Chapter 112
Under normal circumstances, as soon as Sun Yingxia invited Wang Xiaochuan to her house for dinner, Wang Xiaochuan didn't even have time to nod.Sun Yingxia's daughter Dong Yueqin is young and beautiful, and Sun Yingxia is the chef in the village, Wang Xiaochuan loves to eat her food, why this Wang Xiaochuan doesn't want to go!Could it be that as soon as a person became famous, he forgot that I was an aunt?
"Auntie, that's not what it means! It's raining, and my sister-in-law's house is leaking, so I want to help pick up tiles!" Wang Xiaochuan babbled.

"Picking up tiles in the rain?" Sun Yingxia couldn't believe it. Taoyuan Village usually picks up tiles when the weather is sunny, so where does it pick up tiles on rainy days?

"Oh! I made a mistake. The gable of my sister-in-law's house is always soaked by rain, and the house is very damp. I have to help clear the gutter!" Wang Xiaochuan argued, rubbing the back of his head.

Sun Yingxia didn't ask any more questions. The houses in Taoyuan Village do have the problem of poor drainage. This is also because the young and middle-aged men in the whole village have gone out to work.If there is no man in the family, the natural drainage will not be dredged, and it will not be smooth.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaochuan was invited to visit Aunt Yingxia's gutter from time to time. After a meal, Wang Xiaochuan took the initiative to clear the gutter without waiting for Aunt Yingxia to say anything.

"Okay! You can go! But you can take this steamed river crab! Remember to come to my aunt's house when you have time!" After Sun Yingxia finished speaking, she handed the basket to Wang Xiaochuan.

Wang Xiaochuan smelled the scent of river crab for a while, and there was a familiar smell.

Wang Xiaochuan suddenly remembered that Dong Yueqin was a beautiful chef, and the steamed river crab she cooked was so delicious!The fragrance floats for three miles, and the aftertaste is endless.In her mind, Dong Yueqin is a goddess other than Xia Mengting, and she hasn't been with her these days, how is she doing now?

"Is Qin Zi made it?" Wang Xiaochuan asked suddenly.

"You haven't forgotten Qinzi, boy! Go do what you want to do! Remember to come to my aunt's house to play when you have time!" Sun Yingxia left after saying this.

Seeing that Aunt Yingxia left, Wang Xiaochuan looked around for no one, picked up a bowl of steamed big river crabs in a bamboo basket and ate them with relish.

The golden crab meat tastes really tasty, nutritious and delicious, crispy and delicious, with endless aftertaste.While eating, Wang Xiaochuan thought of Dong Yueqin, Dong Yueqin's culinary skills surpassed her mother's, it was getting more and more amazing.If you marry her as your wife, you can have a big meal every day.

Beauty is good for eyes and stomach, this is the only standard for a wife.

After eating this steamed big river crab, the body is filled with heat, which makes me full of energy.

After Wang Xiaochuan had a full stomach, he thought of going to his sister-in-law's house, so he ran to her sister-in-law's house like a rabbit.

Just as Wang Xiaochuan ran to his sister-in-law's house, raindrops fell from the sky like peas.The entire sky was covered with a layer of mist, visibility was very low, and the sky was dark.

Thunder and lightning, strong winds, and heavy rain poured down, and the rain on the ground kept rising.

The three brick and tile houses of my sister-in-law's house are not high, and soon the torrential rain poured into my sister-in-law's house.

The drainage ditch must be dredged, Wang Xiaochuan thought of this, picked up the shovel in his sister-in-law's yard, and began to dredge the drainage ditch in front of and behind the house.

The heavy rain drenched Wang Xiaochuan's clothes, but Wang Xiaochuan didn't care about it, it was cool!Wang Xiaochuan kept dredging the drainage ditch, allowing himself to be drenched in the rain to relieve the fire in his body.

Putting out the fire with water, Wang Xiaochuan tried to use this trick to alleviate it.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. In order to prevent the rainwater from the ground from pouring into his sister-in-law's house, Wang Xiaochuan exerted a hundred times his strength to dredge the drainage ditch.

