaochuan, the big fat sow in the pig house opened her eyes, got up from the ground, walked to the stone trough and began to eat polenta.

Being able to eat and drink, and recovering quickly, Wang Yufen and Han Xiangxiang were pleasantly surprised.

The miraculous medical skill that can bring a big fat sow back to life made the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law look at Wang Xiaochuan with a strange look in their eyes.

"Xiaochuan! You have been a great help, you can take this little money!" Wang Yufen said while taking out the crumpled money in the embroidered purse, and fortified it to Wang Xiaochuan.

But Wang Xiaochuan hurriedly stepped aside and said, "Aunt Yufen, from our village, if you give me money, you'll get away with it."

Seeing that Wang Xiaochuan didn't take money, Wang Yufen felt that she owed him favors, so she said, "Xiaochuan! If you don't take money, I'll cook for you."

But Wang Xiaochuan was full of steamed buns at Sun Yingxia and Dong Yueqin's house just now, how could he still eat!He quickly waved his hand and said, "No need, I just ate it. By the way, I have nothing to do and I have to go to the medicinal herb base at the southern foot of Wolong Mountain!"

Wang Yufen knew that Wang Xiaochuan's main goal was to plant medicinal herbs, and thought that Wang Xiaochuan was constantly expanding the scale of planting medicinal herbs, and there was always not enough land.And my own fields are all planted with corn, and the storm a few days ago damaged the corn fields, and there was no harvest at all.

(End of this chapter)

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