rural small wild medicine

Chapter 215 The Beauty's Personal Physician

Chapter 215 The Beauty's Personal Physician

Zhang Miaoling holds a small notebook in her left hand and writes with a pen in her right hand.Wang Xiaochuan only saw half of her face from behind, which was an oval face, which looked pure and flawless against the moonlight.A few strands of hair fell naturally, covering her eyes, and she ran her hands through them from time to time, and the way she stroked them was really beautiful.

It really looks more and more beautiful, Wang Xiaochuan couldn't restrain his excitement, took out his mobile phone, and took a snapshot of Zhang Miaoling.

Then appreciate it carefully, she is really a beauty who has brought disaster to the country and the people!This Zhang Miaoling became more and more attractive to him.

When Wang Xiaochuan was attracted by Zhang Miaoling, a scream came: "Ah!"

Wang Xiaochuan immediately looked over and found a toad appearing in the field.The toad jumped and spit white foam, very scary.

Zhang Miaoling ran back quickly, towards Wang Xiaochuan's direction, but who knew that, because of panic, she stepped on a thorn tree in the ground.Immediately, there was a sharp pain in the sole of her right foot, and Zhang Miaoling burst into tears from the pain.She squatted on the ground and covered her foot that was stuck in the thorn, tears rolling in her eyes.

Wang Xiaochuan quickly put away the phone, stepped forward quickly, and asked, "Miaoling, what's the matter?"

Seeing Wang Xiaochuan coming, Zhang Miaoling quickly said, "Xiaochuan, I was stabbed in the foot and it hurts to death."

"Let me see." Wang Xiaochuan said while checking Zhang Miaoling's right foot.

Because the soles of her feet were getting more and more painful, Zhang Miaoling could only nod with tears in her face.

In order to facilitate inspection, Wang Xiaochuan asked Zhang Miaoling to sit on an iron bracket in the shed and asked her to straighten her right leg.Wang Xiaochuan squatted on the ground, holding her right foot with both hands.By moonlight, carefully observe the soles of her feet.

But Zhang Miaoling's soles were pierced deeply, and the tails of the thorns were still exposed on the soles of her feet!Moreover, the stabbed area was red, swollen and bleeding, no wonder Zhang Miaoling was in unbearable pain.

"Miao Ling, the thorn is very deep and must be pulled out." Wang Xiaochuan said decisively.

Zhang Miaoling nodded.

Next, Wang Xiaochuan began to thorn Zhang Miaoling.

But seeing Wang Xiaochuan holding Zhang Miaoling's jade feet with one hand, and holding her jade feet, he felt soft and soft.This Miao Ling's jade feet are as white and tender as snow, and feel very good to the touch, like a finely crafted work of art, so ingenious, Wang Xiaochuan couldn't help but take a second look.

Zhang Miaoling accidentally saw Wang Xiaochuan looking at her jade feet, and couldn't help but blush.Because she was shy, she moved her right leg.

"Miao Ling, don't move, I'll pull out the thorn right away." Wang Xiaochuan came back to his senses and reminded him.

Zhang Miaoling nodded, and now Wang Xiaochuan was concentrating on pulling out the stinger.

While pulling out the thorn, something unexpected happened.The toad crawled to Zhang Miaoling's side just now, startling her again.Zhang Miaoling was frightened, her right leg moved violently, and Yuzu moved accordingly.

Wang Xiaochuan was pulling out the thorn, because Zhang Miaoling moved, half of the thorn was pulled out, and the other half broke in the jade foot.

It was because I was afraid of toads and caused trouble for Wang Xiaochuan. At this moment, Zhang Miaoling thought that Wang Xiaochuan would complain about herself.But who knew that Wang Xiaochuan not only didn't complain about her, but comforted her: "Miao Ling, don't be afraid if you encounter toads in the future. This toad is not poisonous, and the one that catches pests is just a bit uglier."

After being told by Wang Xiaochuan, Zhang Miaoling had a new understanding of the annoying toad.However, considering that the thorn was broken in the jade foot, he said anxiously: "Xiao Chuan, what should I do if the thorn is inside? Do I need to go to the hospital for an operation to remove it? If so, it will be miserable."