Anyway, I just ate steamed big river crabs, which provided enough calories, and I have been practicing Xuanyuan magic skills and internal exercises to make myself full of energy.Working alone is at least as good as three or five young and strong guys.

Therefore, Wang Xiaochuan was very effective in dredging the drainage ditch. When the drainage ditch was about to be dredged, a voice suddenly shouted: "Xiaochuan, go into the house quickly, be careful of catching a cold!"

"Sister-in-law, don't enter the house until I finish dredging!" Wang Xiaochuan didn't raise his head, and worked hard to dredge the gutter.

For some reason, Shen Xueli was moved by this moving scene of working hard and ignoring the rain.I couldn't let Wang Xiaochuan get wet in the rain anymore, so I quickly picked up the umbrella, rushed over, and held up an umbrella for Wang Xiaochuan.

Wang Xiaochuan felt that when his sister-in-law came, there was a burst of fragrance.My sister-in-law just took a shower, with a nice scent of shampoo, shower gel, and the scent of orchids from her body.When Wang Xiaochuan was working, he smelled this smell that made his heart flutter, and he felt dizzy.

"Xiaochuan, you're drenched, ask my sister-in-law to wipe your face!" Shen Xueli looked at Wang Xiaochuan's drenched body, felt a little distressed, and took the towel she had used to wipe the sweat and rain on Wang Xiaochuan's face.

When the sister-in-law was wiping Wang Xiaochuan's towel, she was wearing a loose checked shirt because the two were very close.

It turned out that my sister-in-law was going to wear it after taking a bath, but she panicked when she saw it was raining so hard.Thinking that the drainage ditch in my house was not dredged, I was going to work on my own with a shovel, but found that the shovel in the yard was missing.Looking around, he unexpectedly found that Wang Xiaochuan was dredging the drainage ditch in the pouring rain!This moved my sister-in-law very much.

Wang Xiaochuan finished dredging all the gutters, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. This heavy rainstorm made the sky and the earth chaotic, and the water in the gutters was rushing, pouring towards the big pond outside the house.

Wang Xiaochuan's dredging of the drainage ditch was not in vain, and it brought peace to Shen Xueli's sister-in-law's house.

"Come into the house, my sister-in-law will change your clothes for you! Be careful not to catch a cold!" Shen Xueli said as she ran into the house holding Wang Xiaochuan's hand.

Wang Xiaochuan was held warm by his sister-in-law.After entering the house, the sister-in-law motioned for Wang Xiaochuan to take a bath, and then the sister-in-law went to find Wang Xiaochuan's clothes.

Wang Xiaochuan was bathing in the bathroom, using the towels, shampoo, and shower gel used by his sister-in-law, feeling happy.

Wang Xiaochuan knew that sister-in-law was even more attractive than Yang Yao!Although I also like Yang Yao, when I sent her off today, the scene of reluctantly saying goodbye came to my mind.But when she left, there was a sister-in-law in front of her eyes, but she was full of thoughts about her sister-in-law.

"Xiaochuan, I brought your change of clothes. It's raining heavily outside. Open the door and ask sister-in-law to give you the clothes!" When Wang Xiaochuan was missing sister-in-law, her voice sounded at this moment.

Feeling impatient, Wang Xiaochuan jumped out of the big wooden barrel, opened the door in three steps at a time, and stretched out his hand to take the clothes handed over by his sister-in-law.

Shen Xueli did not expect that Wang Xiaochuan held her hand while picking up the clothes.

Wang Xiaochuan remembered something. By the way, he bought his sister-in-law's century-old family heirloom sterling silver anchovies in Qingminghe Township today, and now it's time to give it to her sister-in-law.

Wang Xiaochuan then took out the treasure from his wet pocket just now, but he had already wrapped it in a delicate mahogany box, which looked very high-end.Wang Xiaochuan handed the red box to Shen Xueli and said, "Sister-in-law, I want to give you something!"

"Ah! Give it to me? What is this?" Shen Xueli's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked curious.

(End of this chapter)

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