Chapter 255

"Xiao Chuan! Of course, I know that planting herbs is your goal. By the way, I will write a work report right now. This time I will write the report with an emphasis on adding your matter of growing herbs to get rid of poverty and becoming rich, and report to the county. Let’s report it here. We might as well try to get the county to appoint an outstanding college student to the village as village head to assist you in planting medicinal herbs!”

Li Bingyao's words hit the point, Wang Xiaochuan felt happy after hearing it, and quickly gave Li Bingyao a thumbs up to praise: "Sister Bingyao still understands me!"

Next, Li Bingyao began to focus on writing work reports in front of the computer, and Wang Xiaochuan quietly left the bedroom, not wanting to disturb her work.Wang Xiaochuan did not go to his bedroom to rest, but thought of Li Bingyao staying up late. Although Huangdi eye ointment cured the eye disease, the eyes need to be maintained and cherished.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaochuan deliberately made a cup of fetal chrysanthemum tea, and at the same time put in a modified Zhongbing pill.After the pill melted, Wang Xiaochuan quietly delivered the cup of tea to Li Bingyao's desk.

Li Bingyao just finished writing about Wang Xiaochuan planting medicinal herbs to get rid of poverty and become rich. At this moment, he felt dry mouth and itchy eyes, and it happened that Wang Xiaochuan came over with fetal chrysanthemum tea.

"Sister Bingyao, you will have unexpected effects after drinking this tea." Wang Xiaochuan said as he served the tea.

Li Bingyao originally thought that Wang Xiaochuan had returned to his bedroom to rest, but she didn't want to make fetal chrysanthemum tea for herself so late.No one has ever cared so much about himself, and he couldn't help being moved.

"Xiao Chuan, thank you!" Li Bingyao thanked endlessly.

But Wang Xiaochuan said: "Don't thank me, I know you wrote me about getting rid of poverty and becoming rich, and reported it to the county!"

After Li Bingyao drank the fetal chrysanthemum tea, she felt a cool air from her mouth into her intestines and stomach, spreading all over her body, which made her feel much better.At the same time, my eyes were no longer itchy, and I looked at the computer again, and found that the writing on the documents inside was much clearer, which means that my eyesight has improved.

"Xiao Chuan, I never thought that your tea could refresh your mind. You are so good!" Excited, Li Bingyao brushed over Wang Xiaochuan's forehead lightly and quickly, like a dragonfly touching water.

This sudden benefit made Wang Xiaochuan feel refreshed all over. This kind of kiss was warm, sweet, fragrant and soft, which made Wang Xiaochuan have endless aftertaste.

After Li Bingyao delivered the welfare, her face turned red instantly, it was because she was too excited to reward the kiss just now.But after clearing his mind, he became shy again.

When Li Bingyao was shy, her two faces were as lovable as red Fuji apples.

Wang Xiaochuan also knew that it was inconvenient to stay in the bedroom anymore, after all Li Bingyao was as shy as a big girl now!Besides, she still needs to continue to write work reports, and she doesn't want to affect her work, so she said to Li Bingyao, "Sister Bingyao, don't worry about your work! This fetal chrysanthemum tea is enough for you to work all night. fine."

"Thank you, Xiao Chuan! You are tired too, go and rest! I'll be done after a while." Li Bingyao reminded.

"Uh! Sister Bingyao also finishes her work earlier and rests earlier." Wang Xiaochuan also reminded with concern.

The two people cared about each other so much, and Wang Xiaochuan felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Wang Xiaochuan returned to the bedroom and fell asleep.He had another dream. He dreamed that after Li Bingyao submitted the work report, the county appointed an outstanding college student to enter the village as a village official to help him grow herbs.

With the support of the village officials, the herb business has grown like a snowball.Not only did he get rid of poverty, but he also led the whole village to become rich together.

Wang Xiaochuan slept very well that night. When a ray of sunlight shone through the curtains into the bedroom in the morning, Wang Xiaochuan rubbed his sleepy eyes and woke up.

