rural small wild medicine

Chapter 136 Frightened

Chapter 136 Frightened

Wang Xiaochuan felt a little melancholy!

Wang Xiaochuan was hungry and had no energy to continue growing apples in the apple orchard.

Wang Xiaochuan only took a look at the two wild apple trees he grafted yesterday, and felt relieved when he saw that the growth was relatively normal.Now I have to solve the stomach problem again.

Hey, didn't Aunt Yingxia say that her daughter Dong Yueqin would come to deliver meals in the future?Why didn't you deliver food at this point?Forget it, I'll go to her house!There was no other way, so I had to be cheeky and go for dinner, anyway, I would clean up the gutters of her house by myself.

Wang Xiaochuan thought while walking, and his Tie Dan followed Wang Xiaochuan out of the apple orchard.The master and the servant are in the wild, one in front and one behind.Tie Dan ran wild everywhere and saw a few bitches, so he chased them crazily, causing a group of bitches to run desperately into the village.

Grandma's, Tie Dan also went crazy.

Wang Xiaochuan was hungry, and remembered that Xu Qingqing said that she wanted to take care of her grandma, Mrs. Wang, and go to her house!Her family has bread to eat!Why don't I go and take care of the old lady Wang and fill my stomach!Thinking of this, Wang Xiaochuan rushed to Xu Qingqing's house.

But things don't always go the way people want.Walking, Wang Xiaochuan came to a corn field and saw the corn as tall as a person swaying in the wind, as if welcoming himself.

In order to satisfy his hunger, Wang Xiaochuan wanted to go in and pinch some corn cobs.

But when I walked to the corn field, I found that the corn hadn't matured and hadn't budded yet!How do you tell yourself to eat!

There is nothing to eat. This is corn grown on the wasteland. It grows late and looks good, but it is not yet ready for budding.

Forget it, I'd better go to Mrs. Wang's house to find bread to eat. Wang Xiaochuan turned around thinking of this.But I didn't want to, but Tie Dan got in.

"Tie Dan, come back to me!" Wang Xiaochuan yelled, but found that Tie Dan ignored him.

This iron egg has always listened to his own words, as long as he yells, he will come back!Why are you disobedient at this time!Wang Xiaochuan was a little annoyed, so he followed Tiedan to the cornfield.

Soon in the cornfield, Tie Dan was found sniffing the back of a big bitch dog, and soon, Tie Dan and the big bitch got entangled.

Wang Xiaochuan didn't have the heart to pay attention to Tiedan, how to solve today's meal!Is it possible to go hunting in Wolong Mountain and catch pheasants to satisfy our hunger.But this guy Tie Dan was having fun, and he went to catch the pheasant with his bare hands. He didn't have the strength, so how dare he catch it!Is it possible that I starved to death?Wang Xiaochuan suddenly felt discouraged and lost.

In order to satisfy his hunger, Wang Xiaochuan walked to the other side of the corn field.

As soon as he walked out of the cornfield, he suddenly heard the conversation between two people.

"Mom, let's take a break! Eat what I made!" It was Xiaohua's voice.

"Xiaohua, you are so sensible, you can make steamed buns just like your mother! Hey! There is also fresh well water and hot and sour water!" Miao Cuie's voice came.

Wang Xiaochuan followed the sound and found that Miao Cuie was trimming corn branches and leaves in the nearby corn field.It may be that the leaves are too dense and block the sunlight. In order for the corn to bud early, it is necessary to take a break.This is a meticulous and tedious job. It seems that Miao Cui'e has been here to take care of the corn fields very early.

Wang Xiaochuan watched Xiaohua hand the basket of food to Miao Cuie, and his saliva flowed out.I was already hungry, but now I am even more hungry, but I can't just rush to grab it!
If I knew this, I would run to Miao Cui'e's house as soon as I left the apple orchard.

"Xiao Hua, go back and herd the cows! What's the matter? Why don't you go?" Miao Cui'e took the bamboo basket, and urged her daughter instead of eating and drinking right away.

"Mother, why didn't Brother Xiaochuan come to my house? Did he not come again?" Suddenly, Xiaohua's regretful and disappointed voice came.

"Your elder brother Xiaochuan is a village doctor. He is busy treating the villagers! What's more! He is tending the apple orchard at his sister-in-law's house recently! You can make steamed buns, and you can send the finished steamed buns there in the future Ah!" Miao Cuie's voice was heard by Wang Xiaochuan, and a wave of warmth surged into his heart.

"Mmm! Mom! I'll deliver it tomorrow!" Xiaohua finished her sentence.At this time, two free-ranging domestic pigs came over and broke into the cornfield. Xiaohua was anxious and wanted to chase them away.But Miao Cui'e said: "Xiaohua, let mother come and chase her away! Go back and put the cow away!"

Xiao Hua nodded and left.

At this time, Miao Cuie saw two free-ranging domestic pigs enter the corn field, and immediately entered the field to drive them away.It turns out that domestic pigs like to eat corn very much, and they will bend the corn to this side, affecting the growth and harvest of corn.

After driving away the domestic pigs, Miao Cui'e was still in the cornfield, observing the growth of the corn.

Wang Xiaochuan also entered the corn field, wanting to break a corn cob, but the corn cob was not yet mature.

The sudden appearance of Wang Xiaochuan startled Miao Cuie: "Ah—there is a ghost!"

"Aunt Cui'e, I'm Xiaochuan!" Seeing that Aunt Cui'e was startled by his sudden arrival, Wang Xiaochuan said hastily.

"You melon, why did you barge in without saying hello! Xiao Chuan, why are you here?" Aunt Cui'e regained her composure.

"Aunt Cui'e, I'm hungry, I saw that you have food in your basket!" Wang Xiaochuan said honestly.

"Oh! That's it! Then eat it quickly! These are steamed buns made by Xiaohua! Try it for me!" Aunt Cui'e said while handing the basket to Wang Xiaochuan.

Wang Xiaochuan was also polite, picked up a steamed bun and ate it.

"It's delicious! It turned out to be meat buns! It's so delicious!" Wang Xiaochuan was full of praise while eating, and he ate up a palm-sized bun in three or five mouthfuls. This kind of hunger made Miao Cui'e feel cold.

"Xiao Chuan, eat slowly, these are all yours!" Aunt Cui'e said lovingly.It's like talking to his own daughter, which makes Wang Xiaochuan feel the warmth of being loved.

"Aunt Cui'e, I'm so sorry, I ate all of yours!" Wang Xiaochuan felt that he could eat too much.Grandma, I didn't have such a good appetite before!It may be that practicing kung fu and using zhenqi to heal injuries has consumed too much physical energy, and there is an urgent need for a large amount of food supplements to restore physical strength!
"It's okay, Xiaohua was meant for you! Xiaochuan, eat! Eat enough, ah!" Aunt Cui'e's warm words made Wang Xiaochuan's heart as sweet as honey.

Wang Xiaochuan ate all seven steamed buns in one go, feeling full and belching!
"Here is hot and sour water! Take a sip!" Aunt Cui'e was happy when she saw that Wang Xiaochuan was full, so she handed Wang Xiaochuan the hot and sour water from Xiaohua, which was in a small porcelain bottle.Wang Xiaochuan drank it all in one gulp, cool!Eat and drink enough, and feel energetic all over the body.

Wang Xiaochuan tried to move his muscles and bones, hey, there was a crackling sound, the muscles of the chest also appeared more toned, and the whole body was full of strength.

This inadvertent movement of muscles and bones fascinated Aunt Cui'e.

(End of this chapter)

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