rural small wild medicine

Chapter 134 Low-key is king

Chapter 134 Low-key is king
"Sister-in-law, there is no wooden shed here. I won't be able to sleep tonight anyway. I'll build a shed to keep you out of the wind and rain!" After Wang Xiaochuan finished speaking, he ran to the depths of the apple orchard.

For some reason, Han Xiangxiang felt a ripple in her heart.

My Huang Erhu had never said such warm words before, and he was still messing around outside, bringing the goblin home, and his mother-in-law protected him.Thinking of this, Han Xiangxiang mourned for her failed marriage.

It would be great if I could find a man like Xiao Chuan who cares about me!
No, how can I think about this!Ogawa and I are impossible!How could I like Ogawa!Han Xiangxiang's sudden rationality suppressed her unrealistic thoughts.

No matter, I will leave here early tomorrow morning!Han Xiangxiang thought so.

Three or ten minutes later, a voice came to Han Xiangxiang's ears: "Xiangxiang sister-in-law, come home with me!"

"Ah?! Do you have a home? Didn't the earth tile house collapse? Could it be going back to your sister-in-law Xueli's house?" Han Xiangxiang asked with a puzzled expression.

"You will know when you arrive! Close your eyes, let me hold your hand, and stride forward!" At this time, the moonlight is like water, the wind is light and the clouds are light, the moon is hazy and the birds are hazy, and the night in the apple orchard is pleasant.

Wang Xiaochuan took Han Xiangxiang's white and tender hands, walking towards his "home" like leading his own little daughter-in-law.

Han Xiangxiang was happily held by Wang Xiaochuan, and smelled the manly smell from Wang Xiaochuan.Holding hands, connecting hearts, and at night without being disturbed, it seems that the distance between the two people has suddenly shortened, like a couple, bringing Han Xiangxiang back to the era when the love was first opened and the heart moved.

There was a ripple in Han Xiangxiang's heart, so warm and happy!
Along the way, Wang Xiaochuan held Han Xiangxiang's hand like this, and unknowingly came to the depths of the apple orchard, and stopped in front of his "home".

"Okay, Mrs. Xiangxiang, you can open your eyes now!" Following Wang Xiaochuan's reminder, Han Xiangxiang opened her eyes.

Immediately, Han Xiangxiang was shocked by the scene in front of her.

God!A newly built wooden shed suddenly appeared in front of him. In just half an hour, Wang Xiaochuan was able to build a wooden shed. This kind of miracle can only be found in dreams.

"Wang Xiaochuan, don't you invite the gods from the sky? How can you build a wooden shed in half an hour? Tell me quickly, what kind of ability is it?" Han Xiangxiang looked at him with disbelief. Wang Xiaochuan.

Wang Xiaochuan thought about it, grandma, you must never tell me about your Xuanyuan magic kung fu and internal training, so he turned his head and said with a smile: "I'm not so good, in fact, I live in Xueli in this wooden shed. After the sister-in-law left, she has been building it!"

"Oh! That's right, I thought you could really build it in half an hour!" Han Xiangxiang nodded, as if realizing something.

If Wang Xiaochuan told the truth and finished it in half an hour, Han Xiangxiang would be so shocked that he couldn't sleep all night.Wang Xiaochuan would not be so stupid, so he naturally covered up the fight.

I have a secret that others don't know, and I must never tell anyone about it, even if it is the beauty I like, I must keep it secret.

I want to keep a low profile, not to mention that Zhao Dabiao and Liu Yidao will find fault tomorrow, and I have to keep a low profile, low-key is king.

In a wooden shed, a lonely man and a widow live alone in a room, and there is only one bed, what should I do?
Han Xiangxiang had a solution, which was to put a wooden stick in the middle of the bed, Wang Xiaochuan slept outside, and Han Xiangxiang slept inside.

Grandma, I thought I could hug Xiangxiang's sister-in-law to sleep?Wang Xiaochuan lay down with his clothes sullenly, while Han Xiangxiang also lay gently on the bed.

Tie Dan stood vigil outside the wooden shed, and the entire apple orchard was silent. Wang Xiaochuan and Han Xiangxiang could even hear each other's heartbeat and breathing.

At this time, Han Xiangxiang's voice screamed: "Ghost! Ghost! Don't come here! Ah! Don't eat me! Xiao Chuan, come quickly! Help my sister-in-law cast out the ghost!"

Grandma, Han Xiangxiang was having a ghost dream, so Wang Xiaochuan turned over, and then suddenly hugged Han Xiangxiang in his arms, hugging Xiangxiang's sister-in-law tightly, pretending to cast out ghosts, and shouting: " Ghost, don't run away, look at my knife! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

When Wang Xiaochuan yelled like this, Xiangxiang's sister-in-law woke up from her sleep, and found that she was hugged by Wang Xiaochuan, feeling ashamed and ashamed, and hurriedly tried to break free.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.Han Xiangxiang suddenly shuddered all over, clenched her teeth, and let out a painful moan from her nose.

"What's the matter? Sister-in-law!" Wang Xiaochuan asked.

"Xiao Chuan, sister-in-law hurts so much!" Han Xiangxiang said while stroking her buttocks with her hands, trembling.

Wang Xiaochuan is a village doctor. When he saw Han Xiangxiang covering his buttocks, he knew that Han Xiangxiang's body was still injured.

"Sister-in-law Xiangxiang, show me!" Wang Xiaochuan said.

"No, I won't show you!" How could Han Xiangxiang show Wang Xiaochuan her buttocks.

"If you don't show me, you will be in pain all the time, how can this work? Don't you want me to treat you?" Wang Xiaochuan said with a serious face.

"It can't be cured! Woohoo! It's too serious!" Han Xiangxiang shook her head in despair.

This made Wang Xiaochuan even more concerned. Han Xiangxiang is so beautiful, almost as beautiful as sister-in-law Xueli, how can she endure physical pain?As a village doctor himself, he is fully capable of healing the beauty's pain.

"I'll treat you! Believe me!" Wang Xiaochuan said seriously.

"But you can't look at my ass! Shame!" Han Xiangxiang blushed.

"Sister-in-law Xiangxiang, I'm treating you! If you trust me, I can make you heal in the shortest time, just like I treated you for centipede poisoning in the sweet potato field last time! If you don't believe me, just be I didn't say it!" Wang Xiaochuan is very serious about medical skills, and his bright eyes reveal confidence.

"Okay!" After Han Xiangxiang finished speaking, she began to cooperate with Wang Xiaochuan's treatment. In fact, she still doubted whether Wang Xiaochuan could cure her injury.

Han Xiangxiang leaned on the bed, supported her hands, and raised her hips high.

Han Xiangxiang's hip was seriously injured!Last night, I jumped off the river pond to catch fish, and accidentally rescued Han Xiangxiang. Han Xiangxiang kept covering her buttocks to prevent herself from seeing it!
There were three bruises on the buttocks, which looked like they had been burned by something.

"Sister-in-law Xiangxiang, why is this happening?" Wang Xiaochuan was shocked by the burn marks.Wang Xiaochuan couldn't bear to see such a beautiful person suffer such pain, so he couldn't help asking.

"That bastard is a beast! Woohoo!" Han Xiangxiang cried.

"Who?" Wang Xiaochuan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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