rural small wild medicine

Chapter 305 Can this simple method work?

Chapter 305 Can this simple method work?

However, the 80 yuan can only be used to initially improve some hardware facilities. When he grows herbs and earns more money in the future, Wang Xiaochuan will donate more to the village department to further improve Guo Danqian's office and accommodation conditions.

Guo Danqian was grateful for Wang Xiaochuan's donation and support from the bottom of her heart. She took Wang Xiaochuan to her office, made a cup of fragrant tea, and then went to the kitchen to get busy.

After drinking a cup of fragrant tea, Wang Xiaochuan felt relaxed and comfortable.

Wang Xiaochuan saw a large stack of village affairs documents on the desk in the office, and some documents were being reviewed, so he couldn't help thinking that Guo Danqian was busy with village affairs.

At this moment, Guo Danqian brought braised prawns and fresh chicken soup with mushrooms, stir-fried cucumbers and cold tomatoes, fried peanuts, braised pork ribs, vinegared cabbage, etc., and two bowls of white rice.

Wang Xiaochuan was invited to the restaurant, and seeing a large table full of delicious food, his saliva couldn't help but flow out.

Guo Danqian personally poured wine for Wang Xiaochuan. This is a relatively famous sorghum wine in the local area.

Guo Danqian poured wine for Wang Xiaochuan, but poured tea for herself.

"Xiao Chuan, I will replace wine with tea, and I propose a toast to you!" Guo Danqian said while raising her teacup, toasting Wang Xiaochuan.

Wang Xiaochuan was in a good mood, and he drank it with his neck raised.

After drinking this sorghum wine, Wang Xiaochuan felt the taste was mellow and full of aftertaste.

After drinking, eat vegetables.

What Wang Xiaochuan didn't expect was that every dish of Guo Danqian was delicious. I really didn't expect Guo Danqian to be so good at cooking!
Wang Xiaochuan's stomach was full, and Wang Xiaochuan actually drank the whole bottle of sorghum wine.

Wang Xiaochuan had never drank so much wine before, he was a little overwhelmed, and fell asleep lying on the dinner table.

Seeing that Wang Xiaochuan was asleep, Guo Danqian was afraid that he would catch a cold, so she could only support Wang Xiaochuan to the dormitory.But Wang Xiaochuan was so drunk that he couldn't walk at all.There was no way, Guo Danqian could only squat down, and carried Wang Xiaochuan on her back to her bedroom.

This Wang Xiaochuan is really heavy!Guo Danqian finally put Wang Xiaochuan on her back on her bed, and then covered him with a quilt, her forehead was covered with fine fragrant sweat, and her face was flushed with shame.

When reciting Wang Xiaochuan just now, in addition to smelling the pungent smell of wine, she also smelled the smell of hormones from Wang Xiaochuan's body, which made Guo Danqian blush and heartbeat.

This Wang Xiaochuan looks so handsome when he sleeps drunk, with a sunny smile on his face, he must be having a good dream!

Guo Danqian's guess was correct, and Wang Xiaochuan started talking in his sleep at this moment: "When I do a good job in the five major industries of ginseng, ganoderma, mushroom, ironwort, and apple, the folks in Taoyuan Village will be able to get rid of poverty and become rich!"

"Xiaochuan, in your dreams, you are planting herbs and apples to lead the villagers to become rich. But you are tired, go to sleep! I will sing you a lullaby to make you fall asleep." Guo Danqian sang a lullaby while talking, I have to say that Guo Danqian's singing is mellow and pleasant.

For some reason, Guo Danqian felt drowsy while singing, and fell asleep lying on the bedside.

Guo Danqian had a dream in which the township head Li Bingyao went to the countryside for inspection, and saw Wang Xiaochuan making the five major industries of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, mushroom, ironwort and apple bigger and stronger.Not only did he get rid of poverty, but he also led the villagers to become rich and changed the poor Taoyuan Village. Wang Xiaochuan couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

In the name of the township government, Li Bingyao gave various policy supports, which further expanded the scale of Wang Xiaochuan's herb planting, and eventually led the villagers to become rich and prosperous.

The next day, a ray of sunlight came in through the window glass, and Wang Xiaochuan rubbed his sleepy eyes, only to find himself lying on the bed in Guo Danqian's bedroom, feeling a little embarrassed.

Guo Danqian was not in the village and only left a message for Wang Xiaochuan.

"Xiao Chuan, I'm going to the village to attend the village cadre meeting. If there's anything to do, I'll talk about it when I come back. By the way, I've made breakfast for you, and it's in the rice cooker."

Went to the kitchen and saw a bag of milk and two marinated eggs in the rice cooker, both hot, Wang Xiaochuan couldn't help feeling warm.

After a while, Wang Xiaochuan decided to cherish the time, work hard to grow medicinal herbs, and develop various farming industries.

Wang Xiaochuan decided to go to the medicinal herb base at the southern foot of Wolong Mountain to see how ginseng, ganoderma and mushrooms are growing.

When Wang Xiaochuan rushed to the medicinal herb base, Zheng Shanhu and his brothers were busy in the ginseng greenhouse, and Wang Xiaochuan saw that they were catching insects.

They chatted while catching insects.

"This ground silkworm is really annoying. It specifically bites off ginseng seedlings and chews ginseng roots, causing broken seedlings and roots to be hollow. It is really harmful!" Zheng Shanhu complained.

As soon as Zheng Shanhu complained, a brother took over and said:

"Second leader, do you want to report this matter to our boss?"

Zheng Shanhu sighed and said: "Our boss is too busy, let's figure out a way for this matter first!"

"But this ginseng is being harmed more and more by ground silkworms, and we can't help by artificially eradicating the harm." Another brother said anxiously.

Wang Xiaochuan could hear the brothers' discussions clearly. He stepped forward quickly and observed that the rhizome of ginseng had been bitten off.

And looking at the rhizosphere of ginseng, there are various ground silkworms, some of which are all white, which are white ground silkworms, and some of which are all black, which are black ground silkworms.These silkworms devour ginseng rhizomes day and night, which hinders the growth of ginseng.

If it is not eliminated in time, this batch of ginseng will not be harvested.If Dong Yuhan came to purchase, he would not be able to supply the goods smoothly, and he would also suffer huge economic losses.

How to eradicate the ground silkworm, Wang Xiaochuan's "The Secret Classic of the Yellow Emperor" appeared in Wang Xiaochuan's mind.Soon, a method of eliminating ground silkworms in the Yellow Emperor's planting method caught his eyes.

When Wang Xiaochuan had a solution, Zheng Shanhu and his brothers were at a loss and were devastated.Now Zheng Shanhu knew the seriousness of the problem and had to call the boss to report the situation.

Now when Zheng Shanhu was about to take out his mobile phone to call Wang Xiaochuan, Wang Xiaochuan said loudly: "Shanhu! Don't worry, I have a way to kill the silkworms here."

Zheng Shanhu quickly raised his head, saw Wang Xiaochuan, and said like a savior, "Boss, you are finally here!"

The rest of the brothers also called Wang Xiaochuan boss in unison, and asked Wang Xiaochuan eagerly how to get rid of ground silkworms.

Wang Xiaochuan said: "Brothers, go to the village and mobilize the villagers to capture the native chickens from each family and put them in ginseng greenhouses to get rid of ground silkworms."

As soon as Wang Xiaochuan said, Zheng Shanhu shook his head in disbelief: "Boss, can this simple method work?"

"Whether it's true or not, Shanhu, hurry up and take your brothers to do it! Remember, all native chickens in the village will be caught and paid to the villagers." Wang Xiaochuan said.

Although Zheng Shanhu was dubious, he nodded obediently and agreed, and then took his brothers to the village to find villagers to catch native chickens.

Zheng Shanhu and his brothers left, and Wang Xiaochuan continued to observe the situation in the Ganoderma lucidum greenhouse.

As soon as he entered the Ganoderma lucidum greenhouse, Wang Xiaochuan smelled an unpleasant musty smell, which made Wang Xiaochuan feel strange.What I usually smell is a very normal smell, but this is the first time Wang Xiaochuan has encountered such an unpleasant musty smell.

What is the situation here?

(End of this chapter)

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