Chapter 147 147. Rescue
About the gang, Jiang Yunxue heard from her mother before.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.For some unemployed vagrants from other places, the fastest way to gain a foothold in this city is to join a gang.

Generally speaking, gang activity time is in the evening.After all, the leaders of the city defense army all went home to rest.

As long as there is no major incident of death, generally no one will come out to maintain order.

So these guys fight at night and it becomes a regular occurrence.

If you successfully lay down a street, you can justifiably get the cleaning fee and security fee for this street. These winners call themselves property managers.

If it is maintained for a long time and does well, it may even be awarded the official title of urban management.There will also be a stipend then!
Seeing that the group of people was getting closer and closer, the owner of the barbecue shop hurriedly ordered the staff to clear the tables outside.

Jiang Yunxue stood aside to avoid trouble.Some watched this rare excitement with great interest.

There are two camps, one is all staffed in black, and the other is mostly in red coats.

In fact, these two gangs were called the Black Clothes Gang and the Blood Clothes Faction by the neighbors, and they were the top snakes that had been entrenched for many years.

The leader of the Bloody Clothes Gang is a master of the elite rank, and his strength should not be underestimated.Several official cadres of the Black Clothes Gang were invincible even if they joined forces, and almost all of them were defeated in just a few minutes.

The flames of war spread nearby, leaving only the aftermath.

After Jiang Yunxue finished watching it lively, she walked into the barbecue shop and asked, "Boss, are you all right?"

"Hurry up! The ground dragon meat must be cooked, please wait a little longer." The half-man with a mustache and a Mediterranean comb sprinkled cumin and pepper on the barbecue.

Suddenly, a woman in a red coat entered the store, "From now on, this street will belong to our Bloody Clothes Gang. You are limited to paying the property management fee at our hall within three days."

"Okay, I understand." The boss hastily agreed with a flash of fear in his eyes.

Jiang Yunxue didn't mind her own business, packed the barbecue she bought, and was ready to go back.

When passing by a small alley, I vaguely heard someone shouting, "Help me"

"Please, help me"

"Is there anyone, please"

The voice of despair and powerlessness became smaller and smaller.With a heartbeat, Jiang Yunxue walked into the alley.

A thin figure collapsed on the ground helplessly clutching his stomach, and the ground nearby was covered in blood.

At this moment, the person is already in a coma.

Jiang Yunxue immediately took out an expensive first aid medicine from her pocket and put it in her mouth.I didn't bother to take the barbecue, so I put it on the bricks in the corner of the alley.

Kneeling down and hugging the girl in his arms, he dodged and ran towards Jiang Che's mansion.

The pace was faster than the wind, leaving death behind.

"Leng Yue, come and open the door, hurry up." Jiang Yunxue shouted in front of the iron gate.

The door opened with a slight movement, and the silver-haired girl paused the video playback, stood up and came out.Then he frowned slightly, "What's the matter with this man?"

"Let's see how to save it first." Jiang Yunxue frowned, and after handing over the trouble to Leng Yue, she was going back to get the barbecue.In a flash, disappearing into the darkness
Leng Yue squatted halfway, trying to release a life recovery to help stabilize the situation a little.

The mental force swept the girl's body and found five or six wounds, the most serious one was the knife wound on the abdomen, which had already injured the viscera and became infected and inflamed.

Leng Yue took out the instruction manual of the French Open and released a wound purification spell, temporarily stopping the deterioration of the wound.

Then he took out a bottle of life potion from the space bag and poured it down her throat.

Immediate effect!
The thin girl moved her eyelids and tried to open her eyes, "Where is this?"

The purpose of entering is the magnificent decoration, and the magic crystal lamp above the head is so bright that it makes people dizzy.

"Don't move, I'll call you an ambulance." Leng Yue took out the communicator, ready to broadcast a series of numbers.

The thin girl shouted with difficulty, "Don't, don't call an ambulance."

"Why?" Leng Yue wondered.

"I'm too poor to pay the fee." The thin girl said with difficulty.

She tried to sit up, and Leng Yue held her down, "You'd better not move, your injury is too serious, you have just recovered a little bit, and you are not out of danger yet."

Feeling the warm fluctuations in her hands.

The thin girl fell silent, "Are you a spellcaster?"

"I'm a student of the Austrian Law School." Sighing, Leng Yue nodded to admit her identity.

"Thank you so much." The thin girl smiled with difficulty, "You rescued me."

"No, there is someone else who really saved you." Leng Yue raised her head if she felt something, and Jiang Yunxue muttered cursingly from the door, "It's so fast! My twenty skewers of earth dragon meat! What a surprise! The child is gone, smoke"

"What happened?" Leng Yue saw Jiang Yunxue push the door in, and hurriedly smelled it.

"This one, I met on the road. I went out to buy barbecue, and I happened to encounter a gang fight. I turned around and heard someone calling for help in the alley, so I went over to have a look." Jiang Yunxue scratched her hair shyly.

"This person is so miserable, I put the barbecue next to her and rescued her. I thought you all know some spells? It should be no problem to raise your hand?"

Leng Yue roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter, and her impression of Jiang Yunxue in her heart improved for no reason.

It turned out that she was not a young lady who would only make trouble for no reason, but a kind person with a kind heart.

(End of this chapter)

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