Chapter 176. 176. Ice Wolf Clan

After a beast disaster.

The ice wolf clan was almost wiped out.

Lanlan searched desperately, and managed to gather some surviving companions.It looked like about a dozen people.Still looking.

Because of the food provided, coupled with his own outstanding strength, he became the leader logically.

In fact, in the past, she was trained as a candidate for the patriarch.

"Sister Lanlan, what should we do, all our boys are gone." The white-haired Lolita wiped her tears.

Hunger is easy to solve, just grab some snow rabbits.There are no more boys, and they can declare genocide.

"Let's look for it again." Lanlan let out a long breath of white air helplessly.

During the search, she did not forget to pick some precious potions.

This inaccessible forest is really an untapped treasure land.Relying on the unique sense of smell of the ice wolf tribe, they can always get a lot of gains.

Lan Lan carefully packed the snow spirit flower into her satchel, and she had these precious potions.You don't have to worry about eating and drinking for a period of time in the future.

Of course, this is thanks to Che's selfless help.

Without the space bag, if you pick too many potions, you may be targeted by monsters or thieves, and you will be in danger at that time!
Lanlan stood proudly on a mound, overlooking the distance.

In front of you is an endless white ice field, and on the other side is a frozen forest with no end in sight.

A vast expanse, cold and bleak.

She suddenly recalled the warmth and throbbing when the boy hugged her tail, and unconsciously lost her mind.

"Sister Lanlan! Sister Lanlan!" The white-haired Lolita pushed the shoulder of the blue-haired Beast Ear Girl, "What are you thinking, it's time for dinner."

Lanlan's eyes regained some focus, and she subconsciously searched her package.

In the space bag, the food is already empty.

"Sorry, it's gone, I'm going to buy it now." Lanlan took out the flying carpet, and changed her appearance at the same time, becoming a black-haired girl, hiding her tail, "Sisi, you Wait for me, don't run around."

"Hurry up, it's going to be dark soon." The white-haired loli watched Lanlan fly into the sky.

The speed of the magic flying carpet is a bit slow, but fortunately there is no need to detour, so the efficiency is not bad.

Lanlan hugged her knees, curled up into a ball, and tried her best to resist the biting north wind.

For some reason, the clansmen she found were all children.Moreover, most of them were separated from their parents during the migration process.

Where have all the more than 700 clansmen gone?
Lan Lan didn't know how to look for it, and the food on hand was a bit stretched.

The space bag is still the same size, it would be nice if it was bigger.

She was distracted thinking, and suddenly remembered the agreement with Jiang Che, and now it is almost time for school to start.

I will definitely miss the appointment.

About an hour passed, almost two hours, the end of the sky, the end of dusk.

Finally, a vast city wall appeared in front of him.

Lan Lan couldn't help standing up on the flying carpet, looking around.A faint magical barrier blocked her out.

Quickly made a few handprints and released the fluctuation of mental power.

Open a small opening in the enchantment and successfully enter.

It takes about half an hour to fly to the nearest village.

Lan Lan once set the coordinates in the village, so there is no need to identify the range.While looking at the magic book, he sensed the existence of the French Open.

Of course, it is impossible to have Internet in the village, and the Internet is only available in the city.

Not even some small towns.

Compared with the prosperity of the imperial capital, this place is really a bit bleak.

If Jiang Che were here, he would definitely feel the extreme disparity in the level of civilization.For example, one is the Bronze Age and the other is modern times.

Half an hour later, Lanlan saw the small village in the dark.

Not long after night fell, the village was already very quiet.Except for the village chief's house, which was still lit, the rest of the houses were pitch black.

Lanlan jumped off the flying carpet, and the village immediately heard the sound of dogs barking one after another.Quickly came to the village chief's house, "Is anyone there?"

The door opened, and an old woman with a hooked nose stood at the door leaning on a cane, looking up and down Lanlan, "So it's you, little girl, do you want to stay this time?"

"I want to buy some food."

"Do you have imperial coins?"


Lan Lan took out a silver coin from the space satchel.

The hooked-nosed old woman picked up the silver coin and looked it up before her eyes, then slid her thumb over the surface of the gold coin, and weighed it again, "Wait a minute, we only have sweet potatoes here, the same as last time."

Lanlan stood quietly at the door and waited.

A coin can be exchanged for many things in such a border village, but this time she was obviously a little disappointed.

"Don't blame me, the food around has risen sharply, because this year's harvest is not very good." The hook-nosed old woman explained.

Last time, one silver coin could be exchanged for three sacks of sweet potatoes.

This time, I could only change to two sacks.

A bag weighs about 10KG, and Lan Lan also has a good sense of weight. Knowing that the old woman gave a lot of weight, she nodded, "Thank you."

"Just understand." The old woman watched Lan Lan's figure leave the village, and gently closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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