Wang Xiaochuan saw that Zhang Miaoling was so worried, so he quickly comforted him: "Miaoling, don't worry, I can take it out after I give you a massage."

Zhang Miaoling couldn't believe that the broken thorns could be removed by massaging the feet.

But Wang Xiaochuan said: "Believe it or not, I only need 5 minutes."

Zhang Miaoling had no other choice but to let Wang Xiaochuan try.

Wang Xiaochuan began to massage the soles of Zhang Miaoling's feet with the Xuanyuan magic massage hands.

Different from ordinary massage, Wang Xiaochuan used internal force massage this time.What made Zhang Miaoling feel comfortable was that when Wang Xiaochuan used internal force massage, the hot stream poured into the bottom of her feet, just like a hot spring soaking her feet, making Zhang Miaoling feel relaxed.

As Wang Xiaochuan's massage hands became more and more exquisite, especially when the priorities were in place, Zhang Miaoling's refreshing feeling became more and more intense, and Xiaoqiong couldn't help but snorted.

This muffled hum came into Wang Xiaochuan's ears, and he couldn't help feeling a little intoxicated.He couldn't help looking over, and found that Zhang Miaoling looked extremely beautiful at this time.

Zhang Miaoling's beautiful eyes were slightly closed, her red lips were slightly parted, and she exhaled like blue.There was a scent on his ears and nose, which made him itchy all over, and Wang Xiaochuan couldn't help but feel a little strange.

I can't be distracted, I'm pulling a thorn for Zhang Miaoling.If you don't pull it out, I'm afraid the thorn will be broken in the foot forever, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Wang Xiaochuan used reason to suppress his abnormal movements, and concentrated on pulling out the stinger.

After a full massage, Wang Xiaochuan used a special method to pull out the stinger.That is to use Xuanyuan's magical power to pull out the poisonous sting with the internal force of practicing the powerful hand.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Xiaochuan's internal strength has become stronger because of his continuous practice and upgrading.It can be described as powerful and unstoppable.

Zhang Miaoling felt a burning pain in her feet, like a cramping pain, but fortunately, the burning pain only lasted for a second.

"Okay." Wang Xiaochuan pulled out the stinger with internal force, and said with a sigh of relief.

But Zhang Miaoling was half-believing and half-doubting: "Xiao Chuan, so fast! I only saw you massaging, you didn't pull out the thorn!"

Wang Xiaochuan gave Zhang Miaoling a very small broken thorn, and Zhang Miaoling was surprised and amazed when she saw it.The thorn was clearly broken inside the foot, and it was impossible to pull it out with hands, but Wang Xiaochuan pulled it out unexpectedly.This miraculous thorn pulling technique made Zhang Miaoling look at Wang Xiaochuan with admiration.

Zhang Miaoling looked at Wang Xiaochuan's eyes with a thick mist, and Wang Xiaochuan felt happy.It seems that by practicing Xuanyuan Divine Art Massage Hands and Strong Hands, in addition to being able to defend against enemies, defend oneself, heal illnesses and save others, it can also win the favor of the goddess.

Seeing the thorns being removed, Zhang Miaoling thought she could walk on the ground, so she stood up.But how could he know that the bottom of his left foot was aching, his foot went limp, he staggered, and fell forward.

It was too late and then too soon, Wang Xiaochuan hurriedly opened his arms to greet him, and an unexpected thing happened.

Zhang Miaoling threw her whole delicate body into Wang Xiaochuan's arms, a faint fragrance penetrated into Wang Xiaochuan's breath, Wang Xiaochuan was a little dizzy.

The two of them felt numb as if they were getting an electric shock, and Zhang Miaoling could smell the manly scent of Wang Xiaochuan.I also accidentally saw Wang Xiaochuan's two strong pectoralis major muscles, exuding a manly masculinity.Her face had never been so red, and her heart beat faster.

Zhang Miaoling tried to break away from Wang Xiaochuan's broad and strong embrace, but she found it was futile because her body was as soft as dough.

After Zhang Miaoling woke up from the numbness, she blushed and asked Wang Xiaochuan: "Xiaochuan, you pulled out the stinger, why can't I still walk? Is it impossible to cure? If so, I can't go to the county with my brothers today Buying a steel structure greenhouse!"

(End of this chapter)

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