Looking at the watch, it turned out to be nine o'clock. I really didn't expect to sleep so late.Wang Xiaochuan got up immediately, and called out to the bedroom next door, Bingyao sister, but there was no response.

On the coffee table, Wang Xiaochuan found a note with two paragraphs written on it: "Xiaochuan, my sister went to the county to do business early in the morning, thank you for curing my sister's long-term eye disease, and thank you for the cup of fetal chrysanthemum tea , let my sister refresh herself, she is very energetic today."

"Before my sister left, I prepared bread and milk for you, and put them in the incubator in the kitchen. Before you go out after eating, remember to close the door."

After Wang Xiaochuan read the message, a warm current poured into his heart.He went to the kitchen and found bread and milk in the incubator, both hot.Wang Xiaochuan ate bread and drank milk. He was in a good mood after eating and drinking.

After eating and drinking enough, Wang Xiaochuan thought that there was one more thing to do, and he had to pay back Tang Jianhui's construction fee for paving the cement road!Wang Xiaochuan repaid Li Bingyao's loan of 40 yuan yesterday, this time he will go to Tang Jianhui to pay back the project money.

If you don't want to owe others, if you owe others, you should pay it off as soon as possible. This is Wang Xiaochuan's life philosophy.

Wang Xiaochuan walked out of the township government compound, where can he find Tang Jianhui?Wang Xiaochuan was thinking about this question, by the way, didn't Tang Jianhui give himself a business card?

At this moment, Wang Xiaochuan took out a business card from his pocket and dialed Tang Jianhui's mobile phone according to the phone number on it, but he didn't want the phone prompt: "The phone you dialed has been turned off."Tang Jianhui is a contractor and has just taken over a project!How can it be shut down?Wang Xiaochuan felt something was wrong.

Continuing to look at the business card, I found an address on it, which stated: "No. 28 South Zhongxin Street, Hexiang, Qingming."

Wang Xiaochuan searched according to this address, and soon arrived at the destination. He found that No. 28 was a compound with mixers, rollers, cranes, etc. piled up in the compound, just like a construction company.

When Wang Xiaochuan saw these devices, he remembered one thing, that is, the village-level road from the village to the village is too bad.As Li Bingyao said, it is a dirt road. If people from the city come, they are not willing to enter Taoyuan Village.

To get rid of poverty and become rich by growing medicinal herbs by yourself, it is not only necessary to grow medicinal herbs well, but also to consider the need to build village-level roads.

This time Wang Xiaochuan wanted to talk to Tang Jianhui about building village-level roads by repaying the loan.

Wang Xiaochuan entered the compound, intending to find Tang Jianhui, but found a "cracking" sound from an office in the compound.

Immediately afterwards, a threatening voice yelled: "I see that you have taken the guts of a leopard and actually contracted a project in the village, knowing that the village is my territory."

Immediately afterwards, a voice retorted: "Ding Dazhuang, this is someone who asked me to contract. How can you say that I robbed the project!"

Wang Xiaochuan heard that it was Tang Jianhui's voice.He quickly stepped forward and walked outside the office.The door was half open, and Wang Xiaochuan could see the scene inside clearly from the outside.

But when he saw a chubby man with a ferocious face, and the shopping mall was like a battlefield, this chubby man regarded Tang Jianhui as a thorn in his side.

The economic development of the village is slow, and few projects can be received.As a contractor, Tang Jianhui took on one project after another, but Ding Dazhuang had nothing to do, so he brought two big men down to find fault with Tang Jianhui.The timing was right, as Tang Jianhui's migrant workers went to the county town to purchase a batch of building materials today.

Tang Jianhui was controlled by Ding Dazhuang and two big men, and his hands were tied behind his back.The hemp rope choked him, and there were blue and red strangle marks on his arms. Wang Xiaochuan looked aